- alexis- (Alex Incogito) - Repositories · GitHub
- GitHub - aetcnc-Arduino_DeltaHMI_RS485 Open source info describing how to connect an industrial HMI to an Arduino using RS485 Modbus
- GitHub - AlexandruScutaru-WorldEditor World editor for a 3d game engine.
- GitHub - andryblack-Chipmunk-Sandbox 2D physics world editor
- GitHub - APCVSRepo-hmi_sdk This SDK project provides the SDK for the SDL HMI development.
- GitHub - APCVSRepo-hmi_sdl_core_androidport android HMI including sdl
- GitHub - asiekierka-WireWorld-DS A currently abandoned WireWorld cellular automata simulator-editor for the DS. Feel free to work on it!
- GitHub - auralius-azolla-wth-lua With this simulator, we can design how a robot will navigate in a 2D world by using a set of rules that we design. The rules are designed by using Lua script. Lua itself is a po
- GitHub - bjorn-tiled A generic tile map editor
- GitHub - BlurEffect-LegoEditor An editor created with C++ and DirectX 11 enabling users to create their own worlds made up of Lego bricks.
- GitHub - darsto-visual-elements-editor C++ - GTKmmm3 Binary data file editor for Perfect World Entertainment products. (
- GitHub - DatZach-CharacterEditor Cube World Character Editor
- GitHub - duzhi5368-FKOgreWorldEdit It's a world editor for Ogre's projects.It add some usefully function for Ogre engine.Such as Trigger System, Editable Terrain, Collision System,Animation controller, Decal sy
- GitHub - Edutech-ARM-LPC1768_HMI
- GitHub - eJuke-RagaEditor Best Editor in the world! (maybe)
- GitHub - emint-WorldEditor World editor for SDL based games.
- GitHub - Emobil-LEV_charger_RPi HMI for LEV-Charger, EnergyBus communication and RFID authentification
- GitHub - flylokj-ServerAndroidScada Server of Scada which write in Qt
- GitHub - gabrielcsmo-3D-World-Editor Visual C++
- GitHub - gavinz0228-INI_Parser-C It's a ini file parser written by me in C (Visual Studio)for my HMI(Human Machine Interation) project which is to be run on arm cortex processor. I use stm32f429i discovery for
- GitHub - GENIVI-gdp-hmi GDP launcher application and old (now unused) HMI - for new HMI, go to
- GitHub - GENIVI-hmi-layout-gdp
- GitHub - gigaherz-reactos-build-scripts A collection of small scripts I use for testing ReactOS
- GitHub - glararan-WorldOfWarcraftEditor Editor for World of Warcraft
- GitHub - GoldKeeper-ResEditor Resource editor for
- GitHub - google-scene_lab Embedded World Editor Library for Game Developers
- GitHub - HBelusca-NasuTek-Odyssey-Tools This repo contains tools used to build, debug, or extend Odyssey. These contains tools from ReactOS and other locations as needed.
- GitHub - hfutyyj-hmi better hmi for nsa900
- GitHub - hjek-webcafe simple webcafe for reactos or windows
- GitHub - HumMod-editor A simple editor for HumMod that runs may run the model.
- GitHub - hybrasyl-editor Hybrasyl world editor
- GitHub - jakubszlendak-scada_hmi
- GitHub - joshuaferrara-xprc X-Plane Remote Control - HMI
- GitHub - kakus-dge A flexible and script-able box2d world editor. Written in C++ and javascript. Enjoy !
- GitHub - Karlovsky120-7DaysWorldEditor Not working yet. Far far from it.
- GitHub - karthagokul-quto Qt Automotive HMI framework
- GitHub - katahiromz-FontSub Font Substitutes Editor for Windows-ReactOS
- GitHub - KrisSin-HMI_Library Human Machine Interface (HMI) suitable for embedded system
- GitHub - LeviOfficalDriftingRealmsDev-DriftingRealmsWorldEditor Map maker for Drifting Realms Game
- GitHub - lyplcr-SWE_HMI0031 北京三宇、万能屏显压力机、SWE
- GitHub - m-uu-Noggit3 Noggit is a Map Viewer, and Editor for the game World of Warcraft (3.3.5a)
- GitHub - marwac-9-EDE Extra Drop-rate Editor for a MMORPG game, Perfect World
- GitHub - merhalak-eltech-hmi-design-project Реализация тестовой программы по дисциплине Проектирование человеко-машинного интерфейса
- GitHub - michpolicht-CuteHMI CuteHMI is an open-source HMI (Human Machine Interface) software written in C++ and QML, using Qt library as a framework.
- GitHub - Mikeypilk-WorldEditor A 3D World Editor made with Qt
- GitHub - nedo99-SCADA-system
- GitHub - NickeManarin-ScreenToGif ScreenToGif allows you to record a selected area of your screen, edit and save it as a gif or video.
- GitHub - noppoMan-Motion-HMI Develop new human interface with movement and voice. The goal is publishing monograph.
- GitHub - OpenGameDevelopers-MULE-Client A 3D world editor for multiple contributors to collaborate and work on a single world as well as allow non-contributors to view the changes to the world in real-time. Thi
- GitHub - OpenGameDevelopers-MULE-Server A 3D wold editor for multiple contributors to collaborate and work on a single world as well as allow non-contributors to view the changes to the world in real-time. This
- GitHub - OpenPop-PopWorldEditor Source mirror of ALACN's PopWorldEditor utility (2013-09-10)
- GitHub - pedromateo-openhmitester Open HMI Tester is a GUI Testing tool following an open architecture that describes a non intrusive capture-replay tool based on GUI Events. It may be adapted to support diff
- GitHub - perfume-dev-VoxelEditor Editor app for
- GitHub - PopRe-Pop-World-Editor Populous World Editor
- GitHub - rage311-ClearSCADAExternalEditor Edit ClearSCADA scripts with an external text editor
- GitHub - reactos-reactos ReactOS Mirror
- GitHub - reactos-RosFE ReactOS Forensics Edition
- GitHub - rlk-edworld 3D world editor built on the Thumb engine
- GitHub - robinJKU-hmi_robin The Human Machine Interface stack of robin
- GitHub - RSukharev-hmiSCADA Qt graph visualiser (2)
- GitHub - RSukharev-hmiSCADA Qt graph visualiser
- GitHub - Sainiharpreet-IOT-HMI Internet of Things with Human Machine Interface
- GitHub - ser0ja-PacketFramework A packet editor framework for World of Warcraft Warlords of Draenor (6.2.2 20574).
- GitHub - sgynn-worldeditor Heightmap terrain editor
- GitHub - sherls-GameEngine 3D game engine include networking (RakNet), AI, world editor, graphics (data driven, deferred rendering), collision, audio, ...
- GitHub - sherls-GameEngine2 Simple game engine using C#
- GitHub - ShuaiyiWu-Curriculumn_Design_HMIS HMIS - Database basic & Windows programming Curriculumn Design
- GitHub - sk89q-WorldEdit An in-game voxel map editor for Minecraft
- GitHub - SparrOSDeveloperTeam-Win-IExpress-ReactOS-Qi120983 Install Microsoft's IExpress v2.0 to ReactOS.
- GitHub - Spiegel0-WiFiRoomSensor WiFiRoomSensor is a TCP-IP enabled temperature and humidity sensor and basic HMI. It is intended to interact with IEC 61499-based controllers.
- GitHub - TheArni-SGIEditor Editor application to create worlds compatible with the SGI Engine.
- GitHub - thejinchao-PhylixWorld Editor for physical world
- GitHub - timbaker-pzworlded Official Project Zomboid world editor.
- GitHub - TomHaffenden-3DMapEditor A 3D world editor, Use custom .obj models and .bmp textures to create your own maps.
- GitHub - TrevorAron-OpenSourceIntrusionTolerantSCADA A SCADA system that uses prime for intrusion tolerance. Using PVBrowser as an HMI
- GitHub - ulrichw-NASA-HMI-Observables-Code C codes to produce the observables for the NASA SDO-HMI Instrument, and for calibration of the instrument
- GitHub - Unity-Technologies-EditorVR Author VR in VR - See blog post for supporting downloads
- GitHub - vaddya-FootballEditor16 C++ application that allows you to keep results of the FIFA World Cup or the UEFA European Championship
- GitHub - VeganRoach-OS-sih-world-editor A level editor for the Sih RPG
- GitHub - Vort-RosRegTest Automatization of regression testing for ReactOS
- GitHub - w8tcha-dnnckeditor CKEditor™ Provider for the DNN® Platform
- GitHub - Wali8822-tinyscada A tiny scada system
- GitHub - war2-war2edit Warcraft II World Map Editor
- GitHub - wtrsltnk-BSPFactory [WIP] A map compile GUI written in c++. This is far from finished
- GitHub - wtrsltnk-ControlLib Very old library of c++ wrapper classes around win32 controls
- GitHub - wtrsltnk-craft A collection of sound synthesizing tools based on zynaddsubfx code
- GitHub - wtrsltnk-csg-editor A editor for CSG worlds like the MAP format for Quake-Half-life
- GitHub - wtrsltnk-game-assets Collection of loaders for game engine asset types. Currently supported Half-Life BSP, MDL and SPR.
- GitHub - wtrsltnk-libzynth Library with the synthesizer code from ZynAddSubFX (2)
- GitHub - wtrsltnk-libzynth Library with the synthesizer code from ZynAddSubFX
- GitHub - wtrsltnk-sickle A map editor for quake based game levels
- GitHub - wtrsltnk-Sunset3d Old piece of code that I wrote in 2004. It was a first attempt in creating an 3d world editor.
- GitHub - wtrsltnk-txt-editor Text editor in opengl
- GitHub - wtrsltnk-WorldBuilder Old piece of code that I wrote before 2005. GUI for configuring a map compile toolchain.
- GitHub - wtrsltnk-zynaddsubfx-deps Dependancy files for compiling ZynAddSubFx on windows
- GitHub - wtrsltnk-zynmusicstudio
- GitHub - yatyricky-XYWE XianYu World Editor
- GitHub - zrax-cctools Editor and Tool suite for Chip's Challenge and Tile World
- GitHub - zs9024-quick_psd2ugui 解析psd文件,一键生成ugui面板
- wtrsltnk (Wouter Saaltink) · GitHub
- java直接访问JNDI工具代码
import java.sql.*; import java.util.*; import javax.naming.*; import javax.sql.DataSource; public cl ...
- c/c++中的关键字(static、const、inline、friend)
static:1.a.c语言中static修饰的局部变量在编译时赋初始值,只赋初始值一次,在函数运行时已有初值,每次调用函数时不用重新赋值,指示保留上次 函 数调用结束时的值. 如果定义局部变量不赋初 ...
- hdu 1851(A Simple Game)(sg博弈)
A Simple Game Time Limit: 1000/1000 MS (Java/Others) Memory Limit: 32768/65535 K (Java/Others)Tot ...
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Scipy入门 转: 本章节主要内容来自 Getting Started .翻译的其中一部分,并 ...
- POJ3907:Build Your Home——题解 题目大意:求多边形面积,结果四舍五入. ———————————————————— 多边形面积公式板子题. #include<cstd ...
- BZOJ4259:残缺的字符串——题解 很久很久以前,在你刚刚学习字符串匹配的时候,有两个仅包含小写字母的字符串A和B,其中A串长度 ...
- 洛谷 P3521 [POI2011]ROT-Tree Rotations 解题报告
P3521 [POI2011]ROT-Tree Rotations 题意:递归给出给一棵\(n(1≤n≤200000)\)个叶子的二叉树,可以交换每个点的左右子树,要求前序遍历叶子的逆序对最少. 大体 ...
- UVA.10130 SuperSale (DP 01背包)
UVA.10130 SuperSale (DP 01背包) 题意分析 现在有一家人去超市购物.每个人都有所能携带的重量上限.超市中的每个商品有其相应的价值和重量,并且有规定,每人每种商品最多购买一个. ...
- Android源码4.4.4_r1下载和编译
系统:ubuntu 16.04.2 TLS 1.源码下载: sudo apt-get install curl curl ...
- 【树形DP】【P1351】 【NOIP2014D1T2】联合权值
传送门 Description 无向连通图 \(G\) 有 \(n\) 个点, \(n-1\) 条边.点从 \(1\) 到 \(n\) 依次编号,编号为 \(i\) 的点的权值为 \(W_i\) ,每 ...