
Gradle sync failed: Uninitialized object exists on backward branch 70 Exception Details: Location: com/android/build/gradle/tasks/BuildArtifactReportTask.newArtifact(Lcom/android/build/api/artifact/BuildableArtifact;)Lcom/android/build/gradle/tasks/BuildArtifactReportTask$BuildableArtifactData; @119: goto Reason: Error exists in the bytecode Bytecode: 0000000: bb00 f459 2bb9 0139 0100 c000 6b2b b901 0000010: 3d01 0001 b901 4302 0059 1301 45b8 0148 0000020: c000 374d 3a0d 3a0c 3a0b 2c4e bb00 6859 0000030: 2c10 0ab8 003d b700 69c0 006b 3a04 2db9 0000040: 0054 0100 3a05 1905 b900 5a01 0099 002d 0000050: 1905 b900 5e01 003a 0619 0419 06c0 014a 0000060: 3a07 3a0e 1907 b901 4d01 003a 0f19 0e19 0000070: 0fb9 0075 0200 57a7 ffcf 1904 c000 773a 0000080: 0e19 0b19 0c19 0d19 0eb7 0150 b0 Stackmap Table: full_frame(@70,{Object[#2],Object[#109],Object[#55],Object[#55],Object[#107],Object[#86],Top,Top,Top,Top,Top,Uninitialized[#0],Uninit... (show balloon)


system exists different jdk ,IDE depend on inner JDK,gradle depend on env jdk . 
其实简单来说就是Android Studio和Gradle使用了不同的JDk版本。


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