


  1. <resources>
  2. <declare-styleable name="CardView">
  3. <!-- Background color for CardView. -->
  4. <!-- 背景色 -->
  5. <attr name="cardBackgroundColor" format="color" />
  6. <!-- Corner radius for CardView. -->
  7. <!-- 边缘弧度数 -->
  8. <attr name="cardCornerRadius" format="dimension" />
  9. <!-- Elevation for CardView. -->
  10. <!-- 高度 -->
  11. <attr name="cardElevation" format="dimension" />
  12. <!-- Maximum Elevation for CardView. -->
  13. <!-- 最大高度 -->
  14. <attr name="cardMaxElevation" format="dimension" />
  15. <!-- Add padding in API v21+ as well to have the same measurements with previous versions. -->
  16. <!-- 设置内边距,v21+的版本和之前的版本仍旧具有一样的计算方式 -->
  17. <attr name="cardUseCompatPadding" format="boolean" />
  18. <!-- Add padding to CardView on v20 and before to prevent intersections between the Card content and rounded corners. -->
  19. <!-- 在v20和之前的版本中添加内边距,这个属性是为了防止卡片内容和边角的重叠 -->
  20. <attr name="cardPreventCornerOverlap" format="boolean" />
  21. <!-- 下面是卡片边界距离内部的距离-->
  22. <!-- Inner padding between the edges of the Card and children of the CardView. -->
  23. <attr name="contentPadding" format="dimension" />
  24. <!-- Inner padding between the left edge of the Card and children of the CardView. -->
  25. <attr name="contentPaddingLeft" format="dimension" />
  26. <!-- Inner padding between the right edge of the Card and children of the CardView. -->
  27. <attr name="contentPaddingRight" format="dimension" />
  28. <!-- Inner padding between the top edge of the Card and children of the CardView. -->
  29. <attr name="contentPaddingTop" format="dimension" />
  30. <!-- Inner padding between the bottom edge of the Card and children of the CardView. -->
  31. <attr name="contentPaddingBottom" format="dimension" />
  32. </declare-styleable>
  33. </resources>


  1. <!-- A CardView that contains a TextView -->
  3. < xmlns:android=""
  4. xmlns:tools=""
  5. xmlns:app=""
  6. android:id="@+id/card_view"
  7. android:layout_width="200dp"
  8. android:layout_height="200dp"
  9. android:layout_gravity="center"
  10. app:cardCornerRadius="4dp"
  11. app:cardBackgroundColor="#ff0000"
  12. app:cardElevation="5dp"
  13. app:cardMaxElevation="10dp"
  14. app:cardUseCompatPadding="true"
  15. app:cardPreventCornerOverlap="true">
  17. <TextView
  18. android:id="@+id/info_text"
  19. android:layout_width="match_parent"
  20. android:layout_height="match_parent"
  21. android:layout_gravity="center"
  22. android:textSize="25sp"
  23. android:textColor="#ffffff"
  24. android:text="Hello CardView"/>
  26. </>





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