#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
int a[] = {0,1,3,3,5,6,7,8,9,20,21,21,21,30,41,41,41,41,41,45,60};
// 查找第一个大于等于x的位置
int lower_bound(int l, int r, int x) {
while (l <= r) {
int mid = l+r>>1;
if (a[mid] < x) l = mid+1;
else r = mid-1;
return l;
// 查找第一个大于x的位置
int upper_bound(int l, int r, int x) {
while (l <= r) {
int mid = l+r>>1;
if (a[mid] <= x) l = mid+1;
else r = mid-1;
return l;
int main() {
cout << lower_bound(1,20,41) << endl;
cout << upper_bound(1,20,41) << endl;
return 0;


  1. STL源码学习----lower_bound和upper_bound算法

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  2. [STL] lower_bound和upper_bound

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  4. STL中的lower_bound和upper_bound的理解

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  5. STL 源码分析《5》---- lower_bound and upper_bound 详解

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  6. lower_bound和upper_bound算法

    参考:http://www.cnblogs.com/cobbliu/archive/2012/05/21/2512249.html ForwardIter lower_bound(ForwardIte ...

  7. lower_bound 和 upper_bound

    Return iterator to lower bound Returns an iterator pointing to the first element in the range [first ...

  8. STL源码学习----lower_bound和upper_bound算法[转]

    STL中的每个算法都非常精妙,接下来的几天我想集中学习一下STL中的算法. ForwardIter lower_bound(ForwardIter first, ForwardIter last,co ...

  9. [转] STL源码学习----lower_bound和upper_bound算法

    http://www.cnblogs.com/cobbliu/archive/2012/05/21/2512249.html PS: lower_bound of value 就是最后一个 < ...

  10. STL algorithm算法lower_bound和upper_bound(31)

    lower_bound原型: function template <algorithm> std::lower_bound default (1) template <class F ...


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