


A SNAT is similar to a NAT, except for the differences listed in this table.

You can map only one original address to a translation address. You can map multiple original addresses to a single translation address. You can even map all node addresses on your network to a single public IP address, in a single SNAT object.
All ports on the internal node are open. By default, SNATs support UDP and TCP only. This makes a SNAT more secure than a NAT.
Local Traffic Manager does not track NAT connections. Local Traffic Manager tracks SNAT connections, which, in turn, allows SNATs and virtual servers to use the same public IP addresses.
You must explicitly enable a NAT on the internal VLAN where the internal node’s traffic arrives on the BIG-IP system. By default, a SNAT that you create is enabled on all VLANs.

About NATs

In some cases, you might want to allow a client on an external network to send a request directly to a specific internal node (thus bypassing the normal load balancing server selection). To send a request directly to an internal server, a client normally needs to know the internal node’s IP address, which is typically a private class IP address. Because private class IP addresses are non-routable, you can instead create a network translation address (NAT). A NAT is a feature of BIG-IP Local Traffic Managerthat provides a routable IP address that an external node can use to send traffic to, or receive traffic from, an internal node.

More specifically, a NAT is an address translation object that instructs Local Traffic Manager (LTM) to translate one IP address in a packet header to another IP address. A NAT consists of a one-to-one mapping of a public IP address to an internal private class IP address.

You can use a NAT in two different ways:

To translate a private class destination address to a public address
When an external node sends traffic to the public IP address defined in a NAT, Local Traffic Manager automatically translates that destination address to the associated private class IP address, which represents a specific node on the internal network. This translation is hidden from the external node that sent the traffic.
To translate a private class source address to a public address
You can also use a NAT to translate an internal node’s private class source IP address to a public IP address. This translation is hidden from the external node that receives the traffic.

To summarize, a NAT provides a routable address for sending packets to or from a node that has a private class IP address.

When you create a NAT, you can map only one private class IP address to a specific public IP address. That is, a NAT always represents a one-to-one mapping between a private class IP address and a public IP address. If you want to map more than one private class IP address (that is, multiple internal nodes) to a single public IP address, you can create a SNAT instead.

Note: NATs do not support port translation, and are not appropriate for protocols that embed IP addresses in the packet, such as FTP, NT Domain, or CORBA IIOP.
Tip: When you use a NAT to provide access to an internal node, all ports on that internal node are open. To mitigate this security risk, consider using a SNAT instead.

Local Traffic Manager can apply a NAT to either an inbound or an outbound connection.

About SNATs

When you need to ensure that server responses always return through the BIG-IP system, or when you want to hide the source addresses of server-initiated requests from external devices, you can implement a SNAT.

A secure network address translation (SNAT) is a BIG-IP Local Traffic Manager feature that translates the source IP address within a connection to a BIG-IP system IP address that you define. The destination node then uses that new source address as its destination address when responding to the request.

For inbound connections, that is, connections initiated by a client node, SNATs ensure that server nodes always send responses back through the BIG-IP system, when the server’s default route would not normally do so. Because a SNAT causes the server to send the response back through the BIG-IP system, the client sees that the response came from the address to which the client sent the request, and consequently accepts the response.

For outbound connections, that is, connections initiated by a server node, SNATs ensure that the internal IP address of the server node remains hidden to an external host when the server initiates a connection to that host.

Important: F5 recommends that before implementing a SNAT, you understand NATs.



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