ballerina 学习二十六 项目docker 部署&& 运行(二)
ballerina 从发布,到现在官方文档的更新也是很给力的,同时也有好多改进,越来越好用了
- 项目结构
└── guide
└── restful_service
└── order_mgt_service.bal
- 初始化项目
cd guide && ballerina init
- 效果
添加代码&& docker 支持
- http rest 服务编写
import ballerina/http;
import ballerinax/docker;
// docker 支持配置
@docker:Config {
endpoint http:Listener listener {
// Order management is done using an in memory map.
// Add some sample orders to 'ordersMap' at startup.
map<json> ordersMap;
// RESTful service.
@http:ServiceConfig { basePath: "/ordermgt" }
service<http:Service> orderMgt bind listener {
// Resource that handles the HTTP GET requests that are directed to a specific
// order using path '/order/<orderId>'.
@http:ResourceConfig {
methods: ["GET"],
path: "/order/{orderId}"
findOrder(endpoint client, http:Request req, string orderId) {
// Find the requested order from the map and retrieve it in JSON format.
json? payload = ordersMap[orderId];
http:Response response;
if (payload == null) {
payload = "Order : " + orderId + " cannot be found.";
// Set the JSON payload in the outgoing response message.
response.setJsonPayload(untaint payload);
// Send response to the client.
_ = client->respond(response);
// Resource that handles the HTTP POST requests that are directed to the path
// '/order' to create a new Order.
@http:ResourceConfig {
methods: ["POST"],
path: "/order"
addOrder(endpoint client, http:Request req) {
json orderReq = check req.getJsonPayload();
string orderId = orderReq.Order.ID.toString();
ordersMap[orderId] = orderReq;
// Create response message.
json payload = { status: "Order Created.", orderId: orderId };
http:Response response;
response.setJsonPayload(untaint payload);
// Set 201 Created status code in the response message.
response.statusCode = 201;
// Set 'Location' header in the response message.
// This can be used by the client to locate the newly added order.
response.setHeader("Location", "http://localhost:9090/ordermgt/order/" +
// Send response to the client.
_ = client->respond(response);
// Resource that handles the HTTP PUT requests that are directed to the path
// '/order/<orderId>' to update an existing Order.
@http:ResourceConfig {
methods: ["PUT"],
path: "/order/{orderId}"
updateOrder(endpoint client, http:Request req, string orderId) {
json updatedOrder = check req.getJsonPayload();
// Find the order that needs to be updated and retrieve it in JSON format.
json existingOrder = ordersMap[orderId];
// Updating existing order with the attributes of the updated order.
if (existingOrder != null) {
existingOrder.Order.Name = updatedOrder.Order.Name;
existingOrder.Order.Description = updatedOrder.Order.Description;
ordersMap[orderId] = existingOrder;
} else {
existingOrder = "Order : " + orderId + " cannot be found.";
http:Response response;
// Set the JSON payload to the outgoing response message to the client.
response.setJsonPayload(untaint existingOrder);
// Send response to the client.
_ = client->respond(response);
// Resource that handles the HTTP DELETE requests, which are directed to the path
// '/order/<orderId>' to delete an existing Order.
@http:ResourceConfig {
methods: ["DELETE"],
path: "/order/{orderId}"
cancelOrder(endpoint client, http:Request req, string orderId) {
http:Response response;
// Remove the requested order from the map.
_ = ordersMap.remove(orderId);
json payload = "Order : " + orderId + " removed.";
// Set a generated payload with order status.
response.setJsonPayload(untaint payload);
// Send response to the client.
_ = client->respond(response);
- 运行
ballerina run restful_service
- 测试
post 数据
curl -v -X POST -d \
'{ "Order": { "ID": "100500", "Name": "XYZ", "Description": "Sample order."}}' \
"http://localhost:9090/ordermgt/order" -H "Content-Type:application/json"
curl -i http://localhost:9090/ordermgt/order/100500
- 构建(支持docker)
ballerina build restful_service
- 生成的dockerfile
ballerina 生成的中间语言是跨平台的
# Auto Generated Dockerfile
FROM ballerina/ballerina:0.982.0
LABEL maintainer=""
COPY restful_service.balx /home/ballerina
CMD ballerina run restful_service.balx
- docker 运行
docker run -d -p 9090:9090 dalongrong/restful_service:v1.0
- 运行流程图
可以使用vscode 的插件,直接查看,很方便
ballerina 对于开发来说还真的是比较方便,平台的支持也很好,后边会有k8s运行的测试
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