Fortune favors the bold.


It has been increasingly apparent that courage is the main quality we need to start our own business, it can't make one rich being an ordinary employee.

Every day, every moment, millions of people dream of starting a business, but relatively few actually do it.

Incredibly, the most educated and brilliants are often the most fearful of taking the plunge.

Perhaps fear of failure is most acute in those who have never or rarely failed.

Why do so many of us think going into business is a great choice, but still refuse to become one of those entrepreneurs?

It could be the fear of losing our golden handcuffs, the cash and other benefits that come with employment.

After all, most of us believe in the old saying that a bird in hands is better than two in the bush.

We prefer a sure thing, even if the potential gain in the other option is much larger.

What a pity. But if we don't have the courage to start some new career, it may be the best choice to fulfill our responsibilities as perfect as we can.

Go after what you really love and find a way to make that work for you, and then you will be a happy person.


From Tom Petty.

But it is quite difficult for many people to find out what they really love and what can bring them satisficatons and stimulations.

Through their life, they just earn a living, which may be a tough thing as well.

Sometimes even though they know the answer, they don't dare to pursue those things because there are too many other things they must be responsible for.

In a word, wealth is the most important thing to all of us, we only have the courage to go after our dreams if we have enough wealth, otherwise we may have many worries behind.

It would be better if I can find more stimulation at my work.

Some people say it isn't hard to find positive stimulation if we look for it, no matter what our role and no matter where we work.

But I think that really matters a lot.

Maybe I should open my eyes to other possibilities.

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