
问题描述:[drm:vmw_host_log [vmwgfx]] ERROR Failed to send host log message


    1. 关闭目标系统;
    2. VirtualBox主面板,左侧选中需要修改的虚拟机,右侧点击“设置”;
    3. 设置页面中,左侧点击“显示”,右侧上方选中“屏幕”,下方“显卡控制器”选项,选择VBoxVGA;
    4. 启动目标系统,可发现已经没有提示了。


Step 1: Open VirtualBox Setting

Go to settings in the VirtualBox -> Display

Step 2: Change Graphics controller Setting

Then change the Graphic controller to VBOX VGA.

Enable VboxVGA in Ubuntu 18.04

Reboot the system, the error will be fixed.


If you are still getting, there could be some other possible reasons –

  • Check if virtualization is enabled in BIOS, if not enable it.
  • Allocate proper resources to the VM. Increase memory, disc, and CPU
  • Problem could be with OS itself, try to install the newer versions or new setup

Please share log and System Configuration for quick resolution of the problem in comment section.

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