Meet your classmates 见见你的同学

Look at the picture. What do you see? 看图片。你看到了什么?

calendar  日历

bookcase 书柜

bookshelf  ['bʊkʃelf] 书架

1 man  --> 2 个或以上 men

1 woman ['wʊmən] --> 2 个或以上 women ['wɪmɪn]

Classroom directions 课堂指示语

Listen and point 支出你所听到单的内容

1. Look 看

2. Listen 听

3. Point 指

4. Repeat [rɪ'piːt]  跟读,重复

5. Talk [tɔːk] 说

6. Write  [raɪt] 写

7. Read 读

8. Circle  ['sɜːk(ə)l] 画圈

9. Match [mætʃ] 连线

The alphabet  ['ælfəbet] 字母表    A-Z

example:  Hello, I'm Loki, That's L-O-K-I

Anita  安尼塔(女子名)

Daniel  丹尼尔(男子名)

Mai  梅

Franco  弗兰科

Lee  李

Hakim [hæ'kiːm]  哈基姆

Numbers 数字   Look at the numbers 看下面数字

one two three four five six seven eight nine ten

eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty

十几    teen 声音上扬    类似读音 tin

几十  ty 声音下降     类似读音  te

area code 区号

country 城市

first name 名  given (父母给予的)

last name 姓 -- family(家庭,多指家族名给予的)

ID card 身份证

Phone number 手机号码

语言点 数字0读作 oh

4       0      3

four   oh    three

List and circle ['sɜːk(ə)l]

1.What's area code?   201

2.What's your phone number? 555-5983

3.What's your first name? Glen

4.What's your last name? Reyna



他的   his

他是 he is

她的   her

他是   she is


What's your name?

My name is ——

What is your phone number?

It's _

My phone number is_

Where are you from?

I am from_

第三人称 —— 他

What's his name?

he name is_

he is_

What is his phone number?


he phone numberis _

Where is his from?

he is from_

第三人称 —— 她

What's her name?

she is_

she name is

What is her phone number?

It's _

she phone name is _

Where is her from?

she is from _

English trip -- VC(情景课)1 A Get ready的更多相关文章

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