
变变变: abortion:堕胎 abortionist:(非法)做堕胎手术的,不是所有的ist都是scientist, "All that glitters is not gold", anti-abortionist:反…… abortive:unsuccessful, abortively, miscarriage:流产

不要abort mission(使命),要实现(actualize, realize)它, 完成(complete, finish)它,取得(accomplish, achieve)成果(achievement)。不要徒劳(to/of no avail, in vain, fruitless),胜利(triumphant, victorious, winning)的果实(fruit)是甜美的(sweet),fruitful land produces a lot of crops.

In programming, to aboart is to terminate a program or process abnormally and usually suddenly, with or without diagnostic information. "My program aborted", "I aborted the transmission". In addition to being a verb, abort also has two noun senses. e.g. "We've had three aborts over the last two days".

In the most general case, the event of aborting can be referred to as an abort. Sometimes the event of aborting can be given a special name, as in the case of an abort involving a linux/Unix kernel where it is known as a kernel panic. Specifically in the context of data transmission, an abort is a function invoked by a sending station to cause the recipient to discard or ignore all bit sequences transmitted by the sender since the preceding flag sequence. In the C programming language, abort is a standard library function that terminates the current application and returns an error code to the host environment.

Space Shuttle abort modes were procedures by which the nominal launch of the NASA Space Shuttle could be terminated. A pad abort occurred after ignition of the shuttle's main engines but prior to liftoff. An abort during ascent that would result in the orbiter returning to a runway or to a lower than planned orbit was called an "intact abort", while an abort in which the orbiter would be unable to reach a runway, or any abort involving the failure of more than one main engine, was called a "contingency abort". Crew bailout (逃离) was still possible in some situations where the orbiter could not land on a runway.

六级/考研单词: terminate, abnormal, gradual, diagnose, abort, verb, noun, panic, data, discard, transmit, precede, shuttle, nominal, pad, ignite, runway, orbit, intact, crew, situate


1. 半夜老婆把老公推醒。“厨房有响动,你去看看。while you're about it, 给我拿杯奶。” “大半夜的把我弄醒就为了这?我早上还有个重要的会,你知道睡眠对我有多重要吗?! @##$#$%^!!!” "Wow-wow-wow, what was (all) that about? (why are you so angry?),你不爱我了吗?"
2. 上学要迟到了,孩子还在慢条斯理地细嚼慢咽。"Be quick about it!"
3. Sheldon发现The street was full of ordinary people going about their business. [do the normal things]
4. Penny不做饭。There's some bread in the fridge and that's about it all. [没别的了]
5. Raj slowly turned about [转过身去] and walked away.
6. 一帮人正要出门看电影: We are just about to go to the movies.
7. Howard说: I've never got a tattoo and I'm not about to get one now. [没那个intention]
8. Penny对Howard说: It's good to see you up and about again [out of bed after an illness].
9. A real nerd would rather be out and about [go to places where sb can meet people] with his fellow-nerds.

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