• 下载解压 bash-3.2
  • 编译bash
  1. export LFS=/my/soft/mylfs
  2. tar xvf $LFS/sources/bash-3.2.tar.gz -C $LFS/sources/
  3. cd $LFS/sources/bash-3.2/
  5. patch -Np1 -i ../bash-3.2-fixes-.patch
  7. ./configure --prefix=$LFS/builds --without-bash-malloc
  8. make
  9. make install
  • 常用的调用堆栈
  1. 在读取命令之前执行一些命令,如PS1的打印
  2. bash [C/C++ Application]
  3. bash [] [cores: ]
  4. Thread # [core: ] (Suspended : Step)
  5. execute_builtin_or_function() at execute_cmd.c:, 0x42bf86
  6. execute_simple_command() at execute_cmd.c:, 0x42bf86
  7. execute_command_internal() at execute_cmd.c: 0x42952e
  8. parse_and_execute() at evalstring.c: 0x45dc63
  9. execute_variable_command() at parse.y:, 0x41e157
  10. parse_command() at eval.c: 0x41b1c2
  11. read_command() at eval.c: 0x41b2a6
  12. reader_loop() at eval.c: 0x41b4e4
  13. main() at shell.c: 0x41ac53
  14. gdb (7.2)
  1. 执行用户输入命令的堆栈
  2. bash [C/C++ Application]
  3. bash [] [cores: ]
  4. Thread # [core: ] (Suspended : Step)
  5. cd_builtin() at cd.def: 0x45a830
  6. execute_builtin() at execute_cmd.c:, 0x4283d1
  7. execute_builtin_or_function() at execute_cmd.c:, 0x42bf60
  8. execute_simple_command() at execute_cmd.c:, 0x42bf60
  9. execute_command_internal() at execute_cmd.c: 0x42952e
  10. execute_command() at execute_cmd.c: 0x429ffe
  11. reader_loop() at eval.c: 0x41b412
  12. main() at shell.c: 0x41ac53
  13. gdb (7.2)
  1. execute_builtin_or_function 方法有一个分支,分为执行内建命令和执行函数
  2. if (builtin)
  3. result = execute_builtin (builtin, words, flags, );
  4. else
  5. result = execute_function (var, words, flags, fds_to_close, , );
  7. 如果是执行函数,如何找到执行的函数呢?
  8. func = find_function (words->word->word);
  10. /* Return the pointer to the function implementing builtin command NAME. */
  11. sh_builtin_func_t *
  12. find_shell_builtin (name)
  13. char *name;
  14. {
  15. current_builtin = builtin_address_internal (name, );
  16. return (current_builtin ? current_builtin->function : (sh_builtin_func_t *)NULL);
  17. }
  • 执行内置命令的方法如下:
  1. static int
  2. execute_builtin (builtin, words, flags, subshell)
  3. sh_builtin_func_t *builtin;
  4. WORD_LIST *words;
  5. int flags, subshell;
  6. {
  7. int old_e_flag, result, eval_unwind;
  8. int isbltinenv;
  10. old_e_flag = exit_immediately_on_error;
  11. /* The eval builtin calls parse_and_execute, which does not know about
  12. the setting of flags, and always calls the execution functions with
  13. flags that will exit the shell on an error if -e is set. If the
  14. eval builtin is being called, and we're supposed to ignore the exit
  15. value of the command, we turn the -e flag off ourselves, then
  16. restore it when the command completes. */
  17. if (subshell == && builtin == eval_builtin && (flags & CMD_IGNORE_RETURN))
  18. {
  19. begin_unwind_frame ("eval_builtin");
  20. unwind_protect_int (exit_immediately_on_error);
  21. exit_immediately_on_error = ;
  22. eval_unwind = ;
  23. }
  24. else
  25. eval_unwind = ;
  27. /* The temporary environment for a builtin is supposed to apply to
  28. all commands executed by that builtin. Currently, this is a
  29. problem only with the `unset', `source' and `eval' builtins. */
  31. isbltinenv = (builtin == source_builtin || builtin == eval_builtin || builtin == unset_builtin);
  33. if (isbltinenv)
  34. {
  35. if (subshell == )
  36. begin_unwind_frame ("builtin_env");
  38. if (temporary_env)
  39. {
  40. push_scope (VC_BLTNENV, temporary_env);
  41. if (subshell == )
  42. add_unwind_protect (pop_scope, (flags & CMD_COMMAND_BUILTIN) ? : "");
  43. temporary_env = (HASH_TABLE *)NULL;
  44. }
  45. }
  47. /* `return' does a longjmp() back to a saved environment in execute_function.
  48. If a variable assignment list preceded the command, and the shell is
  49. running in POSIX mode, we need to merge that into the shell_variables
  50. table, since `return' is a POSIX special builtin. */
  51. if (posixly_correct && subshell == && builtin == return_builtin && temporary_env)
  52. {
  53. begin_unwind_frame ("return_temp_env");
  54. add_unwind_protect (merge_temporary_env, (char *)NULL);
  55. }
  57. /*
  58. 执行执行的语句,会调用不同的内置方法执行具体的命令,如cd命令会执行cd.def中的cd_builtin方法,内置方法的文件都在builtins目录下
  59. */
  60. result = ((*builtin) (words->next));
  62. /* This shouldn't happen, but in case `return' comes back instead of
  63. longjmp'ing, we need to unwind. */
  64. if (posixly_correct && subshell == && builtin == return_builtin && temporary_env)
  65. discard_unwind_frame ("return_temp_env");
  67. if (subshell == && isbltinenv)
  68. run_unwind_frame ("builtin_env");
  70. if (eval_unwind)
  71. {
  72. exit_immediately_on_error += old_e_flag;
  73. discard_unwind_frame ("eval_builtin");
  74. }
  76. return (result);
  77. }

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