可测空间(Measurable Space)和测度空间(Measure Space)

集合X,X上的一个σ-algebra A,则(X,A)被称为可测空间(measurable space)

再在A上定义一个测度μ,则(X,A,μ)被称为测度空间(measure space)

概率空间(Probability Space)

对于一个测度空间$(\Omega, F, P)$,  其中$\Omega$被称为Sample Space,F被称为events,P为概率测度,其中P在整个Sample Space上的测度为1

可测函数(Measurable function)

Let $(X, \Sigma)$ and $(Y, T)$ be measurable spaces, meaning that $X$ and $Y$ are sets equipped with respective σ-algebra $\Sigma$ and $T$. A function $f\colon X \mapsto Y$ is said to be measurable if for every $E \in T$ the pre-image of $E$ under $f$ is in $\Sigma$; i.e.

$ f^{-1}(E)={x \in X \mid f(x) \in E } \in \Sigma$, $\forall E \in T$.

If $f\colon X \mapsto Y$ is a measurable function, we will write

$f \colon (X, \Sigma) \mapsto (Y, T)$.

to emphasize the dependency on the σ-algebras $\Sigma$ and $T$.

随机变量(Random Varible)


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