January 04th, 2018 Week 01st Thursday
Just do what works for you, because there will always be someone who think differently.
Just now, I saw a quote from Jean-Jacques Rousseau:
People who know little are usually great talkers, while men who know much say little.
Stated plainly, I can't agree with this opinion.
Taking my own experience for example, I have met with many people in the past several months.
Some of them are really good talkers, I am always utterly dazzled by their profound erudition in the related fields.
Some of them are inarticulate and rather shy, but the outcomes of their work are quite impressive.
But what about my own performance? Not very satisfying, my progress was very slow.
The main reasons for that may be my bad habits, bad skills in time-management, or some persistence with subtle effects on my career.
Those bad habits, those meaningless persistence, kept me ticking over, stopped me being complacent.
And that may be the reality, that is the reality, and the only choice for us is to accept it.
Just do what works for us.
We may lay in a stock of pleasures, as we would lay in a stock of wine; but if we defer tasting them too long, we shall find that both are soured by age.
From Charles Caleb Colton.
If you love life, please think about carpe diem, life is short, if you have some pleasures to enjoy, please enjoy them with all your length.
That is not to let you give up your ambitious dreams or stop your fightings to just rely on your past achievements, but to make you know that you must seize the day, seize every moment in your life.
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