我们可以在uvm中实现HDL的后门访问,具体包括的function有uvm_hdl_check_path,uvm_hdl_deposit, uvm_hdl_force,uvm_hdl_release,uvm_hdl_read, task 有uvm_hdl_force_time。 这么做与直接用SV中force, release 有什么区别,有什么好处?这么做的话函数的输入是字符串而不是HDL(hardware description language, 硬件描述语言 )的层次结构。有了字符串就可以模块化了(函数),首先来看uvm_hdl.svh的源代码,当定义了UVM_HDL_NO_DPI,而用户由调用了HDL DPI相关的函数,这时会报错。

// TITLE: UVM HDL Backdoor Access support routines.
// These routines provide an interface to the DPI/PLI
// implementation of backdoor access used by registers.
// If you DON'T want to use the DPI HDL API, then compile your
// SystemVerilog code with the vlog switch
//: vlog ... +define+UVM_HDL_NO_DPI ...
// `ifndef UVM_HDL__SVH
`define UVM_HDL__SVH `ifndef UVM_HDL_MAX_WIDTH
`endif /*
* Sets the maximum size bit vector for backdoor access.
* This parameter will be looked up by the
* DPI-C code using:
* vpi_handle_by_name(
* "uvm_pkg::UVM_HDL_MAX_WIDTH", 0);
parameter int UVM_HDL_MAX_WIDTH = `UVM_HDL_MAX_WIDTH; typedef logic [UVM_HDL_MAX_WIDTH-:] uvm_hdl_data_t; `ifndef UVM_HDL_NO_DPI // Function: uvm_hdl_check_path
// Checks that the given HDL ~path~ exists. Returns 0 if NOT found, 1 otherwise.
import "DPI-C" context function int uvm_hdl_check_path(string path); // Function: uvm_hdl_deposit
// Sets the given HDL ~path~ to the specified ~value~.
// Returns 1 if the call succeeded, 0 otherwise.
import "DPI-C" context function int uvm_hdl_deposit(string path, uvm_hdl_data_t value); // Function: uvm_hdl_force
// Forces the ~value~ on the given ~path~. Returns 1 if the call succeeded, 0 otherwise.
import "DPI-C" context function int uvm_hdl_force(string path, uvm_hdl_data_t value); // Function: uvm_hdl_force_time
// Forces the ~value~ on the given ~path~ for the specified amount of ~force_time~.
// If ~force_time~ is 0, <uvm_hdl_deposit> is called.
// Returns 1 if the call succeeded, 0 otherwise.
task uvm_hdl_force_time(string path, uvm_hdl_data_t value, time force_time = );
if (force_time == ) begin
void'(uvm_hdl_deposit(path, value));
if (!uvm_hdl_force(path, value))
void'(uvm_hdl_release_and_read(path, value));
endtask // Function: uvm_hdl_release_and_read
// Releases a value previously set with <uvm_hdl_force>.
// Returns 1 if the call succeeded, 0 otherwise. ~value~ is set to
// the HDL value after the release. For 'reg', the value will still be
// the forced value until it has been procedurally reassigned. For 'wire',
// the value will change immediately to the resolved value of its
// continuous drivers, if any. If none, its value remains as forced until
// the next direct assignment.
import "DPI-C" context function int uvm_hdl_release_and_read(string path, inout uvm_hdl_data_t value); // Function: uvm_hdl_release
// Releases a value previously set with <uvm_hdl_force>.
// Returns 1 if the call succeeded, 0 otherwise.
import "DPI-C" context function int uvm_hdl_release(string path); // Function: uvm_hdl_read()
// Gets the value at the given ~path~.
// Returns 1 if the call succeeded, 0 otherwise.
import "DPI-C" context function int uvm_hdl_read(string path, output uvm_hdl_data_t value); `else function int uvm_hdl_check_path(string path);
$sformatf("uvm_hdl DPI routines are compiled off. Recompile without +define+UVM_HDL_NO_DPI"));
return ;
endfunction function int uvm_hdl_deposit(string path, uvm_hdl_data_t value);
$sformatf("uvm_hdl DPI routines are compiled off. Recompile without +define+UVM_HDL_NO_DPI"));
return ;
endfunction function int uvm_hdl_force(string path, uvm_hdl_data_t value);
$sformatf("uvm_hdl DPI routines are compiled off. Recompile without +define+UVM_HDL_NO_DPI"));
return ;
endfunction task uvm_hdl_force_time(string path, uvm_hdl_data_t value, time force_time=);
$sformatf("uvm_hdl DPI routines are compiled off. Recompile without +define+UVM_HDL_NO_DPI"));
endtask function int uvm_hdl_release(string path, output uvm_hdl_data_t value);
$sformatf("uvm_hdl DPI routines are compiled off. Recompile without +define+UVM_HDL_NO_DPI"));
return ;
endfunction function int uvm_hdl_read(string path, output uvm_hdl_data_t value);
$sformatf("uvm_hdl DPI routines are compiled off. Recompile without +define+UVM_HDL_NO_DPI"));
return ;
endfunction `endif `endif

与之对应的uvm_hdl.c实现如下,由于每个EDA vendor 具体实现方式不同,所有分别包含在不同的文件中了。

// hdl vendor backends are defined for VCS,QUESTA,INCA
#if defined(VCS) || defined(VCSMX)
#include "uvm_hdl_vcs.c"
#ifdef QUESTA
#include "uvm_hdl_questa.c"
#if defined(INCA) || defined(NCSC)
#include "uvm_hdl_inca.c"
#error "hdl vendor backend is missing"


#include "uvm_dpi.h"
#include <math.h> #include "svdpi.h"
#include "vcsuser.h" #ifdef VCSMX
#include "mhpi_user.h"
#include "vhpi_user.h"
#endif /*
* UVM HDL access C code.
*/ /*
* This C code checks to see if there is PLI handle
* with a value set to define the maximum bit width.
* If no such variable is found, then the default
* width of 1024 is used.
* This function should only get called once or twice,
* its return value is cached in the caller.
static int uvm_hdl_max_width()
vpiHandle ms;
s_vpi_value value_s = { vpiIntVal, { } };
ms = vpi_handle_by_name((PLI_BYTE8*) "uvm_pkg::UVM_HDL_MAX_WIDTH", );
if(ms == )
return ; /* If nothing else is defined,
this is the DEFAULT */
vpi_get_value(ms, &value_s);
return value_s.value.integer;
} /*
* Given a path, look the path name up using the PLI,
* and set it to 'value'.
static int uvm_hdl_set_vlog(char *path, p_vpi_vecval value, PLI_INT32 flag)
static int maxsize = -;
vpiHandle r;
s_vpi_value value_s = { vpiIntVal, { } };
s_vpi_time time_s = { vpiSimTime, , , 0.0 }; //vpi_printf("uvm_hdl_set_vlog(%s,%0x)\n",path,value[0].aval); r = vpi_handle_by_name(path, ); if(r == )
const char * err_str = "set: unable to locate hdl path (%s)\n Either the name is incorrect, or you may not have PLI/ACC visibility to that name";
char buffer[strlen(err_str) + strlen(path)];
sprintf(buffer, err_str, path);
(char*) "UVM/DPI/HDL_SET",
return ;
if(maxsize == -)
maxsize = uvm_hdl_max_width(); if (flag == vpiReleaseFlag) {
//size = vpi_get(vpiSize, r);
//value_p = (p_vpi_vecval)(malloc(((size-1)/32+1)*8*sizeof(s_vpi_vecval)));
//value = &value_p;
value_s.format = vpiVectorVal;
value_s.value.vector = value;
vpi_put_value(r, &value_s, &time_s, flag);
//if (value_p != NULL)
// free(value_p);
if (value == NULL) {
value = value_s.value.vector;
return ;
} /*
* Given a path, look the path name up using the PLI
* and return its 'value'.
static int uvm_hdl_get_vlog(char *path, p_vpi_vecval value, PLI_INT32 flag)
static int maxsize = -;
int i, size, chunks;
vpiHandle r;
s_vpi_value value_s; r = vpi_handle_by_name(path, ); if(r == )
const char * err_str = "get: unable to locate hdl path (%s)\n Either the name is incorrect, or you may not have PLI/ACC visibility to that name";
char buffer[strlen(err_str) + strlen(path)];
sprintf(buffer, err_str, path);
// Exiting is too harsh. Just return instead.
// tf_dofinish();
return ;
if(maxsize == -)
maxsize = uvm_hdl_max_width(); size = vpi_get(vpiSize, r);
if(size > maxsize)
const char * err_str = "uvm_reg : hdl path '%s' is %0d bits, but the maximum size is %0d. You can increase the maximum via a compile-time flag: +define+UVM_HDL_MAX_WIDTH=<value>";
char buffer[strlen(err_str) + strlen(path) + (*int_str_max())];
sprintf(buffer, err_str, path, size, maxsize);
return ;
chunks = (size-)/ + ; value_s.format = vpiVectorVal;
vpi_get_value(r, &value_s);
/*dpi and vpi are reversed*/
for(i=;i<chunks; ++i)
value[i].aval = value_s.value.vector[i].aval;
value[i].bval = value_s.value.vector[i].bval;
return ;
} /*
* Given a path, look the path name up using the PLI,
* but don't set or get. Just check.
* Return 0 if NOT found.
* Return 1 if found.
int uvm_hdl_check_path(char *path)
vpiHandle r; r = vpi_handle_by_name(path, ); if(r == )
return ;
return ;
} /*
* convert binary to integer
long int uvm_hdl_btoi(char *binVal) {
long int remainder, dec=, j = ;
unsigned long long int bin;
int i;
char tmp[];
tmp[] = '\0'; for(i= strlen(binVal) - ; i >= ; i--) {
tmp[] = binVal[i];
bin = atoi(tmp);
dec = dec+(bin*(pow(,j)));
} /*
*decimal to hex conversion
char *uvm_hdl_dtob(long int decimalNumber) {
int remainder, quotient;
int i=,j, length;
int binN[];
static char binaryNumber[];
char *str = (char*) malloc(sizeof(char)); quotient = decimalNumber; do {
binN[i++] = quotient%;
quotient = quotient/;
} while (quotient!=);
length = i; for (i=length-, j = ; i>=; i--) {
binaryNumber[j++] = binN[i]?'':'';
binaryNumber[j] = '\0';
} /*
* Mixed lanaguage API Get calls
#ifdef VCSMX
int uvm_hdl_get_mhdl(char *path, p_vpi_vecval value) { long int value_int; char *binVal;
int i = ;
vhpiValueT value1;
p_vpi_vecval vecval;
mhpiHandleT mhpiH = mhpi_handle_by_name(path, );
vhpiHandleT vhpiH = (long unsigned int *)mhpi_get_vhpi_handle(mhpiH);
value1.bufSize = vhpi_get(vhpiSizeP, vhpiH);
value1.value.str = (char*)malloc(value1.bufSize*sizeof(char)+); if (vhpi_get_value(vhpiH, &value1) == ) {
binVal = value1.value.str; value_int = uvm_hdl_btoi(binVal);
value->aval = (PLI_UINT32) value_int;
value->bval = ;
return(); } else {
return ();
} }
#endif /*
* Given a path, look the path name up using the PLI
* or the VHPI, and return its 'value'.
int uvm_hdl_read(char *path, p_vpi_vecval value)
#ifndef VCSMX
return uvm_hdl_get_vlog(path, value, vpiNoDelay);
mhpiHandleT h = mhpi_handle_by_name(path, );
if (mhpi_get(mhpiPliP, h) == mhpiVpiPli) {
return uvm_hdl_get_vlog(path, value, vpiNoDelay);
else if (mhpi_get(mhpiPliP, h) == mhpiVhpiPli) { mhpi_release_parent_handle(h);
return uvm_hdl_get_mhdl(path,value);
} /*
* Mixed Language API Set calls
#ifdef VCSMX
int uvm_hdl_set_mhdl(char *path, p_vpi_vecval value, mhpiPutValueFlagsT flags)
mhpiRealT forceDelay = ;
mhpiRealT cancelDelay = -;
mhpiReturnT ret;
mhpiHandleT h = mhpi_handle_by_name(path, );
mhpiHandleT mhpi_mhRegion = mhpi_handle(mhpiScope, h);
int val = value->aval;
char *force_value = uvm_hdl_dtob(val); ret = mhpi_force_value(path, mhpi_mhRegion, force_value, flags, forceDelay, cancelDelay);
if (ret == mhpiRetOk) {
#endif /*
* Given a path, look the path name up using the PLI
* or the VHPI, and set it to 'value'.
int uvm_hdl_deposit(char *path, p_vpi_vecval value)
#ifndef VCSMX
return uvm_hdl_set_vlog(path, value, vpiNoDelay);
mhpiHandleT h = mhpi_handle_by_name(path, ); if (mhpi_get(mhpiPliP, h) == mhpiVpiPli) {
return uvm_hdl_set_vlog(path, value, vpiNoDelay);
else if (mhpi_get(mhpiPliP, h) == mhpiVhpiPli) {
return uvm_hdl_set_mhdl(path, value, mhpiNoDelay);
return ();
} /*
* Given a path, look the path name up using the PLI
* or the VHPI, and set it to 'value'.
int uvm_hdl_force(char *path, p_vpi_vecval value)
#ifndef VCSMX
return uvm_hdl_set_vlog(path, value, vpiForceFlag);
mhpiHandleT h = mhpi_handle_by_name(path, ); if (mhpi_get(mhpiPliP, h) == mhpiVpiPli) {
return uvm_hdl_set_vlog(path, value, vpiForceFlag);
else if (mhpi_get(mhpiPliP, h) == mhpiVhpiPli) { mhpi_release_parent_handle(h);
return uvm_hdl_set_mhdl(path, value, mhpiForce); }
return ();
} /*
* Given a path, look the path name up using the PLI
* or the VHPI, and release it.
int uvm_hdl_release_and_read(char *path, p_vpi_vecval value)
return uvm_hdl_set_vlog(path, value, vpiReleaseFlag);
} /*
* Given a path, look the path name up using the PLI
* or the VHPI, and release it.
int uvm_hdl_release(char *path)
s_vpi_vecval value;
p_vpi_vecval valuep = &value;
#ifndef VCSMX
return uvm_hdl_set_vlog(path, valuep, vpiReleaseFlag);
mhpiHandleT h = mhpi_handle_by_name(path, );
mhpiReturnT ret; if (mhpi_get(mhpiPliP, h) == mhpiVpiPli) {
return uvm_hdl_set_vlog(path, valuep, vpiReleaseFlag);
else if (mhpi_get(mhpiPliP, h) == mhpiVhpiPli) {
mhpiHandleT mhpi_mhRegion = mhpi_handle(mhpiScope, h);
ret = mhpi_release_force(path, mhpi_mhRegion);
if (ret == mhpiRetOk) {
return(); }
return ();


// use -DINCA_EXTENDED_PARTSEL_SUPPORT to use extended support for vpi_handle_by_name

#include "vhpi_user.h"
#include "vpi_user.h"
#include "veriuser.h"
#include "svdpi.h"
#include <malloc.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h> static void m_uvm_error(const char *ID, const char *msg, ...);
static int uvm_hdl_set_vlog(char *path, p_vpi_vecval value, PLI_INT32 flag);
static void m_uvm_get_object_handle(const char* path, vhpiHandleT *handle,int *language);
static int uvm_hdl_get_vlog(char *path, p_vpi_vecval value, PLI_INT32 flag);
static int uvm_hdl_max_width(); // static print buffer
static char m_uvm_temp_print_buffer[]; /*
* UVM HDL access C code.
static void m_uvm_get_object_handle(const char* path, vhpiHandleT *handle,int *language)
*handle = vhpi_handle_by_name(path, ); if(*handle)
*language = vhpi_get(vhpiLanguageP, *handle);
} // returns 0 if the name is NOT a slice
// returns 1 if the name is a slice
static int is_valid_path_slice(const char* path) {
char *path_ptr = (char *) path;
return ;
#endif path_len = strlen(path);
path_ptr = (char*)(path+path_len-); if (*path_ptr != ']')
return ; while(path_ptr != path && *path_ptr != ':' && *path_ptr != '[')
path_ptr--; if (path_ptr == path || *path_ptr != ':')
return ; while(path_ptr != path && *path_ptr != '[')
path_ptr--; if (path_ptr == path || *path_ptr != '[')
return ; return ;
} static int uvm_hdl_set_vlog_partsel(char *path, p_vpi_vecval value, PLI_INT32 flag)
char *path_ptr = path;
int path_len;
svLogicVecVal bit_value; if(!is_valid_path_slice(path)) return ;
path_len = strlen(path);
path_ptr = (char*)(path+path_len-); if (*path_ptr != ']')
return ; while(path_ptr != path && *path_ptr != ':' && *path_ptr != '[')
path_ptr--; if (path_ptr == path || *path_ptr != ':')
return ; while(path_ptr != path && *path_ptr != '[')
path_ptr--; if (path_ptr == path || *path_ptr != '[')
return ; int lhs, rhs, width, incr; // extract range from path
if (sscanf(path_ptr,"[%u:%u]",&lhs, &rhs)) {
char index_str[];
int i;
path_len = (path_len - (path_ptr - path));
incr = (lhs>rhs) ? : -;
width = (lhs>rhs) ? lhs-rhs+ : rhs-lhs+; // perform set for each individual bit
for (i=; i < width; i++) {
rhs += incr;
if (uvm_hdl_set_vlog_partsel(path,&bit_value,flag)==) {
if(uvm_hdl_set_vlog(path,&bit_value,flag)==) { return ; };
return ;
return ;
} /*
* Given a path with part-select, break into individual bit accesses
* path = pointer to user string
* value = pointer to logic vector
* flag = deposit vs force/release options, etc
static int uvm_hdl_get_vlog_partsel(char *path, p_vpi_vecval value, PLI_INT32 flag)
char *path_ptr = path;
int path_len;
svLogicVecVal bit_value; path_len = strlen(path);
path_ptr = (char*)(path+path_len-); if (*path_ptr != ']')
return ; while(path_ptr != path && *path_ptr != ':' && *path_ptr != '[')
path_ptr--; if (path_ptr == path || *path_ptr != ':')
return ; while(path_ptr != path && *path_ptr != '[')
path_ptr--; if (path_ptr == path || *path_ptr != '[')
return ; int lhs, rhs, width, incr; // extract range from path
if (sscanf(path_ptr,"[%u:%u]",&lhs, &rhs)) {
char index_str[];
int i;
path_len = (path_len - (path_ptr - path));
incr = (lhs>rhs) ? : -;
width = (lhs>rhs) ? lhs-rhs+ : rhs-lhs+;
bit_value.aval = ;
bit_value.bval = ;
for (i=; i < width; i++) {
svLogic logic_bit;
strncpy(path_ptr,index_str,path_len); if(uvm_hdl_get_vlog_partsel(path,&bit_value,flag) == ) {
if(uvm_hdl_get_vlog(path,&bit_value,flag)==) { return ; }
} logic_bit = svGetBitselLogic(&bit_value,);
rhs += incr;
return ;
} else {
return ;
} static void clear_value(p_vpi_vecval value) {
int chunks;
int maxsize = uvm_hdl_max_width();
chunks = (maxsize-)/ + ;
for(int i=;i<chunks-; ++i) {
value[i].aval = ;
value[i].bval = ;
} /*
* This C code checks to see if there is PLI handle
* with a value set to define the maximum bit width.
* This function should only get called once or twice,
* its return value is cached in the caller.
static int UVM_HDL_MAX_WIDTH = ;
static int uvm_hdl_max_width()
vpiHandle ms;
s_vpi_value value_s = { vpiIntVal, { } };
ms = vpi_handle_by_name((PLI_BYTE8*) "uvm_pkg::UVM_HDL_MAX_WIDTH", );
vpi_get_value(ms, &value_s);
UVM_HDL_MAX_WIDTH= value_s.value.integer;
} /*
* Given a path, look the path name up using the PLI,
* and set it to 'value'.
static int uvm_hdl_set_vlog(char *path, p_vpi_vecval value, PLI_INT32 flag)
static int maxsize = -;
vpiHandle r;
s_vpi_value value_s = { vpiIntVal, { } };
s_vpi_time time_s = { vpiSimTime, , , 0.0 }; r = vpi_handle_by_name(path, ); if(r == )
m_uvm_error("UVM/DPI/HDL_SET","set: unable to locate hdl path (%s)\n Either the name is incorrect, or you may not have PLI/ACC visibility to that name",
return ;
if(maxsize == -)
maxsize = uvm_hdl_max_width(); if (flag == vpiReleaseFlag) {
//size = vpi_get(vpiSize, r);
//value_p = (p_vpi_vecval)(malloc(((size-1)/32+1)*8*sizeof(s_vpi_vecval)));
//value = &value_p;
value_s.format = vpiVectorVal;
value_s.value.vector = value;
vpi_put_value(r, &value_s, &time_s, flag);
//if (value_p != NULL)
// free(value_p);
if (value == NULL) {
value = value_s.value.vector;
} vpi_release_handle(r); return ;
} static vhpiEnumT vhpiEnumTLookup[] = {vhpi0,vhpi1,vhpiZ,vhpiX}; // idx={b[0],a[0]}
static vhpiEnumT vhpi2val(int aval,int bval) {
int idx=(((bval<<) || (aval&)) && );
return vhpiEnumTLookup[idx];
} static int uvm_hdl_set_vhdl(char* path, p_vpi_vecval value, PLI_INT32 flag)
static int maxsize = -;
int size, chunks, bit, i, j, aval, bval;
vhpiValueT value_s;
vhpiHandleT r = vhpi_handle_by_name(path, ); if(maxsize == -) maxsize = uvm_hdl_max_width();
if(maxsize == -) maxsize = ; size = vhpi_get(vhpiSizeP, r);
if(size > maxsize)
m_uvm_error("UVM/DPI/VHDL_SET","hdl path %s is %0d bits, but the current maximum size is %0d. You may redefine it using the compile-time flag: -define UVM_HDL_MAX_WIDTH=<value>", path, size,maxsize); tf_dofinish();
chunks = (size-)/ + ; value_s.format = vhpiObjTypeVal;
value_s.bufSize = ;
value_s.value.str = NULL; vhpi_get_value(r, &value_s); switch(value_s.format)
case vhpiEnumVal:
value_s.value.enumv = vhpi2val(value[].aval,value[].bval);
case vhpiEnumVecVal:
value_s.bufSize = size*sizeof(int);
value_s.value.enumvs = (vhpiEnumT *)malloc(size*sizeof(int)); vhpi_get_value(r, &value_s);
chunks = (size-)/ + ; bit = ;
for(i=;i<chunks && bit<size; ++i)
aval = value[i].aval;
bval = value[i].bval; for(j=;j< && bit<size; ++j)
value_s.value.enumvs[size-bit-]= vhpi2val(aval,bval);
aval>>=; bval>>=;
m_uvm_error("UVM/DPI/VHDL_SET","Failed to set value to hdl path %s (unexpected type: %0d)", path, value_s.format);
return ;
} vhpi_put_value(r, &value_s, flag); if(value_s.format == vhpiEnumVecVal)
return ;
} /*
* Given a path, look the path name up using the PLI
* and return its 'value'.
static int uvm_hdl_get_vlog(char *path, p_vpi_vecval value, PLI_INT32 flag)
static int maxsize = -;
int i, size, chunks;
vpiHandle r;
s_vpi_value value_s; r = vpi_handle_by_name(path, ); if(r == )
m_uvm_error("UVM/DPI/VLOG_GET","unable to locate hdl path (%s)\n Either the name is incorrect, or you may not have PLI/ACC visibility to that name",path);
// Exiting is too harsh. Just return instead.
// tf_dofinish();
return ;
if(maxsize == -)
maxsize = uvm_hdl_max_width(); size = vpi_get(vpiSize, r);
if(size > maxsize)
m_uvm_error("UVM/DPI/VLOG_GET","hdl path '%s' is %0d bits, but the maximum size is %0d. You can increase the maximum via a compile-time flag: +define+UVM_HDL_MAX_WIDTH=<value>",
//tf_dofinish(); vpi_release_handle(r); return ;
chunks = (size-)/ + ; value_s.format = vpiVectorVal;
vpi_get_value(r, &value_s);
/*dpi and vpi are reversed*/
for(i=;i<chunks; ++i)
value[i].aval = value_s.value.vector[i].aval;
value[i].bval = value_s.value.vector[i].bval;
//vpi_printf("uvm_hdl_get_vlog(%s,%0x)\n",path,value[0].aval); vpi_release_handle(r); return ;
} static int uvm_hdl_get_vhdl(char* path, p_vpi_vecval value)
static int maxsize = -;
int i, j, size, chunks, bit, aval, bval, rtn;
vhpiValueT value_s;
vhpiHandleT r = vhpi_handle_by_name(path, ); if(maxsize == -) maxsize = uvm_hdl_max_width();
if(maxsize == -) maxsize = ; size = vhpi_get(vhpiSizeP, r);
if(size > maxsize)
m_uvm_error("UVM/DPI/HDL_SET","hdl path %s is %0d bits, but the maximum size is %0d, redefine using -define UVM_HDL_MAX_WIDTH=<value>", path, size,maxsize);
chunks = (size-)/ + ;
value_s.format = vhpiObjTypeVal;
value_s.bufSize = ;
value_s.value.str = NULL; rtn = vhpi_get_value(r, &value_s); if(vhpi_check_error() != )
m_uvm_error("UVM/DPI/VHDL_GET","Failed to get value from hdl path %s",path);
return ;
} switch (value_s.format)
case vhpiIntVal:
value[].aval = value_s.value.intg;
value[].bval = ;
case vhpiEnumVal:
case vhpiU:
case vhpiW:
case vhpiX:
value[].aval = ; value[].bval = ; break;
case vhpiZ:
value[].aval = ; value[].bval = ; break;
case vhpi0:
case vhpiL:
case vhpiDontCare:
value[].aval = ; value[].bval = ; break;
case vhpi1:
case vhpiH:
value[].aval = ; value[].bval = ; break;
case vhpiEnumVecVal:
value_s.bufSize = size;
value_s.value.str = (char*)malloc(size);
rtn = vhpi_get_value(r, &value_s);
if (rtn > ) {
value_s.value.str = (char*)realloc(value_s.value.str, rtn);
value_s.bufSize = rtn;
vhpi_get_value(r, &value_s);
for(i=; i<((maxsize-)/+); ++i)
value[i].aval = ;
value[i].bval = ;
bit = ;
for(i=;i<chunks && bit<size; ++i)
aval = ;
bval = ;
for(j=;(j<) && (bit<size); ++j)
aval<<=; bval<<=;
case vhpiU:
case vhpiW:
case vhpiX:
aval |= ;
bval |= ;
case vhpiZ:
bval |= ;
case vhpi0:
case vhpiL:
case vhpiDontCare:
case vhpi1:
case vhpiH:
aval |= ;
value[i].aval = aval;
value[i].bval = bval;
free (value_s.value.str);
m_uvm_error("UVM/DPI/VHDL_GET","Failed to get value from hdl path %s (unexpected type: %0d)", path, value_s.format); tf_dofinish();
return ;
return ;
} /*
* Given a path, look the path name up using the PLI,
* but don't set or get. Just check.
* Return 0 if NOT found.
* Return 1 if found.
int uvm_hdl_check_path(char *path)
vhpiHandleT handle;
int language; m_uvm_get_object_handle(path,&handle,&language); return (handle!=);
} static void m_uvm_error(const char *id, const char *msg, ...) {
va_list argptr;
vsprintf(m_uvm_temp_print_buffer,msg, argptr);
(char *) id,
(char*) __FILE__,
* Given a path, look the path name up using the PLI
* or the FLI, and return its 'value'.
int uvm_hdl_read(char *path, p_vpi_vecval value)
vhpiHandleT handle;
int language; if(is_valid_path_slice(path)) {
return uvm_hdl_get_vlog_partsel(path, value, vpiNoDelay);
} m_uvm_get_object_handle(path,&handle,&language);
switch(language) {
case vhpiVerilog: return uvm_hdl_get_vlog(path, value, vpiNoDelay);
case vhpiVHDL: return uvm_hdl_get_vhdl(path, value);
default:m_uvm_error("UVM/DPI/NOBJ1","name %s cannot be resolved to a hdl object (vlog,vhdl,vlog-slice)",path); return ;
} /*
* Given a path, look the path name up using the PLI
* or the FLI, and set it to 'value'.
int uvm_hdl_deposit(char *path, p_vpi_vecval value)
vhpiHandleT handle;
int language; if(is_valid_path_slice(path))
return uvm_hdl_set_vlog_partsel(path, value, vpiNoDelay); m_uvm_get_object_handle(path,&handle,&language);
switch(language) {
case vhpiVerilog: return uvm_hdl_set_vlog(path, value, vpiNoDelay);
case vhpiVHDL: return uvm_hdl_set_vhdl(path, value, vhpiDepositPropagate);
default:m_uvm_error("UVM/DPI/NOBJ2","name %s cannot be resolved to a hdl object (vlog,vhdl,vlog-slice)",path); return ;
} /*
* Given a path, look the path name up using the PLI
* or the FLI, and set it to 'value'.
int uvm_hdl_force(char *path, p_vpi_vecval value)
vhpiHandleT handle;
int language; if(is_valid_path_slice(path))
return uvm_hdl_set_vlog_partsel(path, value, vpiForceFlag); m_uvm_get_object_handle(path,&handle,&language);
switch(language) {
case vhpiVerilog: return uvm_hdl_set_vlog(path, value, vpiForceFlag);
case vhpiVHDL: return uvm_hdl_set_vhdl(path, value, vhpiForcePropagate);
default:m_uvm_error("UVM/DPI/NOBJ3","name %s cannot be resolved to a hdl object (vlog,vhdl,vlog-slice)",path); return ;
} /*
* Given a path, look the path name up using the PLI
* or the FLI, and release it.
int uvm_hdl_release_and_read(char *path, p_vpi_vecval value)
vhpiHandleT handle;
int language; if(is_valid_path_slice(path)) {
uvm_hdl_set_vlog_partsel(path, value, vpiReleaseFlag);
return uvm_hdl_get_vlog_partsel(path, value, vpiNoDelay);
} m_uvm_get_object_handle(path,&handle,&language);
switch(language) {
case vhpiVerilog: uvm_hdl_set_vlog(path, value, vpiReleaseFlag); return uvm_hdl_get_vlog(path, value, vpiNoDelay);
case vhpiVHDL: uvm_hdl_set_vhdl(path, value, vhpiReleaseKV); return uvm_hdl_get_vhdl(path, value);
default:m_uvm_error("UVM/DPI/NOBJ4","name %s cannot be resolved to a hdl object (vlog,vhdl,vlog-slice)",path); return ;
} /*
* Given a path, look the path name up using the PLI
* or the FLI, and release it.
int uvm_hdl_release(char *path)
s_vpi_vecval value;
vhpiHandleT handle;
int language; if(is_valid_path_slice(path))
return uvm_hdl_set_vlog_partsel(path, &value, vpiReleaseFlag); m_uvm_get_object_handle(path,&handle,&language);
switch(language) {
case vhpiVerilog: return uvm_hdl_set_vlog(path, &value, vpiReleaseFlag);
case vhpiVHDL: return uvm_hdl_set_vhdl(path, &value, vhpiReleaseKV);
default:m_uvm_error("UVM/DPI/NOBJ5","name %s cannot be resolved to a hdl object (vlog,vhdl,vlog-slice)",path); return ;

最后,Mentor Graphic的uvm_hdl_questa.c:

#include "uvm_dpi.h"

* UVM HDL access C code.
*/ /*
* This C code checks to see if there is PLI handle
* with a value set to define the maximum bit width.
* If no such variable is found, then the default
* width of 1024 is used.
* This function should only get called once or twice,
* its return value is cached in the caller.
static int uvm_hdl_max_width()
vpiHandle ms;
s_vpi_value value_s = { vpiIntVal, { } };
ms = vpi_handle_by_name((PLI_BYTE8*) "uvm_pkg::UVM_HDL_MAX_WIDTH", );
if(ms == )
return ; /* If nothing else is defined,
this is the DEFAULT */
vpi_get_value(ms, &value_s);
return value_s.value.integer;
} #ifdef QUESTA
static int uvm_hdl_set_vlog(char *path, p_vpi_vecval value, PLI_INT32 flag);
static int uvm_hdl_get_vlog(char *path, p_vpi_vecval value, PLI_INT32 flag);
static int partsel = ; /*
* Given a path with part-select, break into individual bit accesses
* path = pointer to user string
* value = pointer to logic vector
* flag = deposit vs force/release options, etc
static int uvm_hdl_set_vlog_partsel(char *path, p_vpi_vecval value, PLI_INT32 flag)
char *path_ptr = path;
int path_len, idx;
svLogicVecVal bit_value; path_len = strlen(path);
path_ptr = (char*)(path+path_len-); if (*path_ptr != ']')
return ; while(path_ptr != path && *path_ptr != ':' && *path_ptr != '[')
path_ptr--; if (path_ptr == path || *path_ptr != ':')
return ; while(path_ptr != path && *path_ptr != '[')
path_ptr--; if (path_ptr == path || *path_ptr != '[')
return ; int lhs, rhs, width, incr; // extract range from path
if (sscanf(path_ptr,"[%u:%u]",&lhs, &rhs)) {
char index_str[];
int i;
path_len = (path_len - (path_ptr - path));
incr = (lhs>rhs) ? : -;
width = (lhs>rhs) ? lhs-rhs+ : rhs-lhs+; // perform set for each individual bit
for (i=; i < width; i++) {
rhs += incr;
if (!uvm_hdl_set_vlog(path,&bit_value,flag))
return ;
return ;
} /*
* Given a path with part-select, break into individual bit accesses
* path = pointer to user string
* value = pointer to logic vector
* flag = deposit vs force/release options, etc
static int uvm_hdl_get_vlog_partsel(char *path, p_vpi_vecval value, PLI_INT32 flag)
char *path_ptr = path;
int path_len, idx;
svLogicVecVal bit_value; path_len = strlen(path);
path_ptr = (char*)(path+path_len-); if (*path_ptr != ']')
return ; while(path_ptr != path && *path_ptr != ':' && *path_ptr != '[')
path_ptr--; if (path_ptr == path || *path_ptr != ':')
return ; while(path_ptr != path && *path_ptr != '[')
path_ptr--; if (path_ptr == path || *path_ptr != '[')
return ; int lhs, rhs, width, incr; // extract range from path
if (sscanf(path_ptr,"[%u:%u]",&lhs, &rhs)) {
char index_str[];
int i;
path_len = (path_len - (path_ptr - path));
incr = (lhs>rhs) ? : -;
width = (lhs>rhs) ? lhs-rhs+ : rhs-lhs+;
bit_value.aval = ;
bit_value.bval = ;
partsel = ;
for (i=; i < width; i++) {
int result;
svLogic logic_bit;
result = uvm_hdl_get_vlog(path,&bit_value,flag);
logic_bit = svGetBitselLogic(&bit_value,);
rhs += incr;
if (!result)
return ;
partsel = ;
return ;
#endif /*
* Given a path, look the path name up using the PLI,
* and set it to 'value'.
static int uvm_hdl_set_vlog(char *path, p_vpi_vecval value, PLI_INT32 flag)
static int maxsize = -;
vpiHandle r;
s_vpi_value value_s = { vpiIntVal, { } };
s_vpi_time time_s = { vpiSimTime, , , 0.0 }; //vpi_printf("uvm_hdl_set_vlog(%s,%0x)\n",path,value[0].aval); #ifdef QUESTA
int result = ;
result = uvm_hdl_set_vlog_partsel(path,value,flag);
if (result < )
return ;
if (result == )
return ; if (!strncmp(path,"$root.",))
r = vpi_handle_by_name(path+, );
r = vpi_handle_by_name(path, ); if(r == )
const char * err_str = "set: unable to locate hdl path (%s)\n Either the name is incorrect, or you may not have PLI/ACC visibility to that name";
char buffer[strlen(err_str) + strlen(path)];
sprintf(buffer, err_str, path);
(char*) "UVM/DPI/HDL_SET",
return ;
if(maxsize == -)
maxsize = uvm_hdl_max_width(); if (flag == vpiReleaseFlag) {
//size = vpi_get(vpiSize, r);
//value_p = (p_vpi_vecval)(malloc(((size-1)/32+1)*8*sizeof(s_vpi_vecval)));
//value = &value_p;
value_s.format = vpiVectorVal;
value_s.value.vector = value;
vpi_put_value(r, &value_s, &time_s, flag);
//if (value_p != NULL)
// free(value_p);
if (value == NULL) {
value = value_s.value.vector;
#ifndef VCS
return ;
} /*
* Given a path, look the path name up using the PLI
* and return its 'value'.
static int uvm_hdl_get_vlog(char *path, p_vpi_vecval value, PLI_INT32 flag)
static int maxsize = -;
int i, size, chunks;
vpiHandle r;
s_vpi_value value_s; #ifdef QUESTA
if (!partsel) {
maxsize = uvm_hdl_max_width();
chunks = (maxsize-)/ + ;
for(i=;i<chunks-; ++i) {
value[i].aval = ;
value[i].bval = ;
int result = ;
result = uvm_hdl_get_vlog_partsel(path,value,flag);
if (result < )
return ;
if (result == )
return ; if (!strncmp(path,"$root.",))
r = vpi_handle_by_name(path+, );
r = vpi_handle_by_name(path, ); if(r == )
const char * err_str = "get: unable to locate hdl path (%s)\n Either the name is incorrect, or you may not have PLI/ACC visibility to that name";
char buffer[strlen(err_str) + strlen(path)];
sprintf(buffer, err_str, path);
// Exiting is too harsh. Just return instead.
// tf_dofinish();
return ;
if(maxsize == -)
maxsize = uvm_hdl_max_width(); size = vpi_get(vpiSize, r);
if(size > maxsize)
const char * err_str = "uvm_reg : hdl path '%s' is %0d bits, but the maximum size is %0d. You can increase the maximum via a compile-time flag: +define+UVM_HDL_MAX_WIDTH=<value>";
char buffer[strlen(err_str) + strlen(path) + (*int_str_max())];
sprintf(buffer, err_str, path, size, maxsize);
#ifndef VCS
return ;
chunks = (size-)/ + ; value_s.format = vpiVectorVal;
vpi_get_value(r, &value_s);
/*dpi and vpi are reversed*/
for(i=;i<chunks; ++i)
value[i].aval = value_s.value.vector[i].aval;
value[i].bval = value_s.value.vector[i].bval;
#ifndef VCS
return ;
} /*
* Given a path, look the path name up using the PLI,
* but don't set or get. Just check.
* Return 0 if NOT found.
* Return 1 if found.
int uvm_hdl_check_path(char *path)
vpiHandle r; #ifdef QUESTA
if (!strncmp(path,"$root.",)) {
r = vpi_handle_by_name(path+, );
r = vpi_handle_by_name(path, ); if(r == )
return ;
return ;
} /*
* Given a path, look the path name up using the PLI
* or the FLI, and return its 'value'.
int uvm_hdl_read(char *path, p_vpi_vecval value)
return uvm_hdl_get_vlog(path, value, vpiNoDelay);
} /*
* Given a path, look the path name up using the PLI
* or the FLI, and set it to 'value'.
int uvm_hdl_deposit(char *path, p_vpi_vecval value)
return uvm_hdl_set_vlog(path, value, vpiNoDelay);
} /*
* Given a path, look the path name up using the PLI
* or the FLI, and set it to 'value'.
int uvm_hdl_force(char *path, p_vpi_vecval value)
return uvm_hdl_set_vlog(path, value, vpiForceFlag);
} /*
* Given a path, look the path name up using the PLI
* or the FLI, and release it.
int uvm_hdl_release_and_read(char *path, p_vpi_vecval value)
return uvm_hdl_set_vlog(path, value, vpiReleaseFlag);
} /*
* Given a path, look the path name up using the PLI
* or the FLI, and release it.
int uvm_hdl_release(char *path)
s_vpi_vecval value;
p_vpi_vecval valuep = &value;
return uvm_hdl_set_vlog(path, valuep, vpiReleaseFlag);


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