A Walk Through the Forest
Time Limit: 2000/1000 MS (Java/Others) Memory Limit: 65536/32768 K (Java/Others)
Total Submission(s): 4843 Accepted Submission(s): 1759
nice walk through the forest, seeing the birds and chipmunks is quite enjoyable.
The forest is beautiful, and Jimmy wants to take a different route everyday. He also wants to get home before dark, so he always takes a path to make progress towards his house. He considers taking a path from A to B to be progress if there exists a route from
B to his home that is shorter than any possible route from A. Calculate how many different routes through the forest Jimmy might take.
N, 1 < N ≤ 1000, and the number of paths M. The following M lines each contain a pair of intersections a b and an integer distance 1 ≤ d ≤ 1000000 indicating a path of length d between intersection a and a different intersection b. Jimmy may walk a path any
direction he chooses. There is at most one path between any pair of intersections.
5 6
1 3 2
1 4 2
3 4 3
1 5 12
4 2 34
5 2 24
7 8
1 3 1
1 4 1
3 7 1
7 4 1
7 5 1
6 7 1
5 2 1
6 2 1
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