
Four races are available for those who wish to choose the path of martial arts: the careful Gon, the playful Lyn, the elegant Yun, and the hardworking Jin.

Blade & Soulcontains four playable races. They consist of the powerful Gon, the ambitious Jin, the beautiful Yun and the mischievous Lyn. Each provide a set of classes playable with that race and some share classes with other races. Races could also be available in only one gender. There is no difference in gameplay between races whether mechanics or story wise.

Not all races can be playable with all classes and all genders. Some races are more suitable for specific classes and some are only available in only on gender. Here is a list of the options available for the different races:

NCSoft has finally brought its hugely popular MMO Blade and Soul to the West, with the developer hoping that it will garner a similar level of success on these shores as it enjoyed in Asia. With it achieving 1.5 million concurrent players in the region early last year, a higher number than has been achieved by the likes of World of Warcraft, it certainly has the potential to become the next big thing in the genre.


Available Classes:

“Harnessing the power of the dragon, the Gon are a force to be reckoned with when it comes to combat, but are loyal and kind-hearted allies.”

This race is proud of their ancestry, which according to legend, have come from the mighty Dragons themselves.

The Gon put value in skills when in combat and physical strength. They do not stop looking for ways to improve their strengths, capabilities, and the ability to appear victorious amid challenges. This then use to protect and serve others around them. Also, the Gons are easy to trust others, which is rather disadvantageous to them, making them vulnerable to treachery so that their strength can be taken advantage of. Nonetheless, if you are steadfast, a strong friendship with a Gon will prove to be a connection that is for life.

Contrary to what most believe, Gons speak in a serene manner and move in rhythmic paces. However, do not be fooled by this somewhat calm nature – Gons are also given quick anger. And once their anger have been incited, nothing can survive their formidable physique and astounding power.


Available Classes:

“Reflective of the fabled aura of the Black Tortoise, the Jin are skilled, mindful, amiable, enlightened, and righteous.”

In the ancient words of the eastern part of the continent, ‘Jin’ translates to ‘Unyielding Effort’. Most of the notable people in the world come from this race, and to this day, this trait is still what Jin people are known for.

They are smaller in size than the mighty Gon and Jin combatants may appear commonplace to their opponents. But being descendants of the Black Tortoise, their rather plain facade hides a persistence and magnificent strength. Not many will live to tell of a Jin’s skillfulness and perseverance in battle.

Possessing a strong moral compass, the Jins are amiable and thoughtful. If you haappen to find a warrior somewhere who has he tendency to help those who are in need, look closer, most probably that warrior is a Jin.


Available Classes:

“This purely female race favors the sacred world of nature. Blessed with the aesthetics of the Phoenix, the Yun would rather do away with the intricacies of an industrial life.”

The all-female Yun have an inherent connection with nature. They consider the solar system as their guide, they know the ebb and flow of nature, and they can hear the nature’s music that is otherwise inaudible to other races.

The Yun’s finesse and class are inherited from the Funghuang, a fabled Asian bird. They are one of the best artists in the kingdom, thanks to their inherent artistic talents. Whatever a Yun does, expect beauty to be its end-product, to this reason, they are looked upon as the symbols of art and ingenuity. Their goal is to establish the yin and yang of the world, that is why they keep themselves active in the undertakings of the contemporary world.

The Yun value dignity very highly. When not out slaying enemies on the field, they are teaching and meditating with others.


Available Classes:

“The Lyn came from a long line of Kirin ascendants. Not only are they famed for their supernatural fanaticism, but also for their spontaneity.”

The Lyn are easy to recognize with their small tails and big ears. They are also quite playful and impulsive.

This race has innate abilities which makes them special and has helped them endure in a world that is full dangers. Their heightened senses enables them to detect otherwise hidden dishonesty and deceit and also enables them to sense danger allowing them to avoid it. Their ultimate power though is the ability to communicate with spirits that aid in their connection with Familiars and in using earthly powers to their advantage.

Being the spontaneous creatures that they are, expect an interaction with them to be a roller coaster of emotions that includes but not limited to hate, fright, envy, love, and reverence.

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