* I.MX6 support eMMC 5.0
* 说明:
* 看一下支持eMMC 5.0的支持情况。
* 2017-5-16 台湾 中和区 曾剑锋
****************************************************************************/ 一、参考文档:
. EMMC 5.0 and EMMC 5.1 work on i.MX6
https://community.nxp.com/docs/DOC-332187 二、报错信息:
mmc0: unrecognised EXT_CSD revision
mmc0: error - whilst initialising MMC card 三、解决方法:
. cat drivers/mmc/core/mmc.c :
if (card->ext_csd.rev > ) { // The '6' has to be replaced with '7' For EMMC5.0
// The '6' has to be replaced with '8' For EMMC5.1
pr_err("%s: unrecognised EXT_CSD revision %d\n",
mmc_hostname(card->host), card->ext_csd.rev);
err = -EINVAL;
goto out;

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