golang interface
Interface类型可以定义一组方法,但是这些不需要实现。并且interface不能 包含任何变量。
- type Interface interface {
- test1(a, b int) bool
- test2()
- }
空接口(a interface{})可以被任何类型所实现,如动物可以被猫、狗、人等实现,反之人不一定能实现动物
- func main() {
- var a interface{}
- var b int
- a = b
- fmt.Printf("%T\n", a)
- var s string
- a = s
- fmt.Printf("%T", a)
- }
- type testInterface int
- func (t testInterface) test1(a, b int) bool {
- return a < b
- }
- func (t testInterface) test2() {
- fmt.Println("test2")
- }
- func main() {
- var a Interface
- a.test2()
- }
Golang中的接口,不需要显示的实现。只要一个变量,含有接口类型中的所有方法,那么这个变量就实现这个接口。因此,golang中没有implement 类似的关键字。
- type testInterface int
- func (t testInterface) test1(a, b int) bool {
- return a < b
- }
- func (t testInterface) test2() {
- fmt.Println("test2")
- }
- func main() {
- var a testInterface
- fmt.Printf("%T\n", a.test1(1, 2))
- a.test2()
- }
- type Interface interface {
- test1(a, b int) bool
- test2()
- }
- type testInterface int
- func (t testInterface) test1(a, b int) bool {
- return a < b
- }
- func main() {
- var test testInterface
- var i Interface
- i = test
- fmt.Println(test)
- }
cannot use test (type testInterface) as type Interface in assignment:
testInterface does not implement Interface (missing test2 method)
如果一个变量含有了多个interface类型的方法,那么这个变量就实现了多个 接口。
- type human interface { //人类
- get_country() //国家
- }
- type lang interface {
- speek() //语言
- }
- type chinesePeople struct { //中国人
- country string
- }
- func (c chinesePeople) get_country() {
- fmt.Println(c.country)
- }
- type japanese struct { //日本人
- country string
- }
- func (c japanese) get_country() {
- fmt.Println(c.country)
- }
- func (c japanese) speek() { //说的语言
- fmt.Println("ハロー")
- }
- func main() {
- var c = chinesePeople{
- country: "china",
- }
- var j = japanese{
- country: "japan",
- }
- var h human
- var langage lang
- h = c
- h.get_country()
- langage = j
- h = j
- h.get_country()
- langage.speek()
- }
cannot use c (type chinesePeople) as type lang in assignment:
chinesePeople does not implement lang (missing speek method)
- package main
- type human interface {
- run()
- eyes()
- }
- type info interface {
- country()
- sex()
- }
- type chinesePeople interface {
- human
- info
- }
- func main() {
- }
- 目标类型 := x.(t)
- 目标类型,布尔值 := x.(t)
- var i interface{}
- i = 10
- j := i.(string)
- fmt.Printf("%T\n", j)
- var i interface{}
- i = nil
- j := i.(nil)
- t, ok := i.(int)
- if ok == false {
- fmt.Printf("失败,断言的类型为%T,而i的类型为%T", t, i)
- os.Exit(1)
- }
- fmt.Printf("成功%T", t)
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