11,SFDC 管理员篇 - 报表和数据的可视化

ilter Type | Description |
Standard Filter | Standard filters are applied by default to most objects. Different objects have different standard filters, but most objects include the standard filters Show and Date Field. Show filters the object around coming groupings (like “My accounts” or “All accounts”). Date Field filters by a field (such as Created Date or Last Activity) and a date range (such as “All Time” or “Last Month”). |
Field Filter | Field filters are available for reports, list views, workflow rules, and other areas of the application. For each filter, set the field, operator, and value. With tabular, summary, and matrix reports, you can drag a field from the Fields pane to the Filters pane to add a report filter. |
Filter Logic | Add Boolean conditions to control how field filters are evaluated. You must add at least 1 field filter before applying filter logic. |
Cross Filter | Filter a report by the child object using WITH or WITHOUT conditions. Add subfilters to further filter by fields on the child object. For example, if you have a cross filter of Accounts with Opportunities, clickAdd Opportunity Filter and create the Opportunity Name equals ACME subfilter to only include those opportunities. 代表的一个子object是否被使用的一个条件,如下图 |
Row Limit | For tabular reports, select the maximum number of rows to display, then choose a field to sort by and the sort order. You can use a tabular report as the source report for a dashboard table or chart component, if you limit the number of rows it returns. |

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