Internet History
Alan Turing and Bletchley Park
- Top secret breaking effort(二战破译希特勒密码)
- 10,000 people at the peak(team effort)
- BOMBE:Mechanical Computer(“炸弹”密码破译机)
- Colossus:Electronic Computer(巨人计算机)
- 优势:真空管
- 没有内存
- 纸带
- 每秒读取5000字符
Bletchley Park(布莱切利公园)
- heroes,good guys
- location:north of London, between Oxford and Cambridge in England
- alias(别名):X station(X站)
Alan Turing
- Bombe(“炸弹”密码破译机):12 转、Mechanical Computer、from Bomba
- Turing 并未参与巨人计算机
Bletchley Park was closed,Scientists leave separately(such as MIT), They can't forget the high speed of electrons.The upsurge in computer research has been set off.
- Alumni of the US and UK codebreaking efforts and other started building general purpose computers
- Manchester Baby
- Ferranti Mark I:1500 Electron tube
- Harvard Mark I
- US Army ENIAC:First Universal Computer (第一台通用计算机)
- Atanasoff–Berry Computer:First computer (第一台计算机)
- Mark II:2500 Electron tube
The value of scholars is valued(学者的价值被重视)
- Math / Science “Won the war”
- Broad-based investment in maintaining the US/West intellectual lead
- Mathemeticians were valued, recruited, brilliant, arrogant, and quirky
- "A Beautiful Mind" gives a sense of the culture of the time
John Forbes Nash(经济学博弈论)
- Received his Phd. Mathematics at Princeton in 1950 at 22 years old
- Mathematics faculty at MIT - 1951 - 1958
- Schizophrenia 1959 - 1995
- Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences - 1994
Phone Line Networking
- Dialup:拨号调解器
- Leased:租用线路(贵)
Dial-Up Access(拨号接入)
- connect to one computer without having to walk across campus
- You could 'call' other computers long distance
- The characters were encoded as sound
- Pretty Common in the 1970’s
Data Transfer with Leased Lines(专用线路数据传输)
- No dialing was needed leased lines are always connected
- connected dedicated phone wires and permanent connections
- Expensive because of limited copper - cost was based on distance
- a dedicated connection between two points from the phone company
Store and Forward Networking(存储转发)
- Saving Money with More "Hops"(节省开支)
- find cloest school to make conetction
- 排队产生的问题
- E-Mail could make it across the country in six hours to about 2 days
- Academic network in the 1980’s
Efficient Message Transmission: Packet Switching
- Challenge/Problem: in a simple approach, like store-and-forward, large messages block small ones
- Break each message into packets(大化小)
- Can allow the packets from a single message to travel over different paths, dynamically adjusting for use(允许不同路径)
- Router:Use special-purpose computers, called routers, for the traffic control
- Packets are breaking a big message into small part, labeling each one of them individual, and then throwing them into the shared network
Shared Network
- a problem:circle
- As science needed faster and faster computers, more universities asked for their own Multimillion dollar supercomputer
- The National Science Foundation asked, “Why not buy a few supercomputers, and build up a national shared network?”-->NSF Net
- NSF Net
- NSFNet was funded by the National Science Foundation
- Standardized on TCP/IP
- The first national TCP/IP network that was “inclusive”
- Initially the goal was all research universities(最初为了高校)
- In about 1989-1990, the "academic-only" started being relaxed - led to Internet Service Providers making "dial-up Internet" available to the general public(慢慢普及公众)
- Michigan's State-Wide Network
- In 1969, Merit was one of the earliest network projects that was intended for use by an entire campus population of students, faculty, and alumni.
The Beginning of the Web: CERN
- The Internet was infrastructure - the web gave the Internet a “user interface and URLs
- The Web(万维网) was invented at CERN by Tim Berners-Lee and Robert Cailliau
- CERN developed browsers and servers - with a goal of worldwide hyperlinked documents
The First Web Server in America
- The first web server in America was at the Stanford Linear Accellerator (SLAC)
- It was a database of 300,000 research papers
1993: Gopher is Dominant
- Gopher BOF - 200 attendees
- World-Wide Web BOF - 15 attendees including Tim Berners-Lee
Mosaic - Netscape - Mozilla - Firefox
- Mosaic:the first “consumer” web browser developed at NCSA
- Netscape Founded - April 4, 1994
- As Microsoft worked to suffocate Netscape::
- JavaScript :was invented to compete with Visual Basic (1995)、一种抽象工具、可扩展性强、非Java、simple、free
- Netscape slowly leaked out into Open Source as Mozilla - which later became FireFox (late 1990's)
- FireFox
- search box gave the small Mozilla Foundation millions of dollars of revenue(火狐搜索框)
- leave Netscape, and create firefox(11 persons)
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