37. Sudoku Solver *HARD*
Write a program to solve a Sudoku puzzle by filling the empty cells.
Empty cells are indicated by the character '.'
You may assume that there will be only one unique solution.
const int SodukuSize = ;
bool row_mask[SodukuSize][SodukuSize];
bool col_mask[SodukuSize][SodukuSize];
bool area_mask[SodukuSize][SodukuSize]; bool initSudokuMask(vector< vector<char> > &board){
//reset the memory
memset(row_mask, false, sizeof(row_mask));
memset(col_mask, false, sizeof(col_mask));
memset(area_mask, false, sizeof(area_mask)); //check each rows and cols
for(int r=; r<board.size(); r++){
for (int c=; c<board[r].size(); c++){
if (!isdigit(board[r][c])) {
int idx = board[r][c] - '' - ; //check the rows/cols/areas
int area = (r/) * + (c/);
if (row_mask[r][idx] || col_mask[c][idx] || area_mask[area][idx] ){
return false;
row_mask[r][idx] = col_mask[c][idx] = area_mask[area][idx] = true;
return true;
} bool recursiveSudoKu(vector< vector<char> > &board, int row, int col){ if (row >= SodukuSize) {
return true;
} if (col >= SodukuSize){
return recursiveSudoKu(board, row+, );
} if (board[row][col] != '.'){
return recursiveSudoKu(board, row, col+);
//pick a number for empty cell
int area;
for(int i=; i<SodukuSize; i++){
area = (row/) * + (col/);
if (row_mask[row][i] || col_mask[col][i] || area_mask[area][i] ){
//set the number and sovle it recursively
board[row][col] = i + '';
row_mask[row][i] = col_mask[col][i] = area_mask[area][i] = true;
if (recursiveSudoKu(board, row, col+) == true){
return true;
board[row][col] = '.';
row_mask[row][i] = col_mask[col][i] = area_mask[area][i] = false;
return false;
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