lesson 21 Daniel Mendoza
lesson 21 Daniel Mendoza
- bare 赤裸的 :boxers fought with bare fists
- crude
- 天然的:crude sugar, crude oil
- 粗俗的:A crude manner
- figure: someone who is important or famous in someway
- draw up 起草
- draw up a contract/will/list/plan
- 表示喜欢的词语
- like/be interested in
- be fond of
- be into
- ** adore: love sth very much**
- be crazy about
- be addicted to
- have a passion for
- rise to fame 成名
- eminent 杰出的,卓越的(一般形容人)
- turn against sb 与某人反目成仇
- She turned against her old friend.
- After the divorce, he tried to turn the children against their mother.
- bet money on sth 赌... bet on horses
- ring 原意指圈,比如相扑比赛场地的那个圈
- It is/was 的强调句
- I didn't go to bed until my mother came back.
- => It was not until my mother came back that I went to bed.
- He didn't finally beat Humphries and became Champion of England until his third match in 1790.
- => It was not until his third match in 1790 that he finally beat Humphries and became Champion of England.
- be in debt 负债
- defeat/beat 都有打败的意思,但是beat一般只用在比赛中
- I defeated/beat him at chess.
- The enemy was defeated in a decisive battle.
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