zabbix 常用监控模板
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<name>KS Templates</name>
<name>KS Web Templates</name>
<template>Link - KS Template App NGINX</template>
<name>Link - KS Template App NGINX</name>
<description>nginx监控模板 - create by 凉白开(</description>
<name>KS Templates</name>
<name>KS Web Templates</name>
<name>nginx status server accepts</name>
<name>nginx status connections active</name>
<name>nginx status server handled</name>
<name>nginx status PING</name>
<description>is live</description>
<name>Service state</name>
<name>nginx status connections reading</name>
<name>nginx status server requests</name>
<name>nginx status connections waiting</name>
<name>nginx status connections writing</name>
<expression>{Link - KS Template App NGINX:nginx.status[ping].avg(#2)}=0</expression>
<name>nginx was down!</name>
<name>nginx status connections</name>
<host>Link - KS Template App NGINX</host>
<host>Link - KS Template App NGINX</host>
<host>Link - KS Template App NGINX</host>
<host>Link - KS Template App NGINX</host>
<name>nginx status server</name>
<host>Link - KS Template App NGINX</host>
<host>Link - KS Template App NGINX</host>
<host>Link - KS Template App NGINX</host>
<name>Service state</name>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<name>KS Templates</name>
<name>KS Web Templates</name>
<template>Link - KS Template App PHP-FPM</template>
<name>Link - KS Template App PHP-FPM</name>
<description>php-fpm监控模板 - create by 凉白开(</description>
<name>KS Templates</name>
<name>KS Web Templates</name>
<name>php-fpm is running</name>
<description>is live</description>
<name>Service state</name>
<name>php-fpm status $1</name>
<name>php-fpm status $1</name>
<name>php-fpm status $1</name>
<name>php-fpm status $1</name>
<name>php-fpm status $1</name>
<name>php-fpm status $1</name>
<name>php-fpm status $1</name>
<name>php-fpm status $1</name>
<name>php-fpm status $1</name>
<name>php-fpm status $1</name>
<name>php-fpm status $1</name>
<template>Link - KS Template ICMP Ping</template>
<name>Link - KS Template ICMP Ping</name>
<name>KS Templates</name>
<name>ICMP ping检测</name>
<name>Service state</name>
<name>ICMP 丢包率检测</name>
<expression>{Link - KS Template ICMP Ping:icmpping.max(#3)}=0</expression>
<expression>{Link - KS Template ICMP Ping:icmppingsec.avg(5m)}>0.15</expression>
<description>Response time is too high on</description>
<expression>{Link - KS Template ICMP Ping:icmpping.max(#3)}=0</expression>
<expression>{Link - KS Template App PHP-FPM:php-fpm.alived.last()}=0</expression>
<name>php-fpm was down!</name>
<expression>{Link - KS Template ICMP Ping:icmppingloss.min(5m)}>20</expression>
<description>Ping loss is too high on</description>
<expression>{Link - KS Template ICMP Ping:icmpping.max(#3)}=0</expression>
<name>php-fpm processes</name>
<host>Link - KS Template App PHP-FPM</host>
<host>Link - KS Template App PHP-FPM</host>
<host>Link - KS Template App PHP-FPM</host>
<host>Link - KS Template App PHP-FPM</host>
<name>php-fpm slow requests</name>
<host>Link - KS Template App PHP-FPM</host>
<name>php listen queue</name>
<host>Link - KS Template App PHP-FPM</host>
<host>Link - KS Template App PHP-FPM</host>
<host>Link - KS Template App PHP-FPM</host>
<name>Service state</name>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<name>KS Templates</name>
<name>KS Web Templates</name>
<template>Link - KS Template App MySQL</template>
<name>Link - KS Template App MySQL</name>
<name>KS Templates</name>
<name>KS Web Templates</name>
<name>MySQL status</name>
<description>It requires user parameter, which is defined in userparameter_mysql.conf.
0 - MySQL server is down
1 - MySQL server is up</description>
<name>Service state</name>
<name>MySQL bytes received per second</name>
<description>The number of bytes received from all clients.
It requires user parameter mysql.status[*], which is defined in
<name>MySQL bytes sent per second</name>
<description>The number of bytes sent to all clients.
It requires user parameter mysql.status[*], which is defined in userparameter_mysql.conf.</description>
<name>MySQL begin operations per second</name>
<description>It requires user parameter mysql.status[*], which is defined in userparameter_mysql.conf.</description>
<name>MySQL commit operations per second</name>
<description>It requires user parameter mysql.status[*], which is defined in userparameter_mysql.conf.</description>
<name>MySQL delete operations per second</name>
<description>It requires user parameter mysql.status[*], which is defined in userparameter_mysql.conf.</description>
<name>MySQL insert operations per second</name>
<description>It requires user parameter mysql.status[*], which is defined in userparameter_mysql.conf.</description>
<name>MySQL rollback operations per second</name>
<description>It requires user parameter mysql.status[*], which is defined in userparameter_mysql.conf.</description>
<name>MySQL select operations per second</name>
<description>It requires user parameter mysql.status[*], which is defined in userparameter_mysql.conf.</description>
<name>MySQL update operations per second</name>
<description>It requires user parameter mysql.status[*], which is defined in userparameter_mysql.conf.</description>
<name>MySQL queries per second</name>
<description>It requires user parameter mysql.status[*], which is defined in userparameter_mysql.conf.</description>
<name>MySQL slow queries</name>
<description>It requires user parameter mysql.status[*], which is defined in userparameter_mysql.conf.</description>
<name>MySQL uptime</name>
<description>It requires user parameter mysql.status[*], which is defined in userparameter_mysql.conf.</description>
<name>MySQL version</name>
<description>It requires user parameter mysql.version, which is defined in userparameter_mysql.conf.</description>
<name>MySQL performance</name>
<name>MySQL operations</name>
<host>Link - KS Template App MySQL</host>
<name>MySQL bandwidth</name>
<host>Link - KS Template App MySQL</host>
<expression>{Link - KS Template App}=0</expression>
<name>MySQL is DOWN</name>
<name>MySQL bandwidth</name>
<host>Link - KS Template App MySQL</host>
<host>Link - KS Template App MySQL</host>
<name>MySQL operations</name>
<host>Link - KS Template App MySQL</host>
<host>Link - KS Template App MySQL</host>
<host>Link - KS Template App MySQL</host>
<host>Link - KS Template App MySQL</host>
<host>Link - KS Template App MySQL</host>
<host>Link - KS Template App MySQL</host>
<host>Link - KS Template App MySQL</host>
<name>Service state</name>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<name>KS Templates</name>
<name>KS Web Templates</name>
<template>Link - KS Template App PHP-FPM</template>
<name>Link - KS Template App PHP-FPM</name>
<description>php-fpm监控模板 - create by 凉白开(</description>
<name>KS Templates</name>
<name>KS Web Templates</name>
<name>php-fpm is running</name>
<description>is live</description>
<name>Service state</name>
<name>php-fpm status $1</name>
<name>php-fpm status $1</name>
<name>php-fpm status $1</name>
<name>php-fpm status $1</name>
<name>php-fpm status $1</name>
<name>php-fpm status $1</name>
<name>php-fpm status $1</name>
<name>php-fpm status $1</name>
<name>php-fpm status $1</name>
<name>php-fpm status $1</name>
<name>php-fpm status $1</name>
<expression>{Link - KS Template App PHP-FPM:php-fpm.alived.last()}=0</expression>
<name>php-fpm was down!</name>
<name>php-fpm processes</name>
<host>Link - KS Template App PHP-FPM</host>
<host>Link - KS Template App PHP-FPM</host>
<host>Link - KS Template App PHP-FPM</host>
<host>Link - KS Template App PHP-FPM</host>
<name>php-fpm slow requests</name>
<host>Link - KS Template App PHP-FPM</host>
<name>php listen queue</name>
<host>Link - KS Template App PHP-FPM</host>
<host>Link - KS Template App PHP-FPM</host>
<host>Link - KS Template App PHP-FPM</host>
<name>Service state</name>
# 获取mysql监控值
CHECK_SQL="select count(1) from user;"
FAILNUM=$(mysql -uroot -pMYSQL@2020 mysql -N -e "$CHECK_SQL" 2>/dev/null)
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