Database Sharding is considered to be the horizontal partitioning of a database or the search engine where each partition is called as a Shard. This is a process of compressing the data collections by splitting the database instances across multiple databases. This in turn fastens the speed of MongoDB CRUD operations. MongoDB creates Shard keys which distribute the data across multiple shards.

Purpose of database sharding

Due to following reasons database sharding holds an important place in MongoDB –

  • Scaling out to multiple nodes
  • Easy to add new machines
  • Automatic balance of load
  • Zero downtime
  • Automatic failure recovery

Process of creating database shard

Follow the given steps to create a database shard-

  1. Create a batch file with the name bat at the root of MongoDB's bin folder.
  2. Write following lines on the batch file:


mongod –rest –shardsvr –port 10000 –dbpath data/localhost10000 –logpath data/localhost10000/log.txt

  1. Create another batch file with the name bat at the root of MongoDB's bin folder.
  2. Write following lines on the batch file:

mkdir "data/localhost10001"
mongod –rest –shardsvr –port 10001 –dbpath data/localhost10001 –logpath data/localhost10001/log.txt

  1. Run RunServer10000.bat
  2. Run RunServer10001.bat

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