PHP5添加了一项新的功能:Reflection。这个功能使得程序员可以reverse-engineer class, interface,function,method and extension。通过PHP代码,就可以得到某object的所有信息,并且可以和它交互。


class Person {
* For the sake of demonstration, we"re setting this private
private $_allowDynamicAttributes = false; /** type=primary_autoincrement */
protected $id = 0; /** type=varchar length=255 null */
protected $name; /** type=text null */
protected $biography; public function getId()
return $this->id;
public function setId($v)
$this->id = $v;
public function getName()
return $this->name;
public function setName($v)
$this->name = $v;
public function getBiography()
return $this->biography;
public function setBiography($v)
$this->biography = $v;


  • 常量 Contants
  • 属性 Property Names
  • 方法 Method Names
  • 静态属性 Static Properties
  • 命名空间 Namespace
  • Person类是否为final或者abstract


1 $class = new ReflectionClass('Person');


$properties = $class->getProperties();
foreach($properties as $property) {
echo $property->getName()."n";
// 输出:
// _allowDynamicAttributes
// id
// name
// biography

默认情况下,ReflectionClass会获取到所有的属性,private 和 protected的也可以。如果只想获取到private属性,就要额外传个参数:

1 $private_properties = $class->getProperties(ReflectionProperty::IS_PRIVATE);


  • ReflectionProperty::IS_STATIC
  • ReflectionProperty::IS_PUBLIC
  • ReflectionProperty::IS_PROTECTED
  • ReflectionProperty::IS_PRIVATE

如果要同时获取public 和private 属性,就这样写:ReflectionProperty::IS_PUBLIC | ReflectionProperty::IS_PROTECTED



foreach($properties as $property) {
if($property->isProtected()) {
$docblock = $property->getDocComment();
preg_match('/ type=([a-z_]*) /', $property->getDocComment(), $matches);
echo $matches[1]."n";
// Output:
// primary_autoincrement
// varchar
// text


获取方法(methods):通过getMethods() 来获取到类的所有methods。返回的是ReflectionMethod对象的数组。不再演示。


$data = array("id" => 1, "name" => "Chris", "biography" => "I am am a PHP developer");
foreach($data as $key => $value) {
if(!$class->hasProperty($key)) {
throw new Exception($key." is not a valid property");
} if(!$class->hasMethod("get".ucfirst($key))) {
throw new Exception($key." is missing a getter");
} if(!$class->hasMethod("set".ucfirst($key))) {
throw new Exception($key." is missing a setter");
} // Make a new object to interact with
$object = new Person(); // Get the getter method and invoke it with the value in our data array
$setter = $class->getMethod("set".ucfirst($key));
$ok = $setter->invoke($object, $value); // Get the setter method and invoke it
$setter = $class->getMethod("get".ucfirst($key));
$objValue = $setter->invoke($object); // Now compare
if($value == $objValue) {
echo "Getter or Setter has modified the data.n";
} else {
echo "Getter and Setter does not modify the data.n";


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