.NET Conf 2020大会将于2020年11月10日--- 11月12日举行 (UTC)时区
.NET Conf 2020大会将于2020年11月10日--- 11月12日举行 (UTC)时区
2020年11月10日 08:00 (PT) | 16:00 (UTC)| 24:00(北京时间 11月11凌晨)
NET Conf是由.NET社区和Microsoft共同组织的为期三天的免费虚拟开发人员活动。今年.NET 5.0将在.NET Conf 2020上启动!快来庆祝并了解新版本。我们也在庆祝成立10周年,我们还在努力为您带来更多惊喜。您将不会错过这个。
.NET Conf has been a virtual event since the beginning, and this year we’re celebrating our 10th online conference. With everything that has happened this year, we know online conferences have become more important than ever. We always have strived to create a world class, engaging, virtual experience for all our attendees no matter where they are.
Over the course of the three days we provide a wide selection of live sessions that feature speakers from the community and .NET team members. We have sessions streaming 24/7 between day two and three of the conference so everyone can get involved no matter what their time zone. You can ask questions live on Twitter, join the fun on Twitch, attend the virtual attendee parties where you can play trivia games and win prizes. Best of all, you can take what you learn here and be a better .NET developer.
Day 1 - November 10
Day one is all about the big news, .NET 5! Join the .NET team on all the new things you can do with the latest release.
time | Day1 |
8:00 - 9:00 | Keynote |
9:00 - 16:30 | Sessions from the .NET Team at Microsoft |
16:30 - 18:00 | Virtual Attendee Party! Engage with our sponsors and win prizes. |
Day 2 - November 10
Day two is where we dive deeper into all the things you can do with .NET and our 24 hour broadcast begins.
time | Day2 |
9:00 - 17:00 | Sessions from teams at Microsoft |
17:00 - 23:59 | Community Sessions in local time zones around the world |
Day 3 - November 12
Day three continues our all day and night broadcast with speakers around the world in their own time zones.
time | Day3 |
0:00 - 17:00 | Community Sessions in local time zones around the world |
.NET Conf 2020大会将于2020年11月10日--- 11月12日举行 (UTC)时区的更多相关文章
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