libsvm_readme[zz from github]
- Libsvm is a simple, easy-to-use, and efficient software for SVM
- classification and regression. It solves C-SVM classification, nu-SVM
- classification, one-class-SVM, epsilon-SVM regression, and nu-SVM
- regression. It also provides an automatic model selection tool for
- C-SVM classification. This document explains the use of libsvm.
- Libsvm is available at
- Please read the COPYRIGHT file before using libsvm.
- Table of Contents
- =================
- - Quick Start
- - Installation and Data Format
- - `svm-train' Usage
- - `svm-predict' Usage
- - `svm-scale' Usage
- - Tips on Practical Use
- - Examples
- - Precomputed Kernels
- - Library Usage
- - Java Version
- - Building Windows Binaries
- - Additional Tools: Sub-sampling, Parameter Selection, Format checking, etc.
- - MATLAB/OCTAVE Interface
- - Python Interface
- - Additional Information
- Quick Start
- ===========
- If you are new to SVM and if the data is not large, please go to
- `tools' directory and use after installation. It does
- everything automatic -- from data scaling to parameter selection.
- Usage: training_file [testing_file]
- More information about parameter selection can be found in
- `tools/README.'
- Installation and Data Format
- ============================
- On Unix systems, type `make' to build the `svm-train' and `svm-predict'
- programs. Run them without arguments to show the usages of them.
- On other systems, consult `Makefile' to build them (e.g., see
- 'Building Windows binaries' in this file) or use the pre-built
- binaries (Windows binaries are in the directory `windows').
- The format of training and testing data file is:
- <label> <index1>:<value1> <index2>:<value2> ...
- .
- .
- .
- Each line contains an instance and is ended by a '\n' character. For
- classification, <label> is an integer indicating the class label
- (multi-class is supported). For regression, <label> is the target
- value which can be any real number. For one-class SVM, it's not used
- so can be any number. The pair <index>:<value> gives a feature
- (attribute) value: <index> is an integer starting from 1 and <value>
- is a real number. The only exception is the precomputed kernel, where
- <index> starts from 0; see the section of precomputed kernels. Indices
- must be in ASCENDING order. Labels in the testing file are only used
- to calculate accuracy or errors. If they are unknown, just fill the
- first column with any numbers.
- A sample classification data included in this package is
- `heart_scale'. To check if your data is in a correct form, use
- `tools/' (details in `tools/README').
- Type `svm-train heart_scale', and the program will read the training
- data and output the model file `heart_scale.model'. If you have a test
- set called heart_scale.t, then type `svm-predict heart_scale.t
- heart_scale.model output' to see the prediction accuracy. The `output'
- file contains the predicted class labels.
- For classification, if training data are in only one class (i.e., all
- labels are the same), then `svm-train' issues a warning message:
- `Warning: training data in only one class. See README for details,'
- which means the training data is very unbalanced. The label in the
- training data is directly returned when testing.
- There are some other useful programs in this package.
- svm-scale:
- This is a tool for scaling input data file.
- svm-toy:
- This is a simple graphical interface which shows how SVM
- separate data in a plane. You can click in the window to
- draw data points. Use "change" button to choose class
- 1, 2 or 3 (i.e., up to three classes are supported), "load"
- button to load data from a file, "save" button to save data to
- a file, "run" button to obtain an SVM model, and "clear"
- button to clear the window.
- You can enter options in the bottom of the window, the syntax of
- options is the same as `svm-train'.
- Note that "load" and "save" consider dense data format both in
- classification and the regression cases. For classification,
- each data point has one label (the color) that must be 1, 2,
- or 3 and two attributes (x-axis and y-axis values) in
- [0,1). For regression, each data point has one target value
- (y-axis) and one attribute (x-axis values) in [0, 1).
- Type `make' in respective directories to build them.
- You need Qt library to build the Qt version.
- (available from
- You need GTK+ library to build the GTK version.
- (available from
- The pre-built Windows binaries are in the `windows'
- directory. We use Visual C++ on a 32-bit machine, so the
- maximal cache size is 2GB.
- `svm-train' Usage
- =================
- Usage: svm-train [options] training_set_file [model_file]
- options:
- -s svm_type : set type of SVM (default 0)
- 0 -- C-SVC (multi-class classification)
- 1 -- nu-SVC (multi-class classification)
- 2 -- one-class SVM
- 3 -- epsilon-SVR (regression)
- 4 -- nu-SVR (regression)
- -t kernel_type : set type of kernel function (default 2)
- 0 -- linear: u'*v
- 1 -- polynomial: (gamma*u'*v + coef0)^degree
- 2 -- radial basis function: exp(-gamma*|u-v|^2)
- 3 -- sigmoid: tanh(gamma*u'*v + coef0)
- 4 -- precomputed kernel (kernel values in training_set_file)
- -d degree : set degree in kernel function (default 3)
- -g gamma : set gamma in kernel function (default 1/num_features)
- -r coef0 : set coef0 in kernel function (default 0)
- -c cost : set the parameter C of C-SVC, epsilon-SVR, and nu-SVR (default 1)
- -n nu : set the parameter nu of nu-SVC, one-class SVM, and nu-SVR (default 0.5)
- -p epsilon : set the epsilon in loss function of epsilon-SVR (default 0.1)
- -m cachesize : set cache memory size in MB (default 100)
- -e epsilon : set tolerance of termination criterion (default 0.001)
- -h shrinking : whether to use the shrinking heuristics, 0 or 1 (default 1)
- -b probability_estimates : whether to train a SVC or SVR model for probability estimates, 0 or 1 (default 0)
- -wi weight : set the parameter C of class i to weight*C, for C-SVC (default 1)
- -v n: n-fold cross validation mode
- -q : quiet mode (no outputs)
- The k in the -g option means the number of attributes in the input data.
- option -v randomly splits the data into n parts and calculates cross
- validation accuracy/mean squared error on them.
- See libsvm FAQ for the meaning of outputs.
- `svm-predict' Usage
- ===================
- Usage: svm-predict [options] test_file model_file output_file
- options:
- -b probability_estimates: whether to predict probability estimates, 0 or 1 (default 0); for one-class SVM only 0 is supported
- model_file is the model file generated by svm-train.
- test_file is the test data you want to predict.
- svm-predict will produce output in the output_file.
- `svm-scale' Usage
- =================
- Usage: svm-scale [options] data_filename
- options:
- -l lower : x scaling lower limit (default -1)
- -u upper : x scaling upper limit (default +1)
- -y y_lower y_upper : y scaling limits (default: no y scaling)
- -s save_filename : save scaling parameters to save_filename
- -r restore_filename : restore scaling parameters from restore_filename
- See 'Examples' in this file for examples.
- Tips on Practical Use
- =====================
- * Scale your data. For example, scale each attribute to [0,1] or [-1,+1].
- * For C-SVC, consider using the model selection tool in the tools directory.
- * nu in nu-SVC/one-class-SVM/nu-SVR approximates the fraction of training
- errors and support vectors.
- * If data for classification are unbalanced (e.g. many positive and
- few negative), try different penalty parameters C by -wi (see
- examples below).
- * Specify larger cache size (i.e., larger -m) for huge problems.
- Examples
- ========
- > svm-scale -l -1 -u 1 -s range train > train.scale
- > svm-scale -r range test > test.scale
- Scale each feature of the training data to be in [-1,1]. Scaling
- factors are stored in the file range and then used for scaling the
- test data.
- > svm-train -s 0 -c 5 -t 2 -g 0.5 -e 0.1 data_file
- Train a classifier with RBF kernel exp(-0.5|u-v|^2), C=10, and
- stopping tolerance 0.1.
- > svm-train -s 3 -p 0.1 -t 0 data_file
- Solve SVM regression with linear kernel u'v and epsilon=0.1
- in the loss function.
- > svm-train -c 10 -w1 1 -w-2 5 -w4 2 data_file
- Train a classifier with penalty 10 = 1 * 10 for class 1, penalty 50 =
- 5 * 10 for class -2, and penalty 20 = 2 * 10 for class 4.
- > svm-train -s 0 -c 100 -g 0.1 -v 5 data_file
- Do five-fold cross validation for the classifier using
- the parameters C = 100 and gamma = 0.1
- > svm-train -s 0 -b 1 data_file
- > svm-predict -b 1 test_file data_file.model output_file
- Obtain a model with probability information and predict test data with
- probability estimates
- Precomputed Kernels
- ===================
- Users may precompute kernel values and input them as training and
- testing files. Then libsvm does not need the original
- training/testing sets.
- Assume there are L training instances x1, ..., xL and.
- Let K(x, y) be the kernel
- value of two instances x and y. The input formats
- are:
- New training instance for xi:
- <label> 0:i 1:K(xi,x1) ... L:K(xi,xL)
- New testing instance for any x:
- <label> 0:? 1:K(x,x1) ... L:K(x,xL)
- That is, in the training file the first column must be the "ID" of
- xi. In testing, ? can be any value.
- All kernel values including ZEROs must be explicitly provided. Any
- permutation or random subsets of the training/testing files are also
- valid (see examples below).
- Note: the format is slightly different from the precomputed kernel
- package released in libsvmtools earlier.
- Examples:
- Assume the original training data has three four-feature
- instances and testing data has one instance:
- 15 1:1 2:1 3:1 4:1
- 45 2:3 4:3
- 25 3:1
- 15 1:1 3:1
- If the linear kernel is used, we have the following new
- training/testing sets:
- 15 0:1 1:4 2:6 3:1
- 45 0:2 1:6 2:18 3:0
- 25 0:3 1:1 2:0 3:1
- 15 0:? 1:2 2:0 3:1
- ? can be any value.
- Any subset of the above training file is also valid. For example,
- 25 0:3 1:1 2:0 3:1
- 45 0:2 1:6 2:18 3:0
- implies that the kernel matrix is
- [K(2,2) K(2,3)] = [18 0]
- [K(3,2) K(3,3)] = [0 1]
- Library Usage
- =============
- These functions and structures are declared in the header file
- `svm.h'. You need to #include "svm.h" in your C/C++ source files and
- link your program with `svm.cpp'. You can see `svm-train.c' and
- `svm-predict.c' for examples showing how to use them. We define
- LIBSVM_VERSION and declare `extern int libsvm_version; ' in svm.h, so
- you can check the version number.
- Before you classify test data, you need to construct an SVM model
- (`svm_model') using training data. A model can also be saved in
- a file for later use. Once an SVM model is available, you can use it
- to classify new data.
- - Function: struct svm_model *svm_train(const struct svm_problem *prob,
- const struct svm_parameter *param);
- This function constructs and returns an SVM model according to
- the given training data and parameters.
- struct svm_problem describes the problem:
- struct svm_problem
- {
- int l;
- double *y;
- struct svm_node **x;
- };
- where `l' is the number of training data, and `y' is an array containing
- their target values. (integers in classification, real numbers in
- regression) `x' is an array of pointers, each of which points to a sparse
- representation (array of svm_node) of one training vector.
- For example, if we have the following training data:
- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----
- 1 0 0.1 0.2 0 0
- 2 0 0.1 0.3 -1.2 0
- 1 0.4 0 0 0 0
- 2 0 0.1 0 1.4 0.5
- 3 -0.1 -0.2 0.1 1.1 0.1
- then the components of svm_problem are:
- l = 5
- y -> 1 2 1 2 3
- x -> [ ] -> (2,0.1) (3,0.2) (-1,?)
- [ ] -> (2,0.1) (3,0.3) (4,-1.2) (-1,?)
- [ ] -> (1,0.4) (-1,?)
- [ ] -> (2,0.1) (4,1.4) (5,0.5) (-1,?)
- [ ] -> (1,-0.1) (2,-0.2) (3,0.1) (4,1.1) (5,0.1) (-1,?)
- where (index,value) is stored in the structure `svm_node':
- struct svm_node
- {
- int index;
- double value;
- };
- index = -1 indicates the end of one vector. Note that indices must
- be in ASCENDING order.
- struct svm_parameter describes the parameters of an SVM model:
- struct svm_parameter
- {
- int svm_type;
- int kernel_type;
- int degree; /* for poly */
- double gamma; /* for poly/rbf/sigmoid */
- double coef0; /* for poly/sigmoid */
- /* these are for training only */
- double cache_size; /* in MB */
- double eps; /* stopping criteria */
- double C; /* for C_SVC, EPSILON_SVR, and NU_SVR */
- int nr_weight; /* for C_SVC */
- int *weight_label; /* for C_SVC */
- double* weight; /* for C_SVC */
- double nu; /* for NU_SVC, ONE_CLASS, and NU_SVR */
- double p; /* for EPSILON_SVR */
- int shrinking; /* use the shrinking heuristics */
- int probability; /* do probability estimates */
- };
- svm_type can be one of C_SVC, NU_SVC, ONE_CLASS, EPSILON_SVR, NU_SVR.
- C_SVC: C-SVM classification
- NU_SVC: nu-SVM classification
- ONE_CLASS: one-class-SVM
- EPSILON_SVR: epsilon-SVM regression
- NU_SVR: nu-SVM regression
- kernel_type can be one of LINEAR, POLY, RBF, SIGMOID.
- LINEAR: u'*v
- POLY: (gamma*u'*v + coef0)^degree
- RBF: exp(-gamma*|u-v|^2)
- SIGMOID: tanh(gamma*u'*v + coef0)
- PRECOMPUTED: kernel values in training_set_file
- cache_size is the size of the kernel cache, specified in megabytes.
- C is the cost of constraints violation.
- eps is the stopping criterion. (we usually use 0.00001 in nu-SVC,
- 0.001 in others). nu is the parameter in nu-SVM, nu-SVR, and
- one-class-SVM. p is the epsilon in epsilon-insensitive loss function
- of epsilon-SVM regression. shrinking = 1 means shrinking is conducted;
- = 0 otherwise. probability = 1 means model with probability
- information is obtained; = 0 otherwise.
- nr_weight, weight_label, and weight are used to change the penalty
- for some classes (If the weight for a class is not changed, it is
- set to 1). This is useful for training classifier using unbalanced
- input data or with asymmetric misclassification cost.
- nr_weight is the number of elements in the array weight_label and
- weight. Each weight[i] corresponds to weight_label[i], meaning that
- the penalty of class weight_label[i] is scaled by a factor of weight[i].
- If you do not want to change penalty for any of the classes,
- just set nr_weight to 0.
- *NOTE* Because svm_model contains pointers to svm_problem, you can
- not free the memory used by svm_problem if you are still using the
- svm_model produced by svm_train().
- *NOTE* To avoid wrong parameters, svm_check_parameter() should be
- called before svm_train().
- struct svm_model stores the model obtained from the training procedure.
- It is not recommended to directly access entries in this structure.
- Programmers should use the interface functions to get the values.
- struct svm_model
- {
- struct svm_parameter param; /* parameter */
- int nr_class; /* number of classes, = 2 in regression/one class svm */
- int l; /* total #SV */
- struct svm_node **SV; /* SVs (SV[l]) */
- double **sv_coef; /* coefficients for SVs in decision functions (sv_coef[k-1][l]) */
- double *rho; /* constants in decision functions (rho[k*(k-1)/2]) */
- double *probA; /* pairwise probability information */
- double *probB;
- int *sv_indices; /* sv_indices[0,...,nSV-1] are values in [1,...,num_traning_data] to indicate SVs in the training set */
- /* for classification only */
- int *label; /* label of each class (label[k]) */
- int *nSV; /* number of SVs for each class (nSV[k]) */
- /* nSV[0] + nSV[1] + ... + nSV[k-1] = l */
- /* XXX */
- int free_sv; /* 1 if svm_model is created by svm_load_model*/
- /* 0 if svm_model is created by svm_train */
- };
- param describes the parameters used to obtain the model.
- nr_class is the number of classes. It is 2 for regression and one-class SVM.
- l is the number of support vectors. SV and sv_coef are support
- vectors and the corresponding coefficients, respectively. Assume there are
- k classes. For data in class j, the corresponding sv_coef includes (k-1) y*alpha vectors,
- where alpha's are solutions of the following two class problems:
- 1 vs j, 2 vs j, ..., j-1 vs j, j vs j+1, j vs j+2, ..., j vs k
- and y=1 for the first j-1 vectors, while y=-1 for the remaining k-j
- vectors. For example, if there are 4 classes, sv_coef and SV are like:
- +-+-+-+--------------------+
- |1|1|1| |
- |v|v|v| SVs from class 1 |
- |2|3|4| |
- +-+-+-+--------------------+
- |1|2|2| |
- |v|v|v| SVs from class 2 |
- |2|3|4| |
- +-+-+-+--------------------+
- |1|2|3| |
- |v|v|v| SVs from class 3 |
- |3|3|4| |
- +-+-+-+--------------------+
- |1|2|3| |
- |v|v|v| SVs from class 4 |
- |4|4|4| |
- +-+-+-+--------------------+
- See svm_train() for an example of assigning values to sv_coef.
- rho is the bias term (-b). probA and probB are parameters used in
- probability outputs. If there are k classes, there are k*(k-1)/2
- binary problems as well as rho, probA, and probB values. They are
- aligned in the order of binary problems:
- 1 vs 2, 1 vs 3, ..., 1 vs k, 2 vs 3, ..., 2 vs k, ..., k-1 vs k.
- sv_indices[0,...,nSV-1] are values in [1,...,num_traning_data] to
- indicate support vectors in the training set.
- label contains labels in the training data.
- nSV is the number of support vectors in each class.
- free_sv is a flag used to determine whether the space of SV should
- be released in free_model_content(struct svm_model*) and
- free_and_destroy_model(struct svm_model**). If the model is
- generated by svm_train(), then SV points to data in svm_problem
- and should not be removed. For example, free_sv is 0 if svm_model
- is created by svm_train, but is 1 if created by svm_load_model.
- - Function: double svm_predict(const struct svm_model *model,
- const struct svm_node *x);
- This function does classification or regression on a test vector x
- given a model.
- For a classification model, the predicted class for x is returned.
- For a regression model, the function value of x calculated using
- the model is returned. For an one-class model, +1 or -1 is
- returned.
- - Function: void svm_cross_validation(const struct svm_problem *prob,
- const struct svm_parameter *param, int nr_fold, double *target);
- This function conducts cross validation. Data are separated to
- nr_fold folds. Under given parameters, sequentially each fold is
- validated using the model from training the remaining. Predicted
- labels (of all prob's instances) in the validation process are
- stored in the array called target.
- The format of svm_prob is same as that for svm_train().
- - Function: int svm_get_svm_type(const struct svm_model *model);
- This function gives svm_type of the model. Possible values of
- svm_type are defined in svm.h.
- - Function: int svm_get_nr_class(const svm_model *model);
- For a classification model, this function gives the number of
- classes. For a regression or an one-class model, 2 is returned.
- - Function: void svm_get_labels(const svm_model *model, int* label)
- For a classification model, this function outputs the name of
- labels into an array called label. For regression and one-class
- models, label is unchanged.
- - Function: void svm_get_sv_indices(const struct svm_model *model, int *sv_indices)
- This function outputs indices of support vectors into an array called sv_indices.
- The size of sv_indices is the number of support vectors and can be obtained by calling svm_get_nr_sv.
- Each sv_indices[i] is in the range of [1, ..., num_traning_data].
- - Function: int svm_get_nr_sv(const struct svm_model *model)
- This function gives the number of total support vector.
- - Function: double svm_get_svr_probability(const struct svm_model *model);
- For a regression model with probability information, this function
- outputs a value sigma > 0. For test data, we consider the
- probability model: target value = predicted value + z, z: Laplace
- distribution e^(-|z|/sigma)/(2sigma)
- If the model is not for svr or does not contain required
- information, 0 is returned.
- - Function: double svm_predict_values(const svm_model *model,
- const svm_node *x, double* dec_values)
- This function gives decision values on a test vector x given a
- model, and return the predicted label (classification) or
- the function value (regression).
- For a classification model with nr_class classes, this function
- gives nr_class*(nr_class-1)/2 decision values in the array
- dec_values, where nr_class can be obtained from the function
- svm_get_nr_class. The order is label[0] vs. label[1], ...,
- label[0] vs. label[nr_class-1], label[1] vs. label[2], ...,
- label[nr_class-2] vs. label[nr_class-1], where label can be
- obtained from the function svm_get_labels. The returned value is
- the predicted class for x. Note that when nr_class = 1, this
- function does not give any decision value.
- For a regression model, dec_values[0] and the returned value are
- both the function value of x calculated using the model. For a
- one-class model, dec_values[0] is the decision value of x, while
- the returned value is +1/-1.
- - Function: double svm_predict_probability(const struct svm_model *model,
- const struct svm_node *x, double* prob_estimates);
- This function does classification or regression on a test vector x
- given a model with probability information.
- For a classification model with probability information, this
- function gives nr_class probability estimates in the array
- prob_estimates. nr_class can be obtained from the function
- svm_get_nr_class. The class with the highest probability is
- returned. For regression/one-class SVM, the array prob_estimates
- is unchanged and the returned value is the same as that of
- svm_predict.
- - Function: const char *svm_check_parameter(const struct svm_problem *prob,
- const struct svm_parameter *param);
- This function checks whether the parameters are within the feasible
- range of the problem. This function should be called before calling
- svm_train() and svm_cross_validation(). It returns NULL if the
- parameters are feasible, otherwise an error message is returned.
- - Function: int svm_check_probability_model(const struct svm_model *model);
- This function checks whether the model contains required
- information to do probability estimates. If so, it returns
- +1. Otherwise, 0 is returned. This function should be called
- before calling svm_get_svr_probability and
- svm_predict_probability.
- - Function: int svm_save_model(const char *model_file_name,
- const struct svm_model *model);
- This function saves a model to a file; returns 0 on success, or -1
- if an error occurs.
- - Function: struct svm_model *svm_load_model(const char *model_file_name);
- This function returns a pointer to the model read from the file,
- or a null pointer if the model could not be loaded.
- - Function: void svm_free_model_content(struct svm_model *model_ptr);
- This function frees the memory used by the entries in a model structure.
- - Function: void svm_free_and_destroy_model(struct svm_model **model_ptr_ptr);
- This function frees the memory used by a model and destroys the model
- structure. It is equivalent to svm_destroy_model, which
- is deprecated after version 3.0.
- - Function: void svm_destroy_param(struct svm_parameter *param);
- This function frees the memory used by a parameter set.
- - Function: void svm_set_print_string_function(void (*print_func)(const char *));
- Users can specify their output format by a function. Use
- svm_set_print_string_function(NULL);
- for default printing to stdout.
- Java Version
- ============
- The pre-compiled java class archive `libsvm.jar' and its source files are
- in the java directory. To run the programs, use
- java -classpath libsvm.jar svm_train <arguments>
- java -classpath libsvm.jar svm_predict <arguments>
- java -classpath libsvm.jar svm_toy
- java -classpath libsvm.jar svm_scale <arguments>
- Note that you need Java 1.5 (5.0) or above to run it.
- You may need to add Java runtime library (like to the classpath.
- You may need to increase maximum Java heap size.
- Library usages are similar to the C version. These functions are available:
- public class svm {
- public static final int LIBSVM_VERSION=318;
- public static svm_model svm_train(svm_problem prob, svm_parameter param);
- public static void svm_cross_validation(svm_problem prob, svm_parameter param, int nr_fold, double[] target);
- public static int svm_get_svm_type(svm_model model);
- public static int svm_get_nr_class(svm_model model);
- public static void svm_get_labels(svm_model model, int[] label);
- public static void svm_get_sv_indices(svm_model model, int[] indices);
- public static int svm_get_nr_sv(svm_model model);
- public static double svm_get_svr_probability(svm_model model);
- public static double svm_predict_values(svm_model model, svm_node[] x, double[] dec_values);
- public static double svm_predict(svm_model model, svm_node[] x);
- public static double svm_predict_probability(svm_model model, svm_node[] x, double[] prob_estimates);
- public static void svm_save_model(String model_file_name, svm_model model) throws IOException
- public static svm_model svm_load_model(String model_file_name) throws IOException
- public static String svm_check_parameter(svm_problem prob, svm_parameter param);
- public static int svm_check_probability_model(svm_model model);
- public static void svm_set_print_string_function(svm_print_interface print_func);
- }
- The library is in the "libsvm" package.
- Note that in Java version, svm_node[] is not ended with a node whose index = -1.
- Users can specify their output format by
- your_print_func = new svm_print_interface()
- {
- public void print(String s)
- {
- // your own format
- }
- };
- svm.svm_set_print_string_function(your_print_func);
- Building Windows Binaries
- =========================
- Windows binaries are in the directory `windows'. To build them via
- Visual C++, use the following steps:
- 1. Open a DOS command box (or Visual Studio Command Prompt) and change
- to libsvm directory. If environment variables of VC++ have not been
- set, type
- "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\VC\bin\vcvars32.bat"
- You may have to modify the above command according which version of
- VC++ or where it is installed.
- 2. Type
- nmake -f clean all
- 3. (optional) To build shared library libsvm.dll, type
- nmake -f lib
- 4. (optional) To build 64-bit windows binaries, you must
- (1) Setup vcvars64.bat instead of vcvars32.bat
- (2) Change CFLAGS in /D _WIN32 to /D _WIN64
- Another way is to build them from Visual C++ environment. See details
- in libsvm FAQ.
- - Additional Tools: Sub-sampling, Parameter Selection, Format checking, etc.
- ============================================================================
- See the README file in the tools directory.
- =======================
- Please check the file README in the directory `matlab'.
- Python Interface
- ================
- See the README file in python directory.
- Additional Information
- ======================
- If you find LIBSVM helpful, please cite it as
- Chih-Chung Chang and Chih-Jen Lin, LIBSVM : a library for support
- vector machines. ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and
- Technology, 2:27:1--27:27, 2011. Software available at
- LIBSVM implementation document is available at
- For any questions and comments, please email
- Acknowledgments:
- This work was supported in part by the National Science
- Council of Taiwan via the grant NSC 89-2213-E-002-013.
- The authors thank their group members and users
- for many helpful discussions and comments. They are listed in
libsvm_readme[zz from github]的更多相关文章
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