Greedy - though simple, but fun!

#include <vector>
#include <iostream> using namespace std; int main(){
int n1;
int n2;
int n3;
cin >> n1 >> n2 >> n3;
long long l1 = , l2 = , l3 = ;
vector<int> h1(n1);
for(int h1_i = ;h1_i < n1;h1_i++){
cin >> h1[h1_i];
l1 += h1[h1_i];
vector<int> h2(n2);
for(int h2_i = ;h2_i < n2;h2_i++){
cin >> h2[h2_i];
l2 += h2[h2_i];
vector<int> h3(n3);
for(int h3_i = ;h3_i < n3;h3_i++){
cin >> h3[h3_i];
l3 += h3[h3_i];
} int i1 = , i2 = , i3 = ;
while(!(l1 == l2 && l2 == l3))
// which stack is highest now?
int maxi = ;
int maxl = l1;
if(maxl < l2)
maxi = ;
maxl = l2;
if(maxl < l3)
maxi = ;
maxl = l3;
} //
case :
l1 -= h1[i1++];
case :
l2 -= h2[i2++];
case :
l3 -= h3[i3++];
} if(!l1 || !l2 || !l3)
l1 = l2 = l3 = ;
cout << l1 << endl;
return ;

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