原文: Our village .

This is a photograph of our village.

Our village is in  a valley.

It is between to hills.

The village is on the river.

Here is another photograph of the village.

My wife and I are walking along the banks of the river.

We are on the left.

There is a boy in the water.

He is swimming across the river.

Here is another photograph.

This is the school building.

It is beside a park.

The park is on the right.

Some children are coming out of the building.

Some of them are going into to park.





bank:银行。    岸。



The village is on the river. 首先on这个单词本身有near 在。。旁的意思。   然后可能河流是在村庄中间绕着村庄的,所以这样更形象吧。

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