

MVP具有很多的变体,其中最为常用的一种变体成为Passive View(被动视图)。对于Passive View,Model、View和Presenter之间的关系如下图所示。View和Modell之间不能直接交互,View通过Presenter与Model打交道。Presenter接受View的UI请求,完成简单的UI处理逻辑,并调用Model进行业务处理,并调用View将相应的结果反映出来。View直接依赖Presenter,但是Presenter间接依赖View,它直接依赖的是View实现的接口。

2.Passive View的基本特征

Passive View,顾名思义,View是被动的。那么主动是谁呢?答案是Presenter。对于Presenter的主动性,我个人是这么理解的:

  • Presenter是整个MVP体系的控制中心,而不是单纯的处理View请求的人;
  • View仅仅是用户交互请求的汇报者,对于响应用户交互相关的逻辑和流程,View不参与决策,真正的决策者是Presenter;
  • View向Presenter发送用户交互请求应该采用这样的口吻:“我现在将用户交互请求发送给你,你看着办,需要我的时候我会协助你”,不应该是这样:“我现在处理用户交互请求了,我知道该怎么办,但是我需要你的支持,因为实现业务逻辑的Model只信任你”;
  • 对于绑定到View上的数据,不应该是View从Presenter上“拉”回来的,应该是Presenter主动“推”给View的;
  • View尽可能不维护数据状态,因为其本身仅仅实现单纯的、独立的UI操作;Presenter才是整个体系的协调者,它根据处理用于交互的逻辑给View和Model安排工作。


上面对Passive View MVP特征的罗列,我觉得是一种理想状态。是在大型项目中,尤其是项目的开发者自身并不完全理解MVP原理的情况下,要整体实现这样的一种理想状态是一件很难的事情。从Passive View中Model、View和Presenter三者之间的依赖关系来看,这个模型充分地给了开发者犯这样错误的机会。注意上面的图中View到Presenter的箭头表明View是可以任意的调用Presenter的。开发人员完全有可能将大部分UI处理逻辑写在View中,而Presenter仅仅对Model响应操作的简单调用。为了杜绝开发人员将程序写成基于Proxy的MVP,在我看来,唯一的办法就是尽量弱化(不可能剔除)View对Presenter的依赖。实际上,对于MVP来说,View仅仅向Presenter递交用户交互请求,仅此而已。如果我们将View对Presenter的这点依赖关系实现在框架层次中,最终开发人员的编程来说就不需要这种依赖了。那么我就可以通过一定的编程技巧使View根本无法访问Presenter,从而避免Presenter成为Proxy的可能的。那么,如果在不能获得Presenter的情况下,使View能够正常将请求递交给Presenter呢?很简单,通过事件订阅机制就可以了,虽然View不可以获取到Presenter,但是Presenter却可以获取到View,让Presenter订阅View的相关事件就可以的。



   : using System;
: using System.ComponentModell;
: using System.Windows.Forms;
: namespace MVPDemo
: {
: public class ViewBase: Form
: {
: private object _presenter;
: public ViewBase()
: {
: _presenter = this.CreatePresenter();
: }
: protected virtual object CreatePresenter()
: {
: if (LicenseManager.CurrentContext.UsageModel == LicenseUsageModel.Designtime)
: {
: return null;
: }
: else
: {
: throw new NotImplementedException(string.Format("{0} must override the CreatePresenter method.", this.GetType().FullName));
: }
: }
: }
: }


: namespace MVPDemo
: {
: public class Presenter<IView>
: {
: public IView View { get; private set; }
: public Presenter(IView view)
: {
: this.View = view;
: this.OnViewSet();
: }
: protected virtual void OnViewSet()
: { }
: }
: }


   : using System;
: using System.ComponentModell;
: namespace MVPDemo
: {
: public interface IViewBase
: {
: event EventHandler Load;
: event EventHandler Closed;
: event CancelEventHandler Closing;
: }
: }


上面我通过定义基类和接口为整个编程模型搭建了一个框架,现在我们通过一个具体的例子来介绍该编程模型的应用。我们采用的是一个简单的Windows Forms应用,模拟管理客户信息的场景,逻辑很简单:程序启动的时候显示出所有的客户端列表;用户选择某一客户端,将响应的信息显示在TextBox中以供编辑;对客户端信息进行相应修改之后,点击OK按钮进行保存。整个操作界面如下图所示:


   : using System;
: namespace MVPDemo
: {
: public class Customer: ICloneable
: {
: public string Id
: { get; set; }
: public string FirstName
: { get; set; }
: public string LastName
: { get; set; }
: public string Address
: { get; set; }
: object ICloneable.Clone()
: {
: return this.Clone();
: }
: public Customer Clone()
: {
: return new Customer {
: Id = this.Id,
: FirstName = this.FirstName,
: LastName = this.LastName,
: Address = this.Address
: };
: }
: }
: }


   : using System.Collections.Generic;
: using System.Linq;
: namespace MVPDemo
: {
: public class CustomerModel
: {
: private IList<Customer> _customers = new List<Customer>{
: new Customer{ Id = "", FirstName = "San", LastName = "Zhang", Address="Su zhou"},
: new Customer{ Id = "", FirstName = "Si", LastName = "Li", Address="Shang Hai"}
: };
: public void UpdateCustomer(Customer customer)
: {
: for (int i = ; i < _customers.Count; i++)
: {
: if (_customers[i].Id == customer.Id)
: {
: _customers[i] = customer;
: break;
: }
: }
: }
: public Customer GetCustomerById(string id)
: {
: var customers = from customer in _customers
: where customer.Id == id
: select customer.Clone();
: return customers.ToArray<Customer>()[];
: }
: public Customer[] GetAllCustomers()
: {
: var customers = from customer in _customers
: select customer.Clone();
: return customers.ToArray<Customer>();
: }
: }
: }


   : using System;
: namespace MVPDemo
: {
: public interface ICustomerView : IViewBase
: {
: event EventHandler<CustomerEventArgs> CustomerSelected;
: event EventHandler<CustomerEventArgs> CustomerSaving;
: void ListAllCustomers(Customer[] customers);
: void DisplayCustomerInfo(Customer customer);
: void Clear();
: }
: }


   : using System;
: namespace MVPDemo
: {
: public class CustomerEventArgs : EventArgs
: {
: public string CustomerId
: { get; set; }
: public Customer Customer
: { get; set; }
: }
: }


   : using System.Windows.Forms;
: namespace MVPDemo
: {
: public class CustomerPresenter: Presenter<ICustomerView>
: {
: public CustomerModel Model
: { get; private set; }
: public CustomerPresenter(ICustomerView view)
: : base(view)
: {
: this.Model = new CustomerModel();
: }
: protected override void OnViewSet()
: {
: this.View.Load += (sender, args) =>
: {
: Customer[] customers = this.Model.GetAllCustomers();
: this.View.ListAllCustomers(customers);
: this.View.Clear();
: };
: this.View.CustomerSelected += (sender, args) =>
: {
: Customer customer = this.Model.GetCustomerById(args.CustomerId);
: this.View.DisplayCustomerInfo(customer);
: };
: this.View.CustomerSaving += (sender, args) =>
: {
: this.Model.UpdateCustomer(args.Customer);
: Customer[] customers = this.Model.GetAllCustomers();
: this.View.ListAllCustomers(customers);
: this.View.Clear();: };
: }
: }
: }


   : using System;
: using System.Windows.Forms;
: namespace MVPDemo
: {
: public partial class CustomerView : ViewBase, ICustomerView
: {
: public CustomerView()
: {
: InitializeComponent();
: }
: protected override object CreatePresenter()
: {
: return new CustomerPresenter(this);
: }
: #region ICustomerView Members
: public event EventHandler<CustomerEventArgs> CustomerSelected;
: public event EventHandler<CustomerEventArgs> CustomerSaving;
: public void ListAllCustomers(Customer[] customers)
: {
: this.dataGridViewCustomers.DataSource = customers;
: }
: public void DisplayCustomerInfo(Customer customer)
: {
: this.buttonOK.Enabled = true;
: this.textBoxId.Text = customer.Id;
: this.textBox1stName.Text = customer.FirstName;
: this.textBoxLastName.Text = customer.LastName;
: this.textBoxAddress.Text = customer.Address;
: }
: public void Clear()
: {
: this.buttonOK.Enabled = false;
: this.textBox1stName.Text = string.Empty;
: this.textBoxLastName.Text = string.Empty;
: this.textBoxAddress.Text = string.Empty;
: this.textBoxId.Text = string.Empty;
: }
: #endregion
: protected virtual void OnCustomerSelected(string customerId)
: {
: var previousId = this.textBoxId.Text.Trim();
: if (customerId == previousId)
: {
: return;
: }
: if(null != this.CustomerSelected)
: {
: this.CustomerSelected(this, new CustomerEventArgs{ CustomerId = customerId});
: }
: }
: protected virtual void OnCustomerSaving(Customer customer)
: {
: if(null != this.CustomerSaving)
: {
: this.CustomerSaving(this, new CustomerEventArgs{ Customer = customer});
: }
: }
: private void dataGridViewCustomers_RowHeaderMouseClick(object sender, DataGridViewCellMouseEventArgs e)
: {
: var currentRow = this.dataGridViewCustomers.Rows[e.RowIndex];
: var customerId = currentRow.Cells[].Value.ToString();
: this.OnCustomerSelected(customerId);
: }
: private void buttonOK_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
: {
: var customer = new Customer();
: customer.Id = this.textBoxId.Text.Trim();
: customer.FirstName = this.textBox1stName.Text.Trim();
: customer.LastName = this.textBoxLastName.Text.Trim();
: customer.Address = this.textBoxAddress.Text.Trim();
: this.OnCustomerSaving(customer);
: }
: }
: }






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