Standard Signature Validation Method for Contracts

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Standard Signature Validation Method for Contracts
Francisco Giordano (@frangio), Matt Condon (@shrugs), Philippe Castonguay (@PhABC)
Standards Track


Many blockchain based applications allow users to sign off-chain messages instead of directly requesting users to do an on-chain transaction. This is the case for decentralized exchanges with off-chain orderbooks like 0x and etherdelta. These applications usually assume that the message will be signed by the same address that owns the assets. However, one can hold assets directly in their regular account (controlled by a private key) or in a smart contract that acts as a wallet (e.g. a multisig contract). The current design of many smart contracts prevent contract based accounts from interacting with them, since contracts do not possess private keys and therefore can not directly sign messages. The proposal here outlines a standard way for contracts to verify if a provided signature is valid when the account is a contract.

现在很多基于区块链的应用都允许用户在链下签署信息,而不是直接在线上交易的时候进行签署。这个使用链下订单簿进行去中心化交易的例子就像0x (去中心化交易协议)and etherdelta(EtherDelta(以德交易平台)是基于以太坊区块链的以太坊与ERC20代币互换的开源去中心交易平台(智能合约github地址))。这些应用一般都假设这些信息都会被拥有这个资产的相同账户签署。但是,现在的问题是我们即能够直接用自己日常的账户去拥有资产(用私钥来管控),但是我们也可以设计智能合约作为一个钱包来管控资产。目前的关于很多智能合约的设计都防止这些基于账户的合约与账户进行交互,所以这些合约是没有私钥的,那么他们就不能直接签署信息。这个EIP建议就是阐述了一个标准的方法来让合约去核查当一个账户是合约的时候,它提供的签名是否有效。


Externally Owned Accounts (EOA) can sign messages with their associated private keys, but currently contracts cannot. This is a problem for many applications that implement signature based off-chain methods, since contracts can't easily interact with them as they do not possess a private key. Here, we propose a standard way for any contracts to verify whether a signature on a behalf of a given contract is valid.



In the future, it is likely that many users will hold their assets in a smart contract instead of holding them in their externally owned account directly since contracts can improve user experience significantly while providing extra security. This means that contracts using signature based functions should not assume that a given address can provide ECDSA signatures. Otherwise, identity based contracts and contracts holding assets may not be able to interact with functions requiring ECDSA signatures directly.


Here, we use the term smart account to refer to any contract that act as an account, which can include identity based methods (e.g. ERC-725 & ERC-1078), asset ownership (e.g. Multisigs, proxy contracts) and/or executable signed messages methods (e.g. ERC-1077). This terminology is important for the reader to better distinguish a contract that acts as an account (e.g. a multisig, wallet or Gnosis Safe contract) and a contract that does not act as an account but requires signatures.

在这里我们使用智能账户指的是用做账户的合约,他们包括了基于身份的方法(e.g. ERC-725 & ERC-1078),资产拥有和可执行的签署信息 (e.g. ERC-1077)的方法。这个术语能够很好地帮助用户去区分需要用做账户的合约(e.g. a multisig, wallet or Gnosis Safe contract) 以及那些不需要用做账户但是需要签名的合约。

One example of an application that requires addresses to provide signatures would be decentralized exchanges with off-chain orderbook, where buy/sell orders are signed messages (see 0x and etherdelta for examples). In these applications, EOAs sign orders, signaling their desire to buy/sell a given asset and giving explicit permissions to the exchange smart contracts to conclude a trade via an ECDSA signature. When it comes to contracts however, ECDSA signature is not possible since contracts do not possess a private key. In the first version of the 0x protocol, smart contracts could not generate buy/sell orders for this very reason, as the maker needed to both own the assets and sign the order via ECDSA method. This was revised in their protocol version 2 (see below).



* @dev Should return whether the signature provided is valid for the provided data
* @param _data Arbitrary length data signed on the behalf of address(this)
* @param _signature Signature byte array associated with _data
* MUST return a bool upon valid or invalid signature with corresponding _data
* MUST take (bytes, bytes) as arguments
function isValidSignature(
bytes _data, //任意长度代表了账户地址的签名后的数据,比如一个hash数据
bytes _signature)//签名
returns (bool isValid);

isValidSignature can call arbitrary methods to validate a given signature, which could be context dependent (e.g. time based or state based), EOA dependant (e.g. signers authorization level within smart account), signature scheme Dependant (e.g. ECDSA, multisig, BLS), etc.




* @dev is the signature of `this + sender` from a bouncer?
* @return bool
function _isValidSignature(address _address, bytes _signature)
returns (bool)
return _isValidDataHash(
keccak256(abi.encodePacked(address(this), _address)),//将所给的参数打包再一起进行ABI编码,然后进行hash
_signature //该_signature是对`this + sender`内容的签名,所以上面的hash是那样的
} /**
* @dev internal function to convert a hash to an eth signed message
* and then recover the signature and check it against the bouncer role
* @return bool
function _isValidDataHash(bytes32 _hash, bytes _signature)
returns (bool)
address signer = _hash //这两个都是ECDSA.sol里的函数
.toEthSignedMessageHash()//convert a hash to an eth signed message
return isBouncer(signer);




Such a function is important because it allows other contracts to validate signed messages on the behalf of the smart account. This is necessary because not all signed messages will first pass by the smart account as in ERC-1077, since signatures can be requested by independent contracts. Action based signed messages do not require this method for external contracts since the action is Smart Account A -> Contract C (e.g. owner of smart account A wants to transfer tokens T to contract C), but when the action is in the opposite direction (Contract A -> SmartAccount) this external function is necessary (e.g. contract A requires smart account A to transfer tokens T when event E is triggered).

这个函数是很重要的,因为它允许了其他合约去核查代表了智能账户的签名信息是不是有效的。它是很必须的,因为在ERC-1077中,当签名可能被其他独立的合约要求查看时,不是所有的签名信息都会被智能账户传递。当基于签名信息的操作是从智能账户A -> 合约C时(即智能账户的拥有者想要传递token T给合约C时),那么外部合约是不需要这个方法来查看签名的有效性的。但是如果操作是反过来的(即合约C -> 智能账户A),那么这个外部函数肯定是必须的,我必须要确认智能账户的身份的有效性才会给他传token

We believe the name of the proposed function to be appropriate considering that an authorized signers providing proper signatures for a given data would see their signature as "valid" by the smart account. Hence, an signed action message is only valid when the signer is authorized to perform a given action on the behalf of a smart account.


Two arguments are provided for simplicity of separating the data from the signature, but both could be concatenated in a single byte array if community prefers this.



Existing implementations :

什么是smart account,它实现了什么功能

One example would be to have a "smart account" be an owner. A smart account is a contract that would hold all the assets of a user to facilitate a bunch of stuff and where different private key can perform different action. Some PV key could transfer assets and set permissions while others could simply play games or interact on social media on the behalf of this smart account. Smart accounts increase security and can add a bunch of critical functionalities to regular accounts in order to improve UX.

一个例子就是拥有一个“智能账户”作为所有者。智能帐户是一种合约,它持有用户的所有资产,以方便处理一堆东西,并且不同的私钥可以执行不同的操作。一些private key可以转移资产和设置权限,而另一些密钥则可以代表这个智能帐户玩游戏或在社交媒体上进行交互。智能帐户可以提高安全性,并可以向常规帐户添加一些关键功能,以改善用户体验。

Now, if this smart account, which would actually be my main account, is owner of a contract, or has a given role is some bouncer protected contract, it will need to have this kind of method.


I have a strong feeling that most users will not use their regular account in the future, which offers very low security and poor UX and will most likely use a smart contract (that is, until account abstraction).


For more info about the future of accounts and the concept of smart accounts, check out Alex van de Sande's 15 mins presentation and then mine at the EDCON Ux unconference.

想要了解更多关于账户未来和智能账户概念的信息,请查看Alex van de Sande的15分钟演讲,然后在EDCON Ux unconference上进行我的演讲。


Whereas classical accounts are driven by ECDSA signed transactions, smart accounts are driven by the arbitrary logic of a smart contract. This is where it relates to the generalization of SignatureBouncerSignatureBouncer validates ECDSA signatures, but smart accounts are not backed by a key and can never produce such signatures. Thus, a smart account can never be a bouncer, unless we generalize to other authentication schemes.




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