
  1. /*************************************************************************
  2. * Exercise 1.3.10
  3. *
  4. * % java InfixToPostfix
  5. * ( 1 + ( ( 2 + 3 ) * ( 4 * 5 ) ) )
  6. * 1 2 3 + 4 5 * * +
  7. *
  8. * % java InfixToPostfix
  9. * ( sqrt ( 1 + 2 ) )
  10. * 1 2 + sqrt
  11. *
  12. *************************************************************************/
  14. public class InfixToPostfix
  15. {
  16. public static void main(String[] args)
  17. {
  18. Stack<String> ops = new Stack<String>();
  19. Stack<String> vals = new Stack<String>();
  21. while (!StdIn.isEmpty())
  22. {
  23. String s = StdIn.readString();
  25. if (s.equals("(")) ;
  26. else if (s.equals("+") ||
  27. s.equals("-") ||
  28. s.equals("*") ||
  29. s.equals("/") ||
  30. s.equals("sqrt")) ops.push(s);
  31. else if (s.equals(")"))
  32. {
  33. String op = ops.pop();
  34. String v = vals.pop();
  36. if (op.equals("+") ||
  37. op.equals("-") ||
  38. op.equals("*") ||
  39. op.equals("/"))
  40. v = String.format("%s %s %s", vals.pop(), v, op);
  41. else if (op.equals("sqrt"))
  42. v = String.format("%s %s", v, op);
  44. vals.push(v);
  45. }
  46. else vals.push(s);
  47. }
  49. StdOut.println(vals.pop());
  50. }
  51. }


  1. /*************************************************************************
  2. * Exercise 1.3.11
  3. *
  4. * % java EvaluatePostfix
  5. * 1 2 3 + 4 5 * * +
  6. * 101.0
  7. *
  8. * % java EvaluatePostfix
  9. * 1 5 sqrt + 2.0 /
  10. * 1.618033988749895
  11. *
  12. * % java EvaluatePostfix
  13. * 12 9 - 105 7 / *
  14. * 45.0
  15. *
  16. * % java InfixToPostfix | java EvaluatePostfix
  17. * ( 1 + ( ( 2 + 3 ) * ( 4 * 5 ) ) )
  18. * 101.0
  19. *
  20. * % java InfixToPostfix | java EvaluatePostfix
  21. * ( ( 1 + sqrt ( 5 ) ) / 2.0 )
  22. * 1.618033988749895
  23. *
  24. *************************************************************************/
  26. public class EvaluatePostfix
  27. {
  28. public static void main(String[] args)
  29. {
  30. Stack<Double> vals = new Stack<Double>();
  32. while (!StdIn.isEmpty())
  33. {
  34. String s = StdIn.readString();
  36. if (s.equals("(") ||
  37. s.equals(")")) ;
  38. else if (s.equals("+") ||
  39. s.equals("-") ||
  40. s.equals("*") ||
  41. s.equals("/") ||
  42. s.equals("sqrt"))
  43. {
  44. double v = vals.pop();
  46. if (s.equals("+")) v = vals.pop() + v;
  47. else if (s.equals("-")) v = vals.pop() - v;
  48. else if (s.equals("*")) v = vals.pop() * v;
  49. else if (s.equals("/")) v = vals.pop() / v;
  50. else if (s.equals("sqrt")) v = Math.sqrt(v);
  52. vals.push(v);
  53. }
  54. else
  55. vals.push(Double.parseDouble(s));
  56. }
  58. StdOut.println(vals.pop());
  59. }
  60. }


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