
Office China team is looking for experienced engineers to improve consumer experience in China. Office has great products and features that are loved by users worldwide. We are looking for self-motivated engineers that can work in a start-up environment. If you would like to contribute to the process to improve daily work/life experience for users in China, this is the team you should join!

We are developing features and solutions based on Office clients and Office365 technologies to build end-to-end solutions and features aiming on Chinese consumers. We are taking Mobile First and Mobile Only approach in our feature creating process.

Core job responsibilities include creating feature from concepts and ideas, creating telemetry infrastructure and probes, analyzing collected data and be able to improve features based on data. Experience in MVP fashion process, startup environment, mobile, or UI development is highly appreciated.

Qualification Requirements:

• &nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp B.S. degree from four years college majored in computer science/engineering or other technical/engineering disciplines are preferred.

• &nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp Strong logic, analyzing capability, creativity &nbsp

• &nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp Proven capabilities in software engineering

• &nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp Understand Chinese user scenarios

• &nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp Familiar with Office applications, server, services features and technology

• &nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp Skills in problem solving, strong ownership of customers and quality issues, skills in cross-group collaboration

• &nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp Programming language skills in high level language such as VB, C, C++, or C#

• &nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp Cross-platform (Android, iOS, WP, desktop) development experiences

• &nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp Passion for customers, China, technology, and quality &nbsp

• &nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp Good command in English speaking, reading, and writing

• &nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp Excellent organizational, interpersonal, and written/verbal communication skills.

• &nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp Can multi-task effectively & a fast learner

Microsoft is an equal opportunity employer and supports workforce diversity.


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