228. Summary Ranges
Given a sorted integer array without duplicates, return the summary of its ranges.
For example, given [0,1,2,4,5,7]
, return ["0->2","4->5","7"].
题目,返回数组范围的 集合.
class Solution {
vector<string> summaryRanges(vector<int>& nums) {
vector<string> re;
if(nums.empty()) return re;
int n = nums.size();
for(int i = ;i<n;){
//string tt = to_string(nums[i]);
string t = to_string(nums[i])+"->";
int j = i+;
while(j<n && nums[j]==nums[j-]+){
if(i==(n-) || j==(i+)){
i = j;
for(auto i:re) cout<<i<<endl;
return re;
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