Signon Event Message

Select selectPeopleTools, then selectUtilities, then selectAdministration, then selectSignOn Event Message to access the Event Messages page.

Use this page to define messages to display to end users when they sign on to the PeopleSoft system. As long as the signon message is active, each time a user signs on to PeopleSoft, the event message will appear after the user clicks Sign In on the signon page.

Image: Event Messages page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Event Messages page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.


Click to view or modify a signon message.

Delete Expired Messages

Click to delete messages that have an End Time and End Date value earlier than current time.

Note: To delete individual messages at any time, use the Delete row (-) button.

Note: Only users with the role of PeopleSoft System Administrator will have access to the pages used to view and define signon event messages.

Adding Signon Event Messages

To add a new signon event message:

  1. Select selectPeopleTools, then selectUtilities, then selectAdministration, then selectSignOn Event Message.

  2. Add a new row to the Event Messages grid.

Defining Signon Event Messages

Use the Message Definition dialog box to define signon event messages.

Click View/Edit in the Event Messages grid to display the Message Definition page.

Image: Message Definition page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Message Definition page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Event Message

Compose the signon message in this edit box. The system will display to the user all text entered into this edit box. When creating messages, consider:

  • Message size limit is 32 KB.

  • Only plain text is supported (not HTML, XML, Rich Text, or text including links, bold, underline, and so on).

  • Translation of the message is the responsibility of the system administrator creating the message. The system does not translate the message depending on the language of the user. For example, in Quebec, Canada, you might consider displaying an English and French version of the message.

  • The message will be seen by all users signing on to the database through a browser, regardless of role, department, time zone, and so on. As such, care should be taken to ensure the message has broad relevance.

    Note: The message will not be displayed to Windows Development Environment users.

Message Active

Specify the duration for which the message will be active by setting a start time and date and an end time and date. The system only displays messages where the current time is after the start time and date and before the end time and date.

Note: The Time Zone is read-only, and displays the time zone in which the database runs. It does not necessarily reflect the time zone that would be applicable to the text in the message. If there are any specifics related to the time zone that users need to be aware of, that should be communicated in the event message text.

Working With Signon Event Messages

The Event Messages grid can contain multiple signon event message definitions. However, only those messages that are currently active will be displayed to the user.

Image: Event Message display page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Event Message display page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Multiple signon event messages are displayed to the user by start time and date, with the earliest appearing first.

After reading the message, the user clicks Continue, and accesses the application as usual.

Important! The event message display uses the component PT_EVENTDISPLAY. If you intend to use signon event messages, all users of your system need to be able to access the PT_EVENTDISPLAY component. By default, the Permission List PTPT1000 ships providing access to PT_EVENTDISPLAY. If you use custom permission lists, make sure that all users have access to the PT_EVENTDISPLAY component through their permission lists.


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