这经常发生在更改代码的时候,当有自己的copy 赋值函数或者copy 构造函数时,编译器就不会维护这两个函数。导致发生遗忘。


class Customer
std::string name;
Customer(const Customer& rhs):name(rhs.name){};
Customer& operator=(const Customer& rhs)
name = rhs.name;
return *this;


case 1:在代码维护时很常见

class Customer
std::string name;
Date modifiedDate; // added
Customer(const Customer& rhs):name(rhs.name){};
Customer& operator=(const Customer& rhs)
name = rhs.name;
return *this;

这个时候增加了ModifiedDate 却忘记修改拷贝构造函数和赋值函数

case 2:发生在继承的时候

class AdvancedCustomer:Customer
int creditAmount;
AdvancedCustomer(const AdvancedCustomer& rhs):creditAmount(rhs.creditAmount){};
AdvancedCustomer& operator=(const AdvancedCustomer& rhs)
creditAmount = rhs.creditAmount;
return *this;


class AdvancedCustomer:Customer
int creditAmount;
AdvancedCustomer(const AdvancedCustomer& rhs): Customer(rhs) // added to initial member of base class
AdvancedCustomer& operator=(const AdvancedCustomer& rhs)
Customer::operator=(rhs); // added to initial member of base class
creditAmount = rhs.creditAmount; return *this;

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