if not object_id('Tempdb..#T') is null
drop table #T
Create table #T([ID] int,[Name] nvarchar(1),[Memo] nvarchar(2))
Insert #T
select 1,N'A',N'A1' union all
select 2,N'A',N'A2' union all
select 3,N'A',N'A3' union all
select 4,N'B',N'B1' union all
select 5,N'B',N'B2'
Go --I、Name相同ID最小的记录(推荐用1,2,3),方法3在SQl05时,效率高于1、2
Select * from #T a where not exists(select 1 from #T where Name=a.Name and ID<a.ID) 方法2:
select a.* from #T a join (select min(ID)ID,Name from #T group by Name) b on a.Name=b.Name and a.ID=b.ID 方法3:
select * from #T a where ID=(select min(ID) from #T where Name=a.Name) 方法4:
select a.* from #T a join #T b on a.Name=b.Name and a.ID>=b.ID group by a.ID,a.Name,a.Memo having count(1)=1 方法5:
select * from #T a group by ID,Name,Memo having ID=(select min(ID)from #T where Name=a.Name) 方法6:
select * from #T a where (select count(1) from #T where Name=a.Name and ID<a.ID)=0 方法7:
select * from #T a where ID=(select top 1 ID from #T where Name=a.name order by ID) 方法8:
select * from #T a where ID!>all(select ID from #T where Name=a.Name) 方法9(注:ID为唯一时可用):
select * from #T a where ID in(select min(ID) from #T group by Name) --SQL2005: 方法10:
select ID,Name,Memo from (select *,min(ID)over(partition by Name) as MinID from #T a)T where ID=MinID 方法11: select ID,Name,Memo from (select *,row_number()over(partition by Name order by ID) as MinID from #T a)T where MinID=1 生成结果:
ID Name Memo
----------- ---- ----
1 A A1
4 B B1 (2 行受影响)
*/ --II、Name相同ID最大的记录,与min相反:
Select * from #T a where not exists(select 1 from #T where Name=a.Name and ID>a.ID) 方法2:
select a.* from #T a join (select max(ID)ID,Name from #T group by Name) b on a.Name=b.Name and a.ID=b.ID order by ID 方法3:
select * from #T a where ID=(select max(ID) from #T where Name=a.Name) order by ID 方法4:
select a.* from #T a join #T b on a.Name=b.Name and a.ID<=b.ID group by a.ID,a.Name,a.Memo having count(1)=1 方法5:
select * from #T a group by ID,Name,Memo having ID=(select max(ID)from #T where Name=a.Name) 方法6:
select * from #T a where (select count(1) from #T where Name=a.Name and ID>a.ID)=0 方法7:
select * from #T a where ID=(select top 1 ID from #T where Name=a.name order by ID desc) 方法8:
select * from #T a where ID!<all(select ID from #T where Name=a.Name) 方法9(注:ID为唯一时可用):
select * from #T a where ID in(select max(ID) from #T group by Name) --SQL2005: 方法10:
select ID,Name,Memo from (select *,max(ID)over(partition by Name) as MinID from #T a)T where ID=MinID 方法11:
select ID,Name,Memo from (select *,row_number()over(partition by Name order by ID desc) as MinID from #T a)T where MinID=1 生成结果2:
ID Name Memo
----------- ---- ----
3 A A3
5 B B2 (2 行受影响)
*/ 如果还不能解决问题 建议楼主给出具体需求 是根据哪个字段来去重复的


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