How to Convert Array-Like to Array

If you wish to convert an array-like object to an array for use with array methods, you can use one of the following approaches: use the array slice method in conjuction with call, or use the ECMAScript 6 Array.from method.[4] We will use the following list of links to demonstrate:

<div class="side_links">
<li><a href="#byId">getElementById</a></li>
<li><a href="#byTag">getElementsByTagName</a></li>
<li><a href="#byClass">getElementsByClassName</a></li>
<li><a href="#sel">querySelectorAll</a></li>

First we will demonstrate the slice/call approach. We start by using document.querySelectorAll to get a node list containing the links. Then we use call to apply the array slice method to the node list. We assign the result to a variable, and since this variable is an array, we can invoke array methods on it directly, as we demonstrate here with forEach:

// get node list of links
var list = document.querySelectorAll('.side_links li a'); // convert to array using slice and call
var ar = list ); // then can use array methods
ar.forEach( function(v) {
v.onclick = function(e) {
console.log( );
return false;
} );

Next we demonstrate the Array.from method of conversion. We pass the result of querySelectorAll to Array.from and assign the result to a variable. We can then use array methods on the resulting array, as we demonstrate here with the ECMAScript 5 every method:

// pass result of querySelectorAll to Array.from
var ar = Array.from( document.querySelectorAll('.side_links li a') );
// display result of applying every method to ar
console.log( ar.every( function(v) { return v.hash } ) ); // true


Javascript objects and arrays are both incredibly useful. They're also incredibly easy to confuse with each other. Mix in a few objects that look like arrays and you’ve got a recipe for confusion!

We're going to see what the differences between objects and arrays are, how to work with some of the common array-like objects, and how to get the most performance out of each.

What Objects Are

A javascript object is a basic data structure:

var basicObj = {}; // an empty object - {} is a shortcut for "new Object()"

basicObj.suprise= "cake!";

basicObj['suprise']; // returns "cake!"

Using {} instead of new Object(); is know as “Object Literal” syntax.

var fancyObj = {
favoriteFood: "pizza",
add: function(a, b){
return a + b;
}; fancyObj.add(2,3); // returns 5 fancyObj['add'](2,3); // ditto.

As you can see, and probably already knew, properties can be accessed a couple of different ways. However, it’s an important point that we’ll come back to in a minute.

Everything in javascript is an object. Everything. Arraysfunctions, even numbers! Because of this, you can do some really interesting things, such as modifying the prototypes of Objects, Arrays, etc.

// an example of something you probably shouldn't do. Ever. Seriously.
Number.prototype.addto = function(x){
return this + x;
} (8).addto(9); // returns 17 // other variations: 8.addto(9); // gives a syntax error, because the dot is assumed to be a decimal point 8['addto'](9); // works but is kind of ugly compared to the first method var eight = 8;
eight.addto(9); // works

What Arrays Are

Javascript arrays are a type of object used for storing multiple values in a single variable. Each value gets numeric index and may be any data type.

var arr = [];  // this is a shortcut for new Array();
arr[0] = "cat";
arr[1] = "mouse";

See how that syntax is so similar to the syntax used for setting object properties? In fact, the only difference is that objects use a string while arrays use a number. This is why arrays get confused with objects so often.


Arrays have a length property that tells how many items are in the array and is automatically updated when you add or remove items to the array.

var arr = [];
arr[0] = "cat"; // this adds to the array
arr[1] = "mouse"; // this adds to the array
arr.length; // returns 2 arr["favoriteFood"] = "pizza"; // this DOES NOT add to the array. Setting a string parameter adds to the underlying object
arr.length; // returns 2, not 3

The length property is only modified when you add an item to the array, not the underlying object.

The length is always 1 higher than the highest index, even if there are actually fewer items in the array.

var arr = [];
arr.length; // returns 0; arr[100] = "this is the only item in the array";
arr.length; // returns 101, even though there is only 1 object in the array

This is somewhat counter-intuitive. PHP does more what you would expect:

arr = array();
arr[100] = "php behaves differently";
sizeof(arr); // returns 1 in PHP

You can manually set the length also. Setting it to 0 is a simple way to empty an array.

In addition to this length property, arrays have lots of nifty built in functions such as push()pop()sort()slice()splice(), and more. This is what sets them apart from Array-Like Objects.

Array-like Objects

Array-like objects look like arrays. They have various numbered elements and a length property. But that’s where the similarity stops. Array-like objects do not have any of Array’s functions, and for-in loops don’t even work!

You’ll come across these more often than you might expect. A common one is the arguments variable that is present inside of every js function.

Also included in the category are the HTML node sets returned by document.getElementsByTagName()document.forms, and basically every other DOM method and property that gives a list of items.

document.forms.length; // returns 1;
document.forms[0]; // returns a form element.
document.forms.join(", "); // throws a type error. this is not an array.
typeof document.forms; // returns "object"

Did you know you can send any number of arguments you want to a javascript function? They're all stored in an array-like object named arguments.

function takesTwoParams(a, b){
// arguments is an array-like variable that is automatically created
// arguments.length works great alert ("you gave me "+arguments.length+" arguments"); for(i=0; i&lt; arguments.length; i++){
alert("parameter " + i + " = " + arguments[i]);
} takesTwoParams("one","two","three");
// alerts "you gave me 3 arguments",
// then "parameter 0 = one"
// etc.
Tip: Parameters are the named variables in a function's signature: a and b in the previous example.
Arguments, by contrast, are the expressions that are used when calling the function: "one""two", and "three" in this case.

This works great. But that's about as far as you can go with array-like objects. The flowing example does not work:

function takesTwoParams(a, b){
alert(" your parameters were " + arguments.join(", "));
// throws a type error because arguments.join doesn't exist

So what can you do?

Well you could make your own join() function, but that adds a lot of unnecessary overhead to your code because it has to loop over everything. If only there were a quick way to get an array out of an array like object…

It turns out there is.

The array functions can be called on non-array objects as long as you know where to find the function (usually they’re attached to the array, but this isn’t an array remember 

Prototype to the win:

function takesTwoParams(a, b){
var args =;
alert(" your parameters were " + args.join(", "));
// yay, this works!

Let’s take a look at that a bit more in-depth:

Array: This object is the original array that all other arrays inherit their properties from.

Array.prototype:This gives us access to all the methods properties that each array inherits

Array.prototype.slice: The original slice method that is given to all arrays via the prototype chain. We can’t call it directly though, because when it runs internally, it looks at the this keyword, and calling it here would make this point to Array, not our arguments variable. and apply() are prototype methods of the Function object, meaning that they can be called on every function in javascript. These allow you to change what the this variable points to inside a given function.

And finally, you get a regular array back! This works because javascript returns a new object of type Array rather than whatever you gave it. This causes a lot of headaches for a few people who are trying to make subclasses of Array, but it’s very handy in our case!


First, in Internet Explorer, DOM NodeLists are not considered to be javascript objects, so you cannot call Array.prototype.slice on them. If you want an array, you’ll have to loop through it the old fashioned way. Or use a hybrid function that tries it the fast way first, then the slow way if that doesn’t work.

function hybridToArray(nodes){
// works in every browser except IE
var arr =;
return arr;
} catch(err){
// slower, but works in IE
var arr = [],
length = nodes.length;
for(var i=0; i &lt; length; i++){
return arr;

See an example here:

Second, arrays are objects, so you can do this, but it can get you some serious inconsistencies:

arr = [];
arr[0] = "first element"; // adds item to the array
arr.length; // returns 1 arr.two = "second element"; // adds an item to the underlying object that array is built on top of.
arr.length; // still returns 1 ! // BUT...
for(i in arr){
// this will hit both 0 and "two"

Another solution: wrap arrays in an object if you need both worlds

This is basically a less efficient method of the array subclassing links I mentioned above. While less efficient, it has the advantage of being simple and reliable.

That said, I wouldn’t recommend that you use this in most cases due to issues with speed and extra code requirements. It’s provided here as an example.

// an example of a wrapper for an array.
// not recommended for most situations. var ArrayContainer = function(arr){
this.arr = arr || [];
this.length = this.arr.length;
}; ArrayContainer.prototype.add= function(item){
index = this.arr.length;
this.arr[index] = item;
this.length = this.arr.length;
return index;
}; ArrayContainer.prototype.get= function(index){
return this.arr[index];
}; ArrayContainer.prototype.forEach= function(fn){
if (this.arr.forEach) this.arr.forEach(fn);// use native code if it's there
else {
for(i in this.arr){
fn( i, this.arr[i], this.arr );
}; var mySuperDooperArray = new ArrayContainer();

Now that your array is (somewhat) protected on the inside, you can loop through it’s items with forEach() and know that they will match it’s length. You can also add arbitrary properties to ArrayContainer or mySuperDooperArray and they won’t get pulled into your forEach() loop.

This example could be extended to completely protect the array if the need arose.

An Even Better Solution: Hire a javascript expert.

nFriedly Web Development is a top ranked Javascript and AJAX ninja with an extensive portfolio of proven results. I can bring your project to life and make it run faster than you ever imagined. Get in touch with me or get a free instant estimate for new projects.

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