


  1. <?php
  2. use think\Controller;
  3. use think\Db;
  4. /*
  5. * $cid 是栏目下的id
  6. */
  7. function articlelist($cid,$limit=5){
  8. $id = intval($cid);
  9. // 获取当前栏目下的所有子栏目ID
  10. $category_list = Db::name('portal_category')->field(array('id','parent_id'))->select();
  11. $category_arr = array();
  12. $cur_category_list = array();
  13. array_push($cur_category_list,intval($id));
  14. foreach($category_list as $v){
  15. $arr = array();
  16. $arr['id'] = $v['id'];
  17. $arr['pid'] = $v['parent_id'];
  18. array_push($category_arr,$arr);
  19. }
  20. //得到当前栏目所有的子栏目ids
  21. $cur_category_ids = array_merge($cur_category_list,get_all_child($category_arr,$id));
  22. //获取当前所有子栏目的所有文章ids
  23. $all_post_ids_arr = array();
  24. $all_post_ids = Db::name('portal_category_post')->where('category_id','in',$cur_category_ids)->field(array('post_id'))->select();
  25. foreach($all_post_ids as $v){
  26. array_push($all_post_ids_arr,$v['post_id']);
  27. }
  28. // 获取当前栏目及子栏目所有的文章列表
  29. $where = array();
  30. $where['id'] = array('in',$all_post_ids_arr);
  31. $where['post_type'] = 1;
  32. $where['post_status'] = 1;
  33. $pagelist_arr = Db::name('portal_post')->where($where)->paginate($limit);
  34. $page = $pagelist_arr->render();
  35. // 处理跳转链接 和 栏目的图片
  36. $pagelist = array();
  37. foreach($pagelist_arr as $k => $v){
  38. $v['thumb'] = '/upload/'.json_decode($v['more'],true)['thumbnail'];
  39. $v['category_id'] = get_category_id($v['id']);
  40. array_push($pagelist,$v);
  41. }
  42. return $pagelist;
  43. }
  44. function get_category_id($id){
  45. $categoryinfo = Db::name('portal_category_post')->where('post_id','eq',$id)->field('category_id')->find();
  46. return $categoryinfo['category_id'];
  47. }


  1. <?php $articlelist = articlelist(4,7);?>
  2. <foreach name="articlelist" item="v">
  3. <dl class="partTwoChangeBoxCom o">
  4. <dt class="ab"><a href="{:cmf_url('portal/Article/index',array('id'=>$v['id'],'cid'=>$v['category_id']))}"><img src="__ROOT__{$v['thumb']}" width="324" height="224" alt=""></a></dt>
  5. <dd class="text ab">
  6. <a href="{:cmf_url('portal/Article/index',array('id'=>$v['id'],'cid'=>$v['category_id']))}" class="pr">
  7. <span class="line palt db"></span>
  8. <span class="text db">{$v['post_title']}</span>
  9. <span class="eng db">{$v['url']}</span>
  10. <span class="icon db part"></span>
  11. </a>
  12. </dd>
  13. </dl>
  14. </foreach>



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