I am a little tempted, but so afraid to look in your eyes.


Now that you are tempted, why not be a little braver?

Just tell her you love her, it is best that she accepts your love, and it is not bad that she rejects your love.

Because even if you are refused, you can know what your impression is in her eyes, maybe luckily, you can get some hints about what can you do to win her heart.

And sometimes we must know what we really desire for, we can't live our life for other people, we have got to do what is right for us, even if it would hurt some people we love.

Be brave, don't be afraid. Just one more step will make a big change.

Everyone is born with genius, but most people only keep it a few minutes.


From Edgard Varese.

Not really, not everyone is born with genius, there are some obvious differences among the infants.

Actually there are many things, considerable amouts, had been decided before we were born, such as our family surroundings, the social classes our family belongs to.

Though we can't change those existing things, we can change the things which happened after we were born, we can create a different world by our own hands.

Whether we can grow up into a genius, mostly depends on our own actions.

Besides, don't lose your hearts, sometimes the strong will may be the only thing that can support you in your darkest days.

However bad life may seem, there is always something we can do, and succeed at, uh, like, sleep and sleep all the day.

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