--默认值可以不传 local ConfigHelpers = {} --设置物体高亮 target:设置对象 isLigth:是否高亮 seeThrough:是否穿透(默认为true,穿透) startColor:高亮开始颜色(默认初始化) endColor:高亮结束颜色(默认初始化) flashingFrequency:闪烁频率(默认为2) flashingDelay:闪烁延迟(默认为0) nextConfigIdList:完成过后要执行的id集合 function ConfigHelpers.SetHeightLight( target , isLight , seeThrough , startColor , endColor , flashingFrequency , flashingDelay , nextConfigIdList ) local target = ConfigHelpers.FindGameObject(target) if target then flashingFrequency = flashingFrequency or 0.5 flashingDelay = flashingDelay seeThrough = (seeThrough == ] startColor = startColor or endColor = endColor or GameUtils.SetHeightLight( target , isLight, seeThrough, startColor , endColor , flashingFrequency , flashingDelay ) local shla = target:GetComponent("SyncHighLightAction") if shla == nil then shla = target:AddComponent(typeof(SyncHighLightAction)) end shla:UpdateStatus(isLight, seeThrough , startColor , endColor , flashingFrequency , flashingDelay) if nextConfigIdList then ConfigHelpers.ExecIdList(nextConfigIdList) end end end --播放动画 target:设置对象 clipName:动画名称 nextConfigIdList:完成过后要执行的id集合 speed:速度(默认为1) normalizedTime:动画从哪播放(默认为0,从头开始播放) function ConfigHelpers.PlayAnimation( target , clipName , nextConfigIdList , speed , normalizedTime ) if target then target = ConfigHelpers.FindGameObject(target) if target then local anima = target:GetComponent('Animation') if anima then local saa = target:GetComponent("SyncAnimationAction") if saa == nil then saa = target:AddComponent(typeof(SyncAnimationAction)) end speed = speed normalizedTime = normalizedTime local clip = anima:GetClip(clipName) if clip then anima.clip = clip local tClip = anima:get_Item(clipName) tClip.speed = speed tClip.normalizedTime = normalizedTime anima:Play() saa:SendMsgToServer() if nextConfigIdList then local allTime = anima.clip.length / math.abs(speed) GameUtils.StartCoroutineDelaySec(function ( ... ) ConfigHelpers.ExecIdList(nextConfigIdList) end,allTime) end else Print_t('<color=red>发生错误:</color>找不到动画对象='..clipName) end end end end end --播放动画 target:设置对象 clipName:动画名称 nextConfigIdList:完成过后要执行的id集合 speed:速度(默认为1) normalizedTime:动画从哪播放(默认为0,从头开始播放) function ConfigHelpers.PlayAnimator( target , clipName , layer , speed , nextConfigIdList ) if target then target = ConfigHelpers.FindGameObject(target) if target then local anima = target:GetComponent('Animator') if anima then local saa = target:GetComponent("SyncAnimatorAction") if saa == nil then target:AddComponent(typeof(SyncAnimatorAction)) end speed = speed if clipName then anima:Play(clipName,layer) anima.speed = speed if nextConfigIdList then local allTime = anima:GetCurrentAnimatorStateInfo(layer).length / math.abs(speed) GameUtils.StartCoroutineDelaySec(function ( ... ) ConfigHelpers.ExecIdList(nextConfigIdList) end,allTime) end else Print_t('<color=red>发生错误:</color>找不到动画对象='..clipName) end end end end end --延迟几秒执行 sec:延迟秒数 nextConfigIdList:完成过后要执行的id集合 function ConfigHelpers.DelaySec( sec , nextConfigIdList ) GameUtils.StartCoroutineDelaySec(function ( ... ) if nextConfigIdList then ConfigHelpers.ExecIdList(nextConfigIdList) end end,sec) end --播放声音 audioName:音频名称 delaySec:延迟几秒播放(默认为0) nextConfigIdList:完成过后要执行的id集合 function ConfigHelpers.PlayAudio( audioName , delaySec , nextConfigIdList ) local audioLibrary = AudioLibrary.instance local audioClip = audioLibrary:GetAudioClip(audioName) if audioClip then delaySec = delaySec AudioSourceGlobal.clip = audioClip AudioSourceGlobal:PlayDelayed(delaySec) audioLibrary:SendSyncAudio(audioName,delaySec) if nextConfigIdList then GameUtils.StartCoroutineDelaySec(function ( ... ) ConfigHelpers.ExecIdList(nextConfigIdList) end,delaySec + audioClip.length) end else Print_t('<color=red>发生错误:</color>找不到音频对象='..audioName) end end --关闭音频播放 nextConfigIdList:完成过后要执行的id集合 function ConfigHelpers.CloseAudio( nextConfigIdList ) AudioSourceGlobal:Stop() if nextConfigIdList then ConfigHelpers.ExecIdList(nextConfigIdList) end end --设置组件状态 target:设置对象 enabled:是否关闭 nextConfigIdList:完成过后要执行的id集合 function ConfigHelpers.SetComponentEnabled( target , componentName , enabled , nextConfigIdList ) if target then target = ConfigHelpers.FindGameObject(target) if target then local component = target:GetComponent(componentName) if component then component.enabled = enabled if nextConfigIdList then ConfigHelpers.ExecIdList(nextConfigIdList) end else Print_t('<color=red>发生错误:</color>找不到组件对象='..clipName) end end end end --开始计时 nextConfigIdList:完成过后要执行的id集合 local isEndTime = false function ConfigHelpers.StartTime( nextConfigIdList ) tempTime = isEndTime = false GameUtils.StartCoroutineWaitUntil(function ( ) tempTime = tempTime + Time.deltaTime return isEndTime end) if nextConfigIdList then ConfigHelpers.ExecIdList(nextConfigIdList) end end --计时结束 nextConfigIdList:完成过后要执行的id集合 function ConfigHelpers.EndTime( target , nextConfigIdList ) isEndTime = true if target then target = ConfigHelpers.FindGameObject(target) if target then local textObj = target:GetComponent('Text') if textObj then textObj.text = ConfigHelpers.FormatSecond(tempTime) local sta = target:GetComponent("SyncTextAction") if sta == nil then target:AddComponent(typeof(SyncTextAction)) end if nextConfigIdList then ConfigHelpers.ExecIdList(nextConfigIdList) end end end end end --初始化总分 nextConfigIdList:完成过后要执行的id集合 function ConfigHelpers.InitScore( score , nextConfigIdList ) allScore = score if nextConfigIdList then ConfigHelpers.ExecIdList(nextConfigIdList) end end --更新分数 nextConfigIdList:完成过后要执行的id集合 function ConfigHelpers.UpdateScore( value , nextConfigIdList ) allScore = allScore + value if nextConfigIdList then ConfigHelpers.ExecIdList(nextConfigIdList) end end --获取分数并显示 nextConfigIdList:完成过后要执行的id集合 function ConfigHelpers.GetScore( nextConfigIdList ) if nextConfigIdList then ConfigHelpers.ExecIdList(nextConfigIdList) end return allScore end --计时器 target:设置对象 direction:(1为正计时,-1为倒计时) startCount:起始点 endCount:目标点 nextConfigIdList:完成过后要执行的id集合 function ConfigHelpers.Timer( target , direction , startCount , endCount , nextConfigIdList ) if target then target = ConfigHelpers.FindGameObject(target) if target then local textObj = target:GetComponent('Text') if textObj then GameUtils.StartCoroutineWaitUntil(function ( ) then startCount = startCount + Time.deltaTime if startCount >= endCount then if nextConfigIdList then ConfigHelpers.ExecIdList(nextConfigIdList) end Print_t('正计时结束') end textObj.text = tostring(math.floor(startCount)) else startCount = startCount - Time.deltaTime if startCount <= endCount then if nextConfigIdList then ConfigHelpers.ExecIdList(nextConfigIdList) end Print_t('倒计时结束') end textObj.text = tostring(math.ceil(startCount)) end local sta = target:GetComponent("SyncTextAction") if sta == nil then target:AddComponent(typeof(SyncTextAction)) end ] return result end) end end end end --淡入淡出 finishNextConfigIdList:淡出后要执行的id集合 stayNextConfigIdList:黑屏时要执行的集合 fadeInTime:淡入花费时间 stayTime:黑屏花费时间 fadeOutTime:弹出花费时间 function ConfigHelpers.FadeInOut( finishNextConfigIdList , stayNextConfigIdList , fadeInTime , stayTime , fadeOutTime ) fadeInTime = fadeInTime or 1.5 stayTime = stayTime or 0.5 fadeOutTime = fadeOutTime or 1.5 GameUtils.FadeInOut(BlackBgGlobal,fadeInTime,stayTime,fadeOutTime,function ( ... ) if finishNextConfigIdList then ConfigHelpers.ExecIdList(finishNextConfigIdList) end end,function ( ... ) if stayNextConfigIdList then ConfigHelpers.ExecIdList(stayNextConfigIdList) end end) end --设置对象激活状态 target:设置对象 isActive:是否激活 nextConfigIdList:完成过后要执行的id集合 function ConfigHelpers.SetGameObjectActive( target , isActive , nextConfigIdList ) if target then target = ConfigHelpers.FindGameObject(target) if target then local saa = target:GetComponent("SyncActiveAction") if saa == nil then target:AddComponent(typeof(SyncActiveAction)) end target.gameObject:SetActive(isActive) if nextConfigIdList then ConfigHelpers.ExecIdList(nextConfigIdList) end end end end --设置对象旋转 target:设置对象 isLocal:是否本地坐标旋转 time:旋转所需时间 nextConfigIdList:完成过后要执行的id集合 function ConfigHelpers.Rotation( target , isLocal , time , rx , ry , rz , nextConfigIdList ) if target then target = ConfigHelpers.FindGameObject(target) if target then local tween if isLocal then tween = target.transform:DOLocalRotate(Vector3(rx, ry, rz), time):SetEase(Ease.Linear) else tween = target.transform:DORotate(Vector3(rx, ry, rz), time):SetEase(Ease.Linear) end local sta = target:GetComponent("SyncTransformAction") if sta == nil then target:AddComponent(typeof(SyncTransformAction)) end tween:OnComplete(function ( ... ) if nextConfigIdList then ConfigHelpers.ExecIdList(nextConfigIdList) end end) end end end --设置对象缩放 target:设置对象 time:缩放所需时间 nextConfigIdList:完成过后要执行的id集合 function ConfigHelpers.Scale( target , time , sx , sy , sz , nextConfigIdList ) if target then target = ConfigHelpers.FindGameObject(target) if target then local tween tween = target.transform:DOScale(Vector3(sx, sy, sz), time):SetEase(Ease.Linear) local sta = target:GetComponent("SyncTransformAction") if sta == nil then target:AddComponent(typeof(SyncTransformAction)) end tween:OnComplete(function ( ... ) if nextConfigIdList then ConfigHelpers.ExecIdList(nextConfigIdList) end end) end end end --设置主角位置 target:设置对象 px:x值 py:y值 pz:z值 lookTarget:面对的对象 nextConfigIdList:完成过后要执行的id集合 function ConfigHelpers.SetPlayerTransform( px , py , pz , lookTarget , nextConfigIdList ) local target = ConfigHelpers.FindGameObject(lookTarget) GameUtils.SetPlayerTransform(px,py,pz,target and target.transform or nil) if nextConfigIdList then ConfigHelpers.ExecIdList(nextConfigIdList) end end --设置文本内容 target:设置对象 content:内容 nextConfigIdList:完成过后要执行的id集合 function ConfigHelpers.SetText( target , content , nextConfigIdList ) if target then target = ConfigHelpers.FindGameObject(target) if target then local text = target:GetComponent('Text') if text then local sta = target:GetComponent("SyncTextAction") if sta == nil then target:AddComponent(typeof(SyncTextAction)) end text.text = tostring(content) if nextConfigIdList then ConfigHelpers.ExecIdList(nextConfigIdList) end end end end end --移动位置 target:设置对象 isLocal:是否是本地坐标 time:移动所需时间 nextConfigIdList:完成过后要执行的id集合 function ConfigHelpers.MoveToTarget( target , isLocal , px , py , pz , rx , ry , rz , time , nextConfigIdList ) if target then target = ConfigHelpers.FindGameObject(target) if target then rx = rx ry = ry rz = rz local sta = target:GetComponent("SyncTransformAction") if sta == nil then target:AddComponent(typeof(SyncTransformAction)) end GameUtils.MoveToTarget(target,isLocal,px,py,pz,rx,ry,rz ,time,function ( ... ) if nextConfigIdList then ConfigHelpers.ExecIdList(nextConfigIdList) end end) end end end local dataLibrary = {} --设置数据 dataName:数据名称 dataValue:数据的值 nextConfigIdList:完成过后要执行的id集合 function ConfigHelpers.SetData( dataName , dataValue , nextConfigIdList ) dataLibrary[dataName] = dataValue if nextConfigIdList then ConfigHelpers.ExecIdList(nextConfigIdList) end end --获取数据 dataName:数据名称 nextConfigIdList:完成过后要执行的id集合 function ConfigHelpers.GetData( dataName , nextConfigIdList ) if nextConfigIdList then ConfigHelpers.ExecIdList(nextConfigIdList) end return dataLibrary[dataName] end -- local needExecNextConfigIdList -- function ConfigHelpers.SceneLoaded( scene , mode ) -- LoadConfig(,needExecNextConfigIdList) -- SceneManager.sceneLoaded('-', ConfigHelpers.SceneLoaded) -- end --切换场景 sceneName:要切换的场景 nextConfigIdList:完成过后要执行的id集合 function ConfigHelpers.ChangeScene( sceneName , nextConfigIdList ) -- needExecNextConfigIdList = nextConfigIdList -- SceneManager.sceneLoaded('+', ConfigHelpers.SceneLoaded) -- SceneManager.LoadSceneAsync(sceneName) ConfigHelpers.CloseAudio() ConfigHelpers.ClearLongPressMove() followMeDic = {} lookAtDic = {} MF.Route.ClearUpdate() GameUtils.SetRaySelectListenerStatus(true) GameUtils.StopAllCoroutine() GameUtils.LoadScene(sceneName,nextConfigIdList,nil,nil) end --为按钮注册事件 target:设置对象 nextConfigIdList:完成过后要执行的id集合 function ConfigHelpers.RegisterClick( target , nextConfigIdList ) if target then target = ConfigHelpers.FindGameObject(target) if target and nextConfigIdList then GameUtils.RegisterClick(target,function ( ... ) ConfigHelpers.ExecIdList(nextConfigIdList) end) end end end function ConfigHelpers.RemoveClick( target , nextConfigIdList ) if target then target = ConfigHelpers.FindGameObject(target) if target then GameUtils.RemoveClick(target) end if nextConfigIdList then ConfigHelpers.ExecIdList(nextConfigIdList) end end end function ConfigHelpers.OnMouseEnter( target , nextConfigIdList ) if target then target = ConfigHelpers.FindGameObject(target) if target and nextConfigIdList then GameUtils.OnMouseEnter(target,function ( ... ) ConfigHelpers.ExecIdList(nextConfigIdList) end) end end end function ConfigHelpers.RemoveMouseEnter( target , nextConfigIdList ) if target then target = ConfigHelpers.FindGameObject(target) if target then GameUtils.RemoveMouseEnter(target) end if nextConfigIdList then ConfigHelpers.ExecIdList(nextConfigIdList) end end end function ConfigHelpers.OnMouseExit( target , nextConfigIdList ) if target then target = ConfigHelpers.FindGameObject(target) if target and nextConfigIdList then GameUtils.OnMouseExit(target,function ( ... ) ConfigHelpers.ExecIdList(nextConfigIdList) end) end end end function ConfigHelpers.RemoveMouseExit( target , nextConfigIdList ) if target then target = ConfigHelpers.FindGameObject(target) if target then GameUtils.RemoveMouseExit(target) end if nextConfigIdList then ConfigHelpers.ExecIdList(nextConfigIdList) end end end function ConfigHelpers.SetRaySelectListenerStatus( active , nextConfigIdList ) GameUtils.SetRaySelectListenerStatus(active) if nextConfigIdList then ConfigHelpers.ExecIdList(nextConfigIdList) end end --设置父物体 target:设置对象 parent:父物体 nextConfigIdList:完成过后要执行的id集合 function ConfigHelpers.SetParent( target , parent , px , py , pz , rx , ry , rz , sx , sy , sz , nextConfigIdList ) if target and parent then target = ConfigHelpers.FindGameObject(target) if target then parent = ConfigHelpers.FindGameObject(parent) if parent then local sta = target:GetComponent("SyncTransformAction") if sta == nil then target:AddComponent(typeof(SyncTransformAction)) end local t = target.transform t:SetParent(parent.transform) t.localPosition = Vector3( px , py , pz ) t.localEulerAngles = Vector3( rx , ry , rz ) t.localScale = Vector3( sx , sy , sz ) if nextConfigIdList then ConfigHelpers.ExecIdList(nextConfigIdList) end end end end end --跟随摄像机 target:目标对象 isFollow:是否跟随 distance:面向的距离 nextConfigIdList:执行的id集合 local followMeDic = {} function ConfigHelpers.FollowMe( target , isFollow , distance , nextConfigIdList) if target then target = ConfigHelpers.FindGameObject(target) if target then if isFollow then local player = GameObject.Find('FrameWork/Customs/ViveFocus/WaveVR/head').transform distance = distance local spanEulerAngles = target.transform.eulerAngles - player.eulerAngles followMeDic[target] = true GameUtils.StartCoroutineWaitUntil(function ( ... ) local result = player.position + (player.forward * distance) target.transform.position = result target.transform.eulerAngles = spanEulerAngles + player.eulerAngles return not followMeDic[target] end) else followMeDic[target] = nil end if nextConfigIdList then ConfigHelpers.ExecIdList(nextConfigIdList) end end end end --跟随摄像机 target:目标对象 isStop:是否停止面向自己(默认为false) local lookAtDic = {} function ConfigHelpers.LookMe( target , isStop , nextConfigIdList) if target then target = ConfigHelpers.FindGameObject(target) if target then local player = GameObject.Find('FrameWork/Customs/ViveFocus/WaveVR/head').transform if not isStop then lookAtDic[target] = true local rtf = target:GetComponent('RectTransform') GameUtils.StartCoroutineWaitUntil(function ( ... ) target.transform:LookAt(player.position) target.transform:Rotate(Vector3.up, ) return not lookAtDic[target] end) else lookAtDic[target] = nil end if nextConfigIdList then ConfigHelpers.ExecIdList(nextConfigIdList) end end end end --播放视频 target:目标对象 videoName:视频名称(视频放到StreamingAssets文件夹下才有效) isLoop:是否重复播放(默认重复) nextConfigIdList:如果isLoop是true的话,那么会立马执行id集合,否则会等视频播放完才执行id集合 function ConfigHelpers.PlayVedio( target , videoName , isLoop , nextConfigIdList ) if target then target = ConfigHelpers.FindGameObject(target) if target then target:SetActive(false) isLoop = (isLoop == ] local mp = target:GetComponent('MediaPlayerCtrl') if mp == nil then mp = target:AddComponent(typeof(MediaPlayerCtrl)) end mp.m_TargetMaterial = { target } -- mp.m_objResize = { target } mp:Load(videoName) mp.m_bLoop = isLoop mp:Play() target:SetActive(true) if isLoop then if nextConfigIdList then ConfigHelpers.ExecIdList(nextConfigIdList) end else mp.OnEnd = function ( ... ) if nextConfigIdList then ConfigHelpers.ExecIdList(nextConfigIdList) end end end end end end --获取手柄在圆形区域的触摸点 function ConfigHelpers.GetTouchPadPosition( nextConfigIdList ) if nextConfigIdList then ConfigHelpers.ExecIdList(nextConfigIdList) end return GameUtils.GetTouchPadPosition() end --判断手柄上某键是否按下或者鼠标左键是否按下 function ConfigHelpers.GetKeyDown( keycode , nextConfigIdList ) if nextConfigIdList then ConfigHelpers.ExecIdList(nextConfigIdList) end return GameUtils.GetKeyDown(keycode) end --判断手柄上某键是否抬起或者鼠标左键是否抬起 function ConfigHelpers.GetKeyUp( keycode , nextConfigIdList ) if nextConfigIdList then ConfigHelpers.ExecIdList(nextConfigIdList) end return GameUtils.GetKeyUp(keycode) end --增加物体长按拖动 function ConfigHelpers.AddLongPressMove( target , nextConfigIdList ) if target then target = ConfigHelpers.FindGameObject(target) if target then local sta = target:GetComponent("SyncTransformAction") if sta == nil then target:AddComponent(typeof(SyncTransformAction)) end GameUtils.AddLongPressMove(target) end end if nextConfigIdList then ConfigHelpers.ExecIdList(nextConfigIdList) end end --移除物体长按拖动 function ConfigHelpers.RemoveLongPressMove( target , nextConfigIdList ) if target then target = ConfigHelpers.FindGameObject(target) if target then GameUtils.RemoveLongPressMove(target) end end if nextConfigIdList then ConfigHelpers.ExecIdList(nextConfigIdList) end end --清除所有能拖拽物体的状态,使之不能被拖拽 function ConfigHelpers.ClearLongPressMove( nextConfigIdList ) GameUtils.ClearLongPressMove() if nextConfigIdList then ConfigHelpers.ExecIdList(nextConfigIdList) end end function ConfigHelpers.ExecId( id ) if id == nil then Print_t('此id非法') return end if ConfigGlobal[id] == nil then Print_t('不存在此id' return end Print_t(id..' = '..ConfigGlobal[id].action) if ConfigGlobal[id].action then -- assert(load(ConfigGlobal[id].action))() xpcall(load(ConfigGlobal[id].action),function ( ... ) Print_t(debug.traceback(),'<color=red>发生错误</color>') end) end end function ConfigHelpers.ExecIdList( idList ) if idList then if type(idList) == 'table' then for i,id in ipairs(idList) do ConfigHelpers.ExecId(id) end else idList() end end end function ConfigHelpers.FindGameObject( path ) if path and path ~= '' then local target = GameObject.Find(path) if target then return target else local startIndex = string.find(path,'/') if startIndex then ,startIndex-) local root = GameObject.Find('/'..rootPath) if root then ,path.length) local result = root.transform:Find(childPath) if result then return result.gameObject end end end end end Print_t('<color=red>发生错误:</color>找不到对象='..(path or '')) return nil end --总秒数格式化 传总秒数 返回的时间格式为 59:34 第二个参数表示是否显示小时 function ConfigHelpers.FormatSecond( senconds , isShowHour ) ) ) sec = ) then sec = '..sec end then hour = '..hour end local t = min ..':'..sec return isShowHour and hour..t or t end return ConfigHelpers
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