Question: I'm developing a C# component, I want to prevent the user from adding this component to the Form if the Form already has an instance of the component.

Answer: You can create a custom ComponentDesigner for your component, override its InitializeNewComponent() method to judge wether there's already an instance existes, if so, just return from this method. I write the following sample for your information:

class myComponent : Component
public myComponent(IContainer container)
// Add object to container's list so that
// we get notified when the container goes away
} class myComponentDesigner : ComponentDesigner
public override void InitializeNewComponent(System.Collections.IDictionary defaultValues)
IDesignerHost service = this.GetService(typeof(IDesignerHost)) as IDesignerHost;
if (service == null) return;
ComponentCollection cc = service.Container.Components; int count = ;
foreach (Component c in cc)
if (c.GetType() == this.Component.GetType() )
if (count > )
"You cannot add more than one instance of the myComponet!");
} base.InitializeNewComponent(defaultValues);

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