SharePoint 2013 搜索SharePoint 特定列和特定文档

1,操作步骤和图例,因语言和版本号的不同 我尽量使用抓图方式。
2.  In Central Administration, in the Application Management section, click Manage service applications.

3.  Click the Search service application.

4.  On the Search Administration page, in the Quick Launch, under Queries and Results, click Search Schema. 

5.  On the Managed Properties page, you see an overview of all the managed properties, the settings on the managed properties and the crawled properties they are mapped to. To view crawled properties, click Crawled Properties. To view crawled property categories,
click Categories.

6,On the New Managed Property page, in the Property name box in the Name and description section, enter the name of the new managed property. You can also enter a description. 

  ***这个页面上有非常多内容,自己打开试一下。 我就不多啰嗦了。 

7.  In the Type section, select one of the following options for the property:




Date and Time


Double precision float


8.  In the Main characteristics section, select one or several of the following:


Advanced Searchable Settings (optional, if Searchable is selected)



Allow multiple values




Token Normalization

Complete Matching


If you want to be able to use this managed property as a refiner, you must select both Refinable and Queryable. 

9.  In the Mappings to crawled properties section, click Add a mapping. 

10.  On the Crawled property selection page, select a crawled property to map to the managed property and then click OK. Repeat this step to map more crawled properties.

11.  On the New Managed Property page, in the Mappings to crawled properties section, specify if you want to include:

All content from all crawled properties mapped to this managed property

Content from the first crawled property that contains a value and, optionally, in which order.

12.  In the Company name extraction section, you can optionally select the check box to enable company name extraction. 

13.  In the Custom entity extraction section, you can optionally select the check box to enable custom entity extraction. See Create and deploy custom entity extractors in SharePoint Server 2013 for the procedures.

14.  Click OK.


You have to perform a full crawl of the content source or sources that contain this new managed property to include it in the search index. If the new managed property is in a SharePoint library or list, you have to reindex that library or list.

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