The turning point in the process of growing up is when you discover the core of strength within you that survives all hurt.
After the pain of defeat passes, England have some thinking to do.
Men have not more time to understand anything.They buy things already made at the shops.But there is no shop anywhere where one can buy friendship,and so men have no friends any more.
The world won't care about your self-esteem. The world will expect you to accomplish something before you feel good about yourself.
Designers envision what life will be like in 50 years and their visions are quite idealistic.Designer Campbell Rey expects 3D printing to be the new norm: allowing us to print marble,rosewood, and other materials considered rare.
Ben van Berkel expects a need for architecture that promotes human wellness on physical,social, and psychological levels. Faye Toogood said, "Nature becomes as valuable as art.Seed banks will become the new art museum; extinct plants will become as priceless asRenaissance paintings." Yves Behar expects a world full of robots and artificial intelligencewith a vast amount of humans receiving universal income.
Business: Schumpeter: Techno wars
商业:熊彼德:“铁克诺” 之战
An earlier sunny mood about technology and innovation has given way to pessimism.
The most striking battle in modern business pits the techno-optimists against the techno-pessimists.
The first group argues that the world is in the middle of a technology-driven renaissance.
Tech CEOs compete with each other for superlatives.
Business professors say that our only problem will be what to do with the people when themachines become super-intelligent.
The pessimists retort that this is froth: a few firms may be doing wonderfully but the economyis stuck.
Larry Summers of Harvard University talks about secular stagnation.
Tyler Cowen, of George Mason University, says that the American economy has eaten all thelow-hanging fruits of modern history and got sick.
Until recently the prize for the most gloom-laden book on the modern economy has gone toRobert Gordon of Northwestern University.
In “The Rise and Fall of American Growth”, published in January, Mr Gordon argues that the ITrevolution is a minor diversion compared with the inventions that accompanied the secondindustrial one—electricity, motor cars and aeroplanes— which changed lives profoundly.
The current information upheaval, by contrast, is merely altering a narrow range of activities.
Now a new book, “The Innovation Illusion” by Fredrik Erixon and Bjorn Weigel, presents a stillmore pessimistic vision.
Messrs Erixon and Weigel write that the very engine of capitalist growth, the creativedestruction described by Joseph Schumpeter, is kaput.
Aside from a handful of stars such as Google and Amazon, they point out, capitalism is ageingfast.
Europe’s 100 most valuable firms were founded more than 40 years ago.
Even America, which is more entrepreneurial, is succumbing to middle-aged spread.
The proportion of mature firms, or those 11 years old or more, rose from a third of all firmsin 1987 to almost half in 2012, and the number of startups fell between 2001 and 2011.
People who extol free markets often blame such stagnation on excessive regulation.
That has certainly played its part.
But the authors argue that stagnation has most to do with the structure of capitalism itself.
Companies are no longer actually owned by adventurous capitalists but by giant institutionssuch as the Vanguard Group (with more than $3 trillion under management) which constantlybuy and sell slivers of ownership for anonymous investors.
事实上,公司已不再由具冒险精神的资本家控制,而是由像先锋集团(the Vanguard Group)这种大型机构掌控。该公司资产逾3万亿美元,不断为匿名投资者购买和出售所有权。
These institutions are more interested in predictable returns than in enterprise.
It is not all Mark Zuckerbergs at the top, the authors posit.
The big firms are answering the call for predictability by hiring corporate bureaucrats.
These people shy away from risky investments in new technology.
After rising relentlessly as a share of GDP in 1950-2000, investment in IT began declining inthe early 2000s.
Instead of shaking up markets, bureaucratic CEOs focus on squeezing the most out of theirsunk costs and fight to defend niches.
They hoard cash, buy back their firms’ shares and reinforce their positions by merging withformer rivals.
The gloomsters’ case is true to some extent but it is overstated.
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