1027. Colors in Mars (20) PAT
People in Mars represent the colors in their computers in a similar way as the Earth people. That is, a color is represented by a 6-digit number, where the first 2 digits are for Red, the middle 2 digits for Green, and the last 2 digits for Blue. The only difference is that they use radix 13 (0-9 and A-C) instead of 16. Now given a color in three decimal numbers (each between 0 and 168), you are supposed to output their Mars RGB values.
Each input file contains one test case which occupies a line containing the three decimal color values.
For each test case you should output the Mars RGB value in the following format: first output "#", then followed by a 6-digit number where all the English characters must be upper-cased. If a single color is only 1-digit long, you must print a "0" to the left.
Sample Input
15 43 71
Sample Output
using namespace std; char red[2];
char green[2];
char blue[2]; void change(int a,char color[2],int base)
int i=0;
if( (a%base)<10 )
color[i++] = ((a%base) + '0');
color[i++] = (a%base) + 'A' - 10;
a /= base;
} while (a != 0);
} int main()
int base = 13;
int a,b,c;
int n;
cout<<blue[1]<<blue[0]<<endl; return 0;
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