利用函数或映射进行数据转换 (map)
df = DataFrame({"food":["bacon", "pulled pork", "bacon", "Pastrami", "corned beef"
, "Bacon", "pastrami", "honey ham", "nova lox"],
"ounces": [4, 3, 12, 6, 7.5, 8, 3, 5, 6]}) print(df)
需求, 你想要添加一列表示该肉类食物来源的动物类型。 我们先编写一个肉类到动物的映射:
meat_to_animal = {
"bacon": "pig",
"pulled pork": "pig",
"pastrami": "cow",
"corned beef": "cow",
"honey ham": "pig",
"nova lox": "salmon"
Series的map方法可以接受一个函数或含有映射关系的字典型对象, 但是这里有一个小问题, 即有些肉类
的首字母大写了, 而另一些则没有。因此, 我们还需要将各个值转换为小写:
df = DataFrame({"food":["bacon", "pulled pork", "bacon", "Pastrami", "corned beef"
, "Bacon", "pastrami", "honey ham", "nova lox"],
"ounces": [4, 3, 12, 6, 7.5, 8, 3, 5, 6]}) print(df) meat_to_animal = {
"bacon": "pig",
"pulled pork": "pig",
"pastrami": "cow",
"corned beef": "cow",
"honey ham": "pig",
"nova lox": "salmon"
# df['animal'] = df['food'].map(str.lower).map(meat_to_animal)
# print(df)
# df['animal'] = df['food'].map(meat_to_animal)
# print(df)
df1 = df['food'].map(str.lower).map(meat_to_animal)
print(df1) print("-----------------------")
df3 = df["food"].map(lambda x:meat_to_animal[x.lower()])
print(df3) print('---------------------') #此方法得到的是key, 不是value了, 特此表明
df2 = df["food"].map(lambda x:x.lower(), meat_to_animal)
还要个方法, 替换值
df = DataFrame({"food":["bacon", "pulled pork", "bacon", "Pastrami", "corned beef"
, "Bacon", "pastrami", "honey ham", "nova lox"],
"ounces": [4, 3, 12, 6, 7.5, 8, 3, 5, 6]}) print(df) meat_to_animal = {
"bacon": "pig",
"pulled pork": "pig",
"pastrami": "cow",
"corned beef": "cow",
"honey ham": "pig",
"nova lox": "salmon"
df['ounces'] = df['food'].map(str.lower).map(meat_to_animal)
>>> x
one 1
two 2
three 3 >>> y
1 foo
2 bar
3 baz >>> x.map(y)
one foo
two bar
three baz
还有个na_nation参数, 如果需要看源码
>>> s = pd.Series([1, 2, 3, np.nan]) >>> s2 = s.map(lambda x: 'this is a string {}'.format(x),
0 this is a string 1.0
1 this is a string 2.0
2 this is a string 3.0
3 this is a string nan
dtype: object >>> s3 = s.map(lambda x: 'this is a string {}'.format(x),
0 this is a string 1.0
1 this is a string 2.0
2 this is a string 3.0
3 NaN
dtype: object
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