Time Limit: 1000MS | Memory Limit: 10000K | |
Total Submissions: 8114 | Accepted: 3716 |
Node 3 is therefore a Single Point of Failure (SPF) for this network. Strictly, an SPF will be defined as any node that, if unavailable, would prevent at least one pair of available nodes from being able to communicate on what was previously a fully connected network. Note that the network on the right has no such node; there is no SPF in the network. At least two machines must fail before there are any pairs of available nodes which cannot communicate.
The first network in the file should be identified as "Network #1", the second as "Network #2", etc. For each SPF node, output a line, formatted as shown in the examples below, that identifies the node and the number of fully connected subnets that remain when that node fails. If the network has no SPF nodes, simply output the text "No SPF nodes" instead of a list of SPF nodes.
Sample Input
1 2
5 4
3 1
3 2
3 4
3 5
0 1 2
2 3
3 4
4 5
5 1
0 1 2
2 3
3 4
4 6
6 3
2 5
5 1
0 0
Sample Output
Network #1
SPF node 3 leaves 2 subnets Network #2
No SPF nodes Network #3
SPF node 2 leaves 2 subnets
SPF node 3 leaves 2 subnets
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstring>
#define N 1005 using namespace std; struct edge
int tar;
edge *nex;
}*head[N], *eg, edges[N*N]; int fl[N]; void add(int a, int b)
eg->tar = b;
eg->nex = head[a];
head[a] = eg++;
} void dfs(int k, int x)
fl[k] = x;
for(edge *i = head[k]; i != NULL; i = i->nex)
if(i->tar==x || fl[i->tar]==x)continue;
dfs(i->tar, x);
} int main()
int kase = , a, b;
memset(head, , sizeof(head));
eg = edges;
int n = ;//n用来记录有多少个节点
while(scanf("%d", &a)&&a)
scanf("%d", &b);
n = max(n, max(a, b));
a--, b--;//编号从0开始,a、b都减1
add(a, b);//无向图
add(b, a);
if(!n)return ;//如果有0个节点,返回
printf("Network #%d\n", ++kase);
bool fg = false;
memset(fl, -, sizeof(fl));
for(int i = ; i < n; i++)
if(head[i] == NULL)continue;
int cnt = ;
for(int j = ; j < n; j++)
if(i == j)continue;
if(head[j] == NULL)continue;
if(fl[j] < i)
dfs(j, i);
if(cnt > )
printf(" SPF node %d leaves %d subnets\n", i+, cnt);
fg = true;
if(!fg)printf(" No SPF nodes\n");
} return ;
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