


倒序相加,发现就是C(2n,n) 所以答案就是C(2n,n)/2







先用lucas定理 C(n,m)=C(n%p,m%p)*C(n/p,m/p)




  1. #include <bits/stdc++.h>
  2. using namespace std;
  3. #define ll long long
  4. #define rint register ll
  5. #define IL inline
  6. #define rep(i,h,t) for (rint i=h;i<=t;i++)
  7. #define dep(i,t,h) for (rint i=t;i>=h;i--)
  8. const ll p=
  9. ;
  10. const ll mo=
  11. ;
  12. const ll INF=1e18;
  13. const ll N=2e6;
  14. ll n,cnt=,a[],jc1[N],jc2[N],f[N][][];
  15. void gcd(ll x,ll y,ll &a,ll &b)
  16. {
  17. if (y==)
  18. {
  19. a=; b=; return;
  20. }
  21. gcd(y,x%y,b,a);
  22. b-=a*(x/y);
  23. }
  24. ll C(ll x,ll y)
  25. {
  26. if (x<y) return();
  27. return jc1[x]*jc2[y]%p*jc2[x-y]%p;
  28. }
  29. void jf(ll &x,ll y)
  30. {
  31. x+=y;
  32. if (x>p) x-=p;
  33. }
  34. int main()
  35. {
  36. cin>>n;
  37. while (n) a[++cnt]=n%p,n/=p;
  38. jc1[]=jc2[]=;
  39. rep(i,,p)
  40. {
  41. jc1[i]=(jc1[i-]*i)%p;
  42. jc1[i]=(jc1[i]+p)%p;
  43. ll x,y;
  44. gcd(i,p,x,y);
  45. jc2[i]=(jc2[i-]*x)%p;
  46. jc2[i]=(jc2[i]+p)%p;
  47. }
  48. f[cnt+][][]=;
  49. dep(j,cnt,)
  50. {
  51. ll tmp1j=,tmp1o=;
  52. rep(i,,a[j]-)
  53. {
  54. ll kk=C(a[j],i);
  55. kk=(kk*kk)%mo;
  56. if (i%)
  57. jf(tmp1j,kk);
  58. else jf(tmp1o,kk);
  59. }
  60. f[j][][]=(f[j+][][]*tmp1o%mo+f[j+][][]*tmp1j%mo)%mo;
  61. f[j][][]=(f[j+][][]*tmp1j%mo+f[j+][][]*tmp1o%mo)%mo;
  62. if (a[j]%) jf(tmp1j,); else jf(tmp1o,);
  63. f[j][][]+=(f[j+][][]*tmp1o%mo+f[j+][][]*tmp1j%mo)%mo;
  64. f[j][][]+=(f[j+][][]*tmp1j%mo+f[j+][][]*tmp1o%mo)%mo;
  65. if (f[j+][][]) f[j][(+a[j])%][]=;
  66. else f[j][a[j]%][]=;
  67. }
  68. ll ans=(f[][][]+f[][][])%mo;
  69. cout<<ans<<endl;
  70. }

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