A suspect sent a threatening letter in Naver Line App to Richman, and said that he wanted those money wired to a specified account "3398-239775-07". Richman replied to him "What the hell?"..Richman thought that it's a joke or something like that...but Suspect was very serious....Suspect sent a photo which a bullet and a note insdie a iPhone box. As you could see as below "$2000000" written on the note, that was the amount suspect wants. Also suspect sent a package to Richman by post.

Richman opened the package and found a bullet and a note inside iPhone box. It was a real Riffle bullet. He was very scared and called the police. Police started to investigate the case. First they asked Naver Line local branch to offer suspect's Line ID and registration info. Second they started to analyze Richman's mobile phone to find any userful clues. Unfortunately Naver Line local branch refused to offer any help without Japanese Court Order. So the Police had to work it out on their own. Bad news wasthat there was no any fingerpirnt on the note or bullet or iPhone box..

Forensic guys examined the Exif of the photo and find the info of equipment and its model: Apple iPhone 5s. Most important of all was laitude and longitude. Police immediately searched the whole area in absolute latitude and longitude coordinates. Beside they found the IMEI number under the iPhone box, so they tried to find out where that iPhone bought and by whom. Finally the suspect got caught in a abandoned factory in the forest. Suspect was so shocked and said"  how you find me here?". They replied to the suspect: "Justice has long arms.".

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